人教版七年级英语上册Unit 4 Section B (2a-SC)

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1、Section B (2a-SC),Unit 4,Wheres my schoolbag?,学习目标,Key words & phrases:tidy, but, everywhere, always, our Key sentences:My dictionary and my radio are on the desk.My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the desk.,Review,收音机 时钟 磁带 播放机 磁带播放机 模型 飞机 飞机模型,radio clock tape player tape p

2、layer model plane model plane,Lead in,整洁的 但是 我们的 处处,到处 总是,tidy but our everywhere always,Presentation,课文展现,2a Write the words you know for the thingsin the picture.,bed quilt sofa,desk chair key,books notebook,clock schoolbag,pen CD radio,Read the passage and answer the questions: Is Kate tidy? Is G

3、ina tidy? 阅读短文并回答问题。,2b,Anser the questions: Is Kate tidy? Yes,she is. Is Gina tidy? No,she isnt.,Language points,1.but conj.但是 连接两个表示转折关系的词或句子。eg. My book is on the desk but my baseball is under the desk.我的书在课桌上,但是我的棒球在课桌下。,2.everywhere adv.到处;处处,相当于here and there。eg. The books are everywhere-on th

4、e bed,on the desk and on the chair.书到处都是-床上,课桌上和椅子上。,3.always adv.总是,当主语是第三人称单数时,注意动词要改为第三人称单数形式。eg. My friend Linda always asks me,“How are you?”我的朋友琳达总是问我:“你好 吗?”,Complete the chart about the things Kateand Gina have and where they are. 根据凯特和吉娜拥有的物品及其位置完成表格。,keys in the schoolbag,clock on the desk

5、,books everywhere,2c,Do you have these things? Where are they? 你有这些物品吗?通常你把它们放在哪里?,3a,Write about where the things are in your room. Use the word and if you can. 写出你房间里物品 的位置,尝试在句中使用and。,1. My dictionary and my radio are on the desk.,2. My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the

6、desk.,3. My books are and my notebook is 4. My quilt and my pillow are 5. My cup is and my clock is ,3b,Write the things in your room.,Furniture(家具):Stationery(文具):Other(其他):,desk bed table chair bookcase sofa,pencil schoolbag pen book notebook eraser ruler,key baseball hat clock CD computer game,Se

7、lf Check,1,Write about the things in your classroomwith in, on and under.,The chalk(粉笔)is in the chalk box, and the chalk box is on the teachers desk, too. The teachers chair is under the teachers desk.,2,Homework,Homework,书面作业 (Writing work)1. 课时训练 Unit 4 Section B第二课时2. 画一张自己的房间图,并在图下方写一段话介 绍你的房间。This is my room. The schoolbag is on the chair 口头作业 (Oral work)1. 背单词2. 熟读课文Unit 4 Section B 2b,Thank you,everyone!Bye-Bye,


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