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1、Corporate Social Responsibility,CSR,Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment(promise) by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workplace and their families as well as of the local community and society at la

2、rgeby Lord Holme and Rechard Watts,Corporate Social Responsibility,Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) is a duty of every corporate body to protect the interest of the society at large. Even though the main motive of business is to earn profit, corporates should take initiative for welfare of the

3、society and should perform its activities within the framework(框架) of environmental norms(standards).,Ethics and Values,Ethics and values are essentials on which businesses re founded and through which success can be achieved and communities developed. CSR has always been a major influence in the bu

4、siness world and is growing in importance as it is increasingly supported by business medels and standards.,Ethical Foundations of Quality,CSR and quality are strong linked through such principles as ethics and respect for people and a total quality management will be successful.,CSR includes Consid

5、eration of such Issues as:,Human rights Workplace and employee issues,including occupational health and safety. Unfair business practice. Environmental aspect. Marketplace and consumer issues community involvement. Social development,The Advantages to Business,Reducing and limiting litigetion(ltge()

6、n 诉讼 ) Protecting brand image Improving customer satisfaction Reducing absenteeism and employee turnover and increasing the ability to retain talented employees,NOKIA公司的“手牵手计划”,许多科学证据都支持了儿童6岁前所受适当教育与发展的重要性: 80%的人脑发育,包括语言能力,重要的高阶认知功能等都在6岁前开 出现与发展。2008年,针对农村学龄前儿童,诺基亚投资总额逾6000 元人民币,启动了“手牵手”计划,旨在为0至6岁的农

7、村儿童提供优质 的早期发展与养育服务,包括卫生保健、婴幼儿养护、营养咨询、教育 支持等各个方面。这是中国农村儿童早教事业史上最大的非政府投资项 目,计划分三期完成。项目第一期已在陕西、甘肃、河南的六个国家级 贫困县展开了试点,重点探索了培训的内容以及早教中心的管理运营机 制,使112,923名农村儿童享受到高质的早期儿童养育及教育服务,于 6个县建立或支持了270个早教中心,3,080名农村教师、医务工作者和 政府工作人员,以及136,706名培训者和家长接受了培训并参加了养育 知识普及的活动。第二期将在总结第一期经验的基础上把项目扩大到18 个国家级贫困县。,施华洛世奇的“长江水学校”,施华洛世奇的“长江水学校”项目,旨在鼓励当地、国内和 世界各地的人们,学习和实践可持续水资源管理,还推行有 关水资源健康和卫生保健的社区项目,支持水资源生态系统 和自然栖息地的保护工作。目前,“长江水学校”在全国共 有33所,其中云南省10所,四川省9所,上海8所,重庆有4 所,青海省2所。,Thank you .,



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