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1、2018/8/31,1,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自 学 反 馈,重 点 突 破,2018/8/31,2,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自 学 反 馈,truth,murderer,experienced,missing,自学反馈,重点突破,heavily,criminal,safety,theft,2018/8/31,3,go missing,much more serious,a 25yearold man,anything unusual,bleed to death,be wounded with a knife,be guilty of,be charged wi

2、th,medium height,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,4,break into,offer a reward of,according to the record,contact the police,breathe heavily,for safety,have nothing to do with,be created by,the drawing of,do something against the law,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,5,get on well with sb,

3、call the police,dofor a living,be under arrest for murder,lead to,in a hurry,a man of great wealth,protect oneself against crime,guard against sth,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,6,has gone missing,was last seen leaving,was wounded with a knife,bled to death as a result,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反

4、馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,7,according to the record,was guilty of,was charged with breaking into,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,8,Were not sure whether,have offered a reward of,leads to the arrest of the murderer,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,9,gets along with,guard against any possible dang

5、er,except,where it came from,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,10,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,11,词 汇 点 睛,1 truth n. 事实,真相 点拨 to tell the truth说实话;老实说 A number of us missed this simple truth. 我们当中许多人都忽略了这个简单的真理。 To tell the truth, he is getting on really well with his classmates. 说实话,

6、他与同学相处得真的很不错。,重 点 突 破,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,12,拓展 true adj.真实的,真的 truly adv.真实地;真诚地;正确地 He knew he had behaved badly and he seemed truly sorry. 他知道自己表现得不好,所以看起来确实显得懊悔。 That necklace you borrowed from me wasnt a real/true diamond necklace. 你向我借的那条项链并不是真的钻石项链。 Is it true that he has l

7、eft for London? 他已经去伦敦的消息是真的吗?,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,13, 2 suppose vt. 猜想,假定,料想 I suppose well go there next week. 我猜想我们下周将去那儿。 What makes you suppose him to be connected with them? 你怎么会认为他与他们有联系呢? We all suppose him clever. 我们所有的人都认为他聪明。 You dont mind my smoking, I suppose. 我想你不会介意

8、我吸烟。,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,14,拓展 主语是第一人称,谓语动词为think, suppose, believe, guess等的否定句,形式上要否定主句,即“否定前移”现象,但在翻译时要否定从句。 I dont suppose Ill trouble you. 我想我不会麻烦你。,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,15, 3 safety n. 安全 Its very important to teach children about road safety. 把道路交通安全常识教给孩子们

9、是非常重要的。,拓展 safely adv. 安全地,平安地;可靠地 safe adj. 安全的;安然无恙的;可靠的;谨慎的 n保险箱 Put the money in the hotel safe for safety. 为了安全起见,请把钱放到饭店的保险箱里。 We can build up the speed gradually and safely. 我们可以逐渐稳妥地提高速度。,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,16,搭配 与safety相关的短语: personal safety 个人安全 public safety 公共安全 for s

10、afety 为了安全,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,17, 4 guilty adj. 有罪的 点拨 be guilty of 犯有罪 I feel guilty about not having written to you sooner. 我为没有早些给你写信而感到内疚。 The thief sought forgiveness for his guilty acts. 那个小偷乞求宽恕他的罪行。 David was guilty of robbery in the past. 戴维曾经犯有抢劫罪。,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学

11、反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,18, 1 wound, injure, hurt, destroy和damage,巧 辨 异 同,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,19,Two soldiers died and three others were wounded in the attack. 在这次袭击中,有两名士兵牺牲,三名受伤。 He was seriously injured in the accident.他在那次事故中严重受伤。 There is no doubt that she is deeply hurt by his wor

12、ds. 毫无疑问,他那些话深深地伤害了她。 The whole city was destroyed in the war.在那次战争中,整个城市都被摧毁了。 The flood did a lot of damage to the crops. 洪水毁坏了大量农作物。,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,20, The victim was wounded with a knife and bled to death as a result. 那位受害者被刀砍伤了,结果失血过多而死亡。 点拨 (1)as a result 意为“结果”。 He arr

13、ived late for the interview. As a result, he lost the chance.他面试迟到了,结果失去了这次机会。 (2)bleed作动词,意为“流血;给抽血”,其过去式和过去分词均为bled。bleed to death意为“流血过多而死亡”。 If you cut your finger, it will bleed. 如果你割伤了手指,它会流血。,句 型 透 视,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,21,拓展 as a result ofbecause of由于 He lives a poor life

14、as a result of his laziness. 由于懒惰,他过着贫困的生活。,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,22, 2 “He was charged with breaking into several computer systems over the last year,” said Detective Lu. 陆警探说:“他被指控在去年强行进入几家电脑系统。” 点拨 (1)charge sb with意为“指控某人有罪”;其被动语态结构为“sb be charged with”。 The police charged the m

15、an with stealing the money. 警方指控这个人偷钱。 The old man was charged with kidnapping. 那个老人被指控犯有绑架罪。,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,自学反馈,重点突破,2018/8/31,23,(2)break into意为“强行闯入”。 The thief can break into a car in less than ten seconds.那个窃贼不到十秒钟就能把车撬开。 (3)several pron.若干 adj.几个的;若干的;各自的 I bought several books yesterday.

16、 我昨天买了好几本书。 Several of the children were in the garden. 有几个孩子在花园里。,拓展 与break相关的短语: break down破坏,坏掉 break in 打断 break out 爆发 break away from 逃脱,脱离 break through 取得突破 break up打碎,拆散,分解 break into pieces破成碎片 break ones word/promise食言 break the record打破纪录 break ones heart 使某人悲痛欲绝 break the law违法,第24课时 Unit 8 九年级上册,


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