【优化指导】2016-2017高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers模块重点小结课件 外研版必修1

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《【优化指导】2016-2017高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers模块重点小结课件 外研版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【优化指导】2016-2017高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers模块重点小结课件 外研版必修1(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、模块重点小结,重点句型,重点语法,交际功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,1.Shes kind and patient,and she explains English grammar clearly even I can understand it! 她既和蔼又有耐心,而且解释英语语法非常清楚,甚至连我也能听懂! 2.Ill do well in the exam Mrs Chen me.我认为有陈老师教,我会考得很好。 3. is interesting at differences between schools in different countries. 了解各国学校之间的差别是很有意思的

2、。,so,that,with,teaching,It,to look,重点句型,重点语法,交际功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,Verbs followed by -ing(跟动词-ing作宾语的动词) 1.She you feel stupid. 她不会让你觉得自己愚蠢。 2.And a few students even her. 一些学生甚至承认喜欢她。,avoids making,admit liking,重点句型,重点语法,交际功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,1.It doesnt matter if.(某事)不重要。 2.Id guess that.我猜 3.Do you enjoy mathe

3、matics?你喜欢数学吗? 4.I prefer. 我喜欢 5.Im not .我不擅长 6.Id rather do. 我宁愿做 7.Have you ?你听明白了吗? 8.Thats settled.就这么定了。 9. 你说了算;你来决定。 10.The same Russia.俄罗斯也是如此。,good at,got that,Its up to you.,is true of,重点句型,重点语法,交际功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,学好英语,做到“三有” 1.有序:赢得学习主动权 所谓有序就是忙而不乱、紧张而有序地安排自己的学习。建议同学们做到: (1)规划有序 在学习的进度上,边学习新知

4、识,边复习梳理旧知识;在时间的安排上,每一阶段先抓什么,后抓什么应有通盘考虑;在对自己的学习评价上要恰如其分,既不能妄自菲薄,也不应自命不凡。 (2)主次有序 在基础知识和能力提高的关系上还是要立足于打好各种基础。比如听力训练、语法基础及知识点的积累,这些都应侧重在起始阶段,要安排相当的时间和精力做好。有了这个坚实的基础,才有提高的空间。有些同学一进入高中,便迫不及待地做起高考的综合测试卷,这显然有点操之过急,效果也不一定好。,重点句型,重点语法,交际功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,2.有度:超前学习要适度 凡事都有一个限度,超出了这个度,往往会适得其反。 适度超越学习目标 对处于各个学习层次的学生

5、来讲都适用这个原则。“实事求是”讲的是正视自己现有实际学习水平,不盲目乐观,也不紧张过度,甚至悲观失望。适度超前,就是要有一个经过努力之后能达到的目标。这样在尝到了成功的喜悦之后,才会不断提高学习信心和注入继续努力的动力。否则,如果超过了这个度,一旦达不到目标,就会影响情绪,甚至丧失信心。,重点句型,重点语法,交际功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,3.有效:追求高效学习和有效学习 时间利用有效 在计划中用来学习英语的时间不能随意更改,不能心猿意马,而要集中精力,完成预定任务。到高中阶段,还要训练在限定时间内完成测试内容的速度。 学习内容有效 在开始阶段,把复习重点放在语法、词汇等基础知识上面,这无疑是

6、正确的。但我们发现不少学生在相当长时间内对完形、阅读、写作等其他题目老是提不起兴致,找错了主攻方向,结果是捡了芝麻丢了西瓜。,重点句型,重点语法,交际功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,学习方法有效 拿扩大词汇来讲,就要多读、多看、多记。注意单词用法,一词多义,词义辨析,动宾搭配,动词与介词搭配等。再拿语言素材的积累来讲,则要立足课本,又要及时补充政治、经济、科技、文化教育和信息网络等方面的大量语言材料,以弥补现行教材中的不足。 解题方法有效 完形填空要重视上下文联系,不能就词论词,就句论句;阅读理解要分析阅读题型,如细节题,归纳题,推理题,数据题或词义辨析题等,根据不同要求用不同的方法解决;写作题则根

7、据不同文体要求在字、词、句、段诸方面都有相应的讲究。学英语,听说读写要联动。巩固词汇打牢基础,突破阅读得英语天下!,重点句型,重点语法,交际功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,Why should you get along well with your teacher? Its good to get along with your teacher because it makes the time you spend in the classroom more pleasant. Its also good to get along with your teacher because,in gene

8、ral,its smart to learn how to relate to different types of people youll meet throughout your life. But really,theres one super-important reason why you should get along with your teacher.When you do it,“learning bursts1 right open,”says Evelyn Vuko,a longtime teacher who writes an education column2

9、called “Teacher Says” for the Washington Post newspaper.,重点句型,重点语法,交际功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,In fact,kids who get along with their teachers not only learn more,but theyre also more comfortable asking questions and getting extra help.This makes it easier to understand new material and do better on tests.When yo

10、u have this kind of relationship with a teacher,he or she can be someone to turn to when you have problems,such as problems with learning,school issues3,or bullying. As a kid in elementary or middle school,youre at a wonderful stage in your life.Youre like a sponge4,able to take in lots of new and e

11、xciting information.On top of that,youre able to think about all this information in new ways.Remember teachers are people,too,and they feel great if youre open to what theyre teaching you.Thats why they wanted to be teachers in the first placeto teach!,重点句型,重点语法,交际功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,In every school,kids

12、will say certain teachers are tough.In fact,in most cases,your teacher wants to help you.And a teacher whos called tough may be someone who feels strongly about getting his or her job doneteaching you what you are supposed to learn. 词海拾贝 1.burst bst v.爆发,突发 2.column klm n.专栏 3.issue Iu n.议题,(令人担忧的)问

13、题 4.sponge spd n.海绵,重点句型,重点语法,交际功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,理解诱思 1.The reasons why kids should get along with their teachers are the following except “ ”. A.The teachers will find faults with them B.They can turn to their teachers for help C.They can learn more by doing so D.They will feel comfortable to ask questions2.Getting along well with teachers does good,but how to get along with them? 答案: Different students have different answers.,答案:A,


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