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1、第八讲:比喻的理解与表达,英语中的比喻:明喻(simile) 暗喻(metaphor) 类比(analogy) 讽喻(allegory) 换喻(metonymy) 提喻(synecdoche),明喻(simile),从结构上看,明喻包括本体(subject或tenor),喻体(reference或vehicle)和比喻词(indicator of resemblance或 simile marker) 常见的比喻词有:like, as, as if, as though, asas, asso, similar to, to bear a resemblance to, etc. Exampl

2、es:,1.Records fell like ripe apples on a windy day.很多记录都被轻而易举地打破了。 2. She spoke hurriedly, as if her heart had leaped into her throat at the boys words. 她说的很快,好象那个男孩的话让他的心都跳到嗓子眼上了。 3. With the quickness of a long cat, she climbed up into the nest of cool-bladed foliage.她象猫一样“嗖嗖嗖”几步就爬到了用密密麻麻树叶编织的鸟巢里。

3、 4. 短语中:fresh as a rose, brave as a lion, cunning as a fox, proud as a peacock,etc.,暗喻(metaphor),Metaphor称为“暗喻”,亦称“隐喻”。它同明喻一样,也是在两个不同类对象之间进行比喻,区别在于:明喻把本体和喻体说成是相似的,而暗喻则把两者说成是一致的。明喻中有比喻词,而暗喻中没有,故暗喻也被称为“压缩了的明喻”(condensed simile),examples,The news is a dagger to her heart. 这个消息犹如在她心上戳了一刀。 这个消息让她心如刀绞。 这个

4、消息让她悲痛万分。 She was strangled in the net of gossip. 流言蜚语犹如一张网,裹得她喘不过气 闲言碎语使她痛苦不堪。,Money is the lens in a camera. 金钱就象照相机的镜头,能检验一个人的不同品质。 A house divided against itself cant stand. 团结就是力量 一根筷子易断,一把筷子难折 内部分裂的结局就是灭亡。 家庭纷争必然导致四分五裂。,类比(analogy),类比是就两种本质上不同的事物之间的共同点加以比较。从结构上看,它常常既有带比喻的明喻,又有直接把本体说成喻体的隐喻;它是通过

5、比喻手法的综合运用来说明道理或情况。Alexander Pope曾用类比来说明人们的想法,看法何以千差万别。,Its with our judgments as with our watches; none go just alike, yet each believes his own. 人们的想法如同佩带在手上的手表:虽然显示的时间各不相同,但都坚信自己是正确的。 The inspiration for a story is like “a pull on the line the outside signal that has startled or moved the creative

6、 mind to complicity and brought the story to active being”,创作小说的灵感如同水中的鱼拖动钓线,外界信息的触动可以启发创造性的头脑,从而使之产生共鸣,创作出优秀的小说。 Judicious praise is to children what the sun is to flowers. 明智的赞扬对于孩子的作用,就像阳光对于花朵的作用一样。 In rivers the water that you touch is the last of that has passed and the first of that which come

7、s: so with time present. 你在河中感触到的水,既是最后的逝者,也是最先的来者,眼前光阴亦是如此。,讽喻(allegory),讽喻也叫寓意,是一种比隐喻更为委婉的比喻,其基本形式是以具体形象说明抽象概念,通过具体形象或浅近事实,给人以启发,引导人们去认清事物的本质或深邃的哲理。 No rose without a thorn. 玫瑰都有刺-有快乐就有苦恼。 Its time to turn swords into ploughs. 是该把剑变成犁的时候了。(说明应以和平代替战争) All that glisters is not gold.,换喻(metonymy),Me

8、tonymy亦称“借代”,是借与某事物密切相关的东西来表示该事物。即利用两个对象之间的某种联系来唤起别人的联想,从而避免生硬直说。 He must have been spoiled from the cradle. 他一定是从小就宠坏了。,The kettle is boiling. 水开了。 The pen is stronger than the sword. 笔利于剑。/文优于武。 The grey hair should be respected. 老年人应当受到尊重。 Having finished the law school, he was called to the bar.

9、 从法学院毕业后,他当了一名律师。 Most Asian leaders want attention from Uncle Sam but not too much. 大多数亚洲国家都希望得到美国的关注,但不希望太多。,提喻(synecdoche),Synecdoche 是以事物的局部表示整体,或反过来以事物的整体表示局部。 This famous port used to be a harbour which was crowded with masts. 这个有名的港口曾经是一个泊满船只的港湾。 All the plants in the cold country are turning

10、 green in this smiling year. 在温暖的春天,这个寒冷国家的所有植物开始变绿了。,比喻的翻译,常见的英语比喻的翻译有以下几种: 直译法 加注法 释义法 归化法,直译法,Every man has in himself a continent of undiscovered character. Happy is he who acts the Columbus to his own soul. 每个人的内心都有一块未发现的个性大陆,谁能做自己灵魂的哥伦布,谁就会幸福。 While we cannot close the gulf between us, we can

11、try to bridge it so that we may be able to talk across it. 尽管我们不能填平我们之间的鸿沟,但我们可以设法搭一座桥,以便跨过这座桥来进行会谈。,As it turned out, I went from the frying pan into the fire. 不料我跳出油锅,却又掉进火里。 The book set off a firestorm of reaction. 这本书引起风暴般的反应。,加注法,加注也是丰富译入语言表达的一种有效方法。它既能传达原文的意思和神韵,又能扩展读者的知识面。 He combined in his

12、 temperament the restlessness of a Hotspur with the Patience of a Fabius. 他的性格既有霍特斯伯那样的急噪,又有费边那样的耐心。(注: 霍特斯伯是莎剧亨利四世中一个人物的绰号,此人是个急性子; 费边是罗马名将,曾以拖延战术击败汉尼拔),Tom is a Hercules . 汤姆是赫拉克勒斯式的人物,非常强壮。 (注: 赫拉克勒斯是希腊和罗马神话中主神宙斯之子,力大无比,曾完成12项英雄业绩,被誉为“大力士”) He is another Shylock . 他是又一个夏洛克。,释义法,有的英语修辞手法由于其比喻形象很难在

13、汉语中表现出来,如强行保留会因形害义,这时我们就有必要采用释义法,只把原修辞格的意思表达出来即可。 The ham sandwich is waiting for his check. 那位买火腿三明治的顾客正在等候结帐。 You want your pound of flesh, dont you? 你要逼债,是吗?,With determination, with luck, and with help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes. 凭着我的决心,我的运气,还有许多善良人们的帮助,我终于得以东山再起

14、。 You need to budget your time. 你必须安排一下你的时间。,归化法,有些英语的修辞格译成汉语时,可以换用符合汉语习惯的 其他修辞格或是改变原文中的比喻形象,使译文在思想上忠实于原作,风格和神韵上尽量求得与原文相接近的效果。 Sometimes a person who presents himself as kind and gentle can in private turn out to be a dragon, who breathes fire. 有时,一个人在公共场合显得和蔼可亲,温文尔雅,而在私下里却凶神恶煞。,He was so fond of ta

15、lking that his comrades nicknamed him “magpie” 他如此唠叨,同伴们给他起了个“麻雀”的外号。 It is regrettable that our appeal remained a dead letter. 遗憾的是,我们当时的呼吁石沉大海。 Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market. 昨晚,我听到他鼾声如雷。,She felt that she must not yield, she must go on leading her straitened, humdrum life. This was her punishment for having made a mistake. She had made her bed, and she must lie on it. 她觉得她不能打退堂鼓,她必须继续过她那贫穷而单调的生活。这是她犯了错误得到的惩罚,她要自食其果。,


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