职场英语写作--Chapter 9 道歉信与祝贺信

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《职场英语写作--Chapter 9 道歉信与祝贺信》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《职场英语写作--Chapter 9 道歉信与祝贺信(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1,English Writing for a Business Career,Chapter 9 Apologies and Congratulations,Li Xiangqi Faculty of English Education (外语教学中心),November 23, 2010,2,English Writing for a Business Career,J:职场英语写作职场英语写作-2010-09职场英语写作-Chapter 9 道歉信与祝贺信-MV-Timbaland feat One Republic Apologize.avi J:职场英语写作职场英语写作-2010-0

2、9职场英语写作-Chapter 9 道歉信与祝贺信-道歉先生之自残篇.avi,3,Apology,Why should you write APOLOGETIC letters?Apologies are necessary for your own peace of mind and for good future relationship with an offended person.An unsolicited(主动提供的) letter of apology removes a barrier or even preserves a business relationship.,职场

3、英语写作-Lecture 9: Apologies and Congratulations,4,Apology,What are included in APOLOGETIC letters?The apologies(The attitude counts.)The mistake you made(Why you write this letter of apology?)The solution or remedial measures taken(The promises)The wish for being forgiven(Goodwill to maintain relation

4、ship),职场英语写作-Lecture 9: Apologies and Congratulations,5,Apology,What should you pay attention to when writing APOLOGETIC letters?1. Be sincere, direct and brief. 2. Use general terms to avoid reinforcing(增加)the unpleasantness of the mistakes. 3. Empathy(转移注意力) is the key to an appropriate apology.,职

5、场英语写作-Lecture 9: Apologies and Congratulations,6,Tips for an apology letter,7,Apology,Letters of Apology 1. Guidelines: (1) 言辞恳切,诚心诚意,指出自己并非故意伤害或开罪对 方,切忌对自己的过失作过多辩解。(2) 恳请对方谅解自己的过失或给对方带来的不便。(3) 使用 Im sorry, I apologize 等字眼明确表达自己的歉意。2. Components: (1) 道歉行为和内容;(2) 道歉的具体理由; (3) 弥补方法; (4) 进一步致歉.,职场英语写作-

6、Lecture 9: Apologies and Congratulations,8,May 20, 2008 Mr. James Matz 164 Myrtle Street Kensington, London England W8 6QT Dear Mr. Matz: The first paragraph of your letter should state what you are apologizing for, give as much detail about the situation as possible and take full responsibility.The

7、 second paragraph explains your role in the situation and ask for forgiveness. Promise that it wont happen again, and if applicable, what steps were implemented to prevent the problem from occurring again.Again, apologize for the inconvenience. If possible provide a form of restitution such as a dis

8、count on the current or future transaction.Yours very truly, David Bleumeyer President,Date,Business Contact Information,Salutation,Complimentary Close,Signature,Basic structure of an apology letter,Body,9,Suppliers side (For incorrect billing ),Dear Mr. White, As per your request, I have reviewed t

9、he White & Sons Hardware account. According to our records, the correct cost of three hundred Slam Bam hammers is $2,975.00. Thank you very much for contacting me about this error. We certainly apologize for any inconvenience, and we have already credited to your account $326.00. In addition, enclos

10、ed with this letter is an updated and accurate invoice. We appreciate your continued business and look forward to working with you in the future. If you have any questions or concerns about this matter, please dont hesitate to call me. My telephone number is 404-876-5415. Sincerely, Jacob Coleman Ac

11、counts Payable Representative,Quickly gets to the point.,Clearly states the steps he is taking to resolve the problem, applying a credit to the customers account.,His contact information for further assistance.,Write this apology as soon as possible after the incident. A sincere, well-worded apology

12、 can help win back disgruntled customers and business associates.,10,Buyers side (For a late payment),December 1, 2009 Tom Atkinson COMANY Inc. 14 Edith Street, Hackney West, 30089 Dear Tom Atkinson, Your letter arrived a few days ago and we must confess that this obligation completely slipped throu

13、gh the cracks. Needless to say, there is no excuse for this and we extend our sincerest apologies along with the attached check. Please accept our warmest regards and sincerest hope that all is well. We certainly look forward to working with you again soon. Very truly yours, Tony Montana,immediate a

14、nd thorough attention to the matter,correct the problem and offer assurance,A sincere, well-worded apology can solve a potential problem,As for a whole, your apology should be brief and to the point. Your reputation as a trustworthy customer and credit risk may be in question, so rebuild your reputa

15、tion by consistently making payments on time in the future.,11,Applicable for both sides (a general letter of apology ),March 13, 2009Mr. Harold T. Harigold 56 Yorkshire Terrace Columbus, Michigan 34343 Dear Mr. Harigold: Please accept our deep and sincere apologies. On behalf of the Hoodle Company,

16、 I wish to express our regrets and assure you that all efforts have been made to rectify your situation. Please call or write me personally if you have any further questions or comments about this situation. Thank you for your kind understanding. Sincerely yours, James Elwood Customer Service Manager,This letter is written to express regrets over a problem. Because of the general nature of this letter, it is easily tailored to any situation where a letter of apology is needed.,



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