
上传人:飞*** 文档编号:53310428 上传时间:2018-08-29 格式:PDF 页数:13 大小:29.90KB
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1、。No one wanted to buy small oranges. 没有人想买小柳橙。No one liked to have trouble. 没有人想碰到麻烦。No one wanted to listen to a madman. 没有人想听疯子讲话。. no . without + N 结构,nevernotno, without 名词动名词说明此句型意为 “每, 必然, ;没有, 就没有 , ”。这是双重 。有时译成 “没有,而不, ” ; “每一次 , 都, ”。I cannot see this picture without thinking of my father.看

2、到这幅画使我不能不想起我父亲。I never see him without feeling like crying. 我每次见到他就想哭。He never helps me without trying to take advantage of me. 他每次帮我都想占我便宜。He never visits me without asking about our old friends. 他每次来访必然问起我们昔日的朋友。The president of their company never makes a promise without intending to keep it. 他们公

3、司的董事长每次许诺必然会遵守诺言。He never went to the bookstore without buying some books. 他没有一次到书店而不买一些书。They never met without smiling at each other. 他们每一次相遇都彼此微笑。I never speak English without making mistakes. 我没有一次说英语而不犯错的。Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. 没有一件伟大的事情可以达成而没有热诚。No gains without pa

4、ins. 不劳则无获。No one can succeed without working hard. 没有人能够成功而不努力。No one can live without breathing. 没有一个人可以不呼吸而生存。No prisoner escaped from the prison without being seen. 没有一个囚犯逃离这个监狱而不被看到。never . but . 结构 never, but主词动词说明此句型意为 “每, 必然, ”。 but 在此是 , 引导 。 本句构的but 相当于if , not, 。It never rains but it pour

5、s. 一下雨就倾盆而降祸不单行。I never look at the stars but I think how little I am. 我每次看星星必然会想自己是多么渺小。She never reads a book but she goes to sleep. 她一看书就想睡觉。He never goes on a vacation but he takes his pet dog. 他每次度假都会带他的狗去。I never see him but I am happy. 我看到他就高兴。He never goes out but he drops in at that booksto

6、re. 他每次外出都会顺道去那家书店待一会儿。I never fail to + V . 结构主词 never fail to 原形动词说明此句型意为“必定会, ;一定会 , ”。fail 因包含“失败”的否定意义,故也属双重否定。She never fails to write to her parents every month. 她每个月一定写信给她的父母亲。He never failed to send the ambassador a report each week. 他每个礼拜必送报告给大使。A good teacher never fails to try his best t

7、o answer his students. 一个好老师总是尽力为学生解答。He is eloquent and humorous as well. What he says never fails to please us. 他口才好又幽默,他所说的一定能使我们高兴。I cannot but + V . 结构主词 cannotbutchoose buthelp but原形动词说明此句型意为“不得不, ”。but 后只能跟原形。I cannot but admire his wise plan. 我不得不赞美他的计划。They cannot (choose) but admit that ou

8、r requirement is reasonable. 他们不得不承认我们的要求是合理的。I could not (help) but laugh. 我不禁笑出来。It is not uncommon for . 结构 It is not uncommon for 名词 to-不定词,说明此句型意为“ , 并非不常见”。not uncommon 是双重否定,表肯定。it 是虚 。It is not uncommon for parents to put a newborn in a separate room. 父母把新生儿放在分隔的房间并非不常见。It is not uncommon fo

9、r women to smoke in public. 妇女在大众面前抽烟并非不常见。It is not uncommon for people to jaywalk. 人们任意穿越马路并非不常见。I am anything but . 结构主词 be 动词 anything but 名词形容词,说明此句型意为“绝非, ”。等于far from。后面跟 或做 be 的。He is anything but a scholar. 他绝非学者。He is anything but diligent. 他一点也不勤奋。The man was anything but rich. 这人绝不是个富翁。H

10、e was anything but a hero. 他绝不是一个英雄。It is anything but complete. 这并未完成。Climbing Mt. Everest is anything but a pleasure trip. 登圣母峰绝不是一次轻松的旅途。His visit to Paris was anything but a success. 他的巴黎之行根本不成功。I am in no way . 结构主词动词含否定意义的片语(in no way by no means 等),说明此类 有 in no way ,by no means,in no wise ,on

11、 no account 等,译为“决不;毫不” 。如因强调而置于句首,则要采用倒装句构。I am in no way to blame. 我一点也没错。It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone. 要满足每一个人绝非易事。He will in no wise give up any chances to get a better job. 他不会放弃任何机会以获得一份好工作。On no account (do you) forget to lock the door. 千万别忘了锁门。I am not in the least . 结构主词 be 动词

12、 notin the least,说明此句型意为“一点也不, ”。I am not in the least tired. 我一点也不疲倦。He is not in the least kind. 他心肠一点都不好。I was not surprised in the least. 我一点也不感到惊讶。The shop assistant was not in the least afraid of the trouble. 那店员一点也不怕麻烦。I am no + N . 结构 . no名词,说明 no 通常当形容词,后面须接名词;no 的后面不可紧接a,an,any,many,much 等

13、字。We feel that life is no laughing matter. 我们觉得人生绝非是开玩笑的事情。Mr. Chen used no (didn t use any) chemicals on his fruit. 陈先生的水果不使用农药。Tony used no reference books in class. 托尼上课时不使用参考书。It is no joke. 这绝非是开玩笑。This is no fact. 这绝非是事实。Thats no lie! 那绝不是谎话!He is no writer. 他绝不是作家。Tom is no coward. 汤姆绝不是懦夫。no

14、 + N + in the world . 结构 , 否定词名词in the world on earth,说明此 中否定词与 结合的 可以是 ,也可以是 或其他句子成分; in the world , on earth,all 等大范围词语一般作或用。There will be no difficulty in the world that they cannot overcome. 世界上任何困难他们都可以克服。This is a market condition no force on earth can change.这一市场情况任何力量也改变不了。He was not all con

15、fused. 他一点儿也不糊涂。It is of no value at all. 那是毫无价值的。Im the world s worst businessman. 我最不会做生意。I am the last man to . 结构主词 be 动词 the last名词 to-不定词子句说明此句型意为“绝不可能是, ;最不像是 , ”。是以that 做所引导的 。A plane crash was the last thing that we had expected. 我们绝对没有想到飞机会出事。This is the last place where I expected to meet

16、 you. 我绝没想到会在这里遇见你。He is the last man to do such a thing. 他绝不可能会做这种事。Mick is the last man to break his word. 迈克绝不是不守承诺的人。He is the last man (that) I want to see now. 他是我现在最不愿见到的人。You were the last man (that) I had dreamed of meeting here. 那天我万万没有料到会在这里遇到你。He is the last man to accept a bribe. 他绝不像是会接受贿赂的人。I cannot . too . 结构 cannot,too形容词副词说明此句型意为“再 , 也不为过;愈 , 愈好”。也可用“ cannottoo much”或“cannot, too manymuch” 。You cannot


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