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1、8/29/2018,Protecting ourselves,Unit3,How much do you know about Aids?,Are you familiar with this red ribbon?,love care understanding support,The Red Ribbon is the international symbol of HIV and AIDS and also the symbol of people who are concerned about Aids. 红丝带从此成为艾滋病防治的象征,它象征着对艾滋病病毒感染者和病人的关心和支持,象

2、征着对生命的热爱和对平等的渴望,象征着要用心来参与艾滋病防治工作。,GUESS and SAY,GAME,Can Aids be transmitted through the following ways?,Guess and say,How much do you know about Aids?,GUESS and SAY,GAME,eating food with Aids patients,GUESS and SAY,mother-to-child transmission,GAME,GUESS and SAY,using the same toilet seat,GAME,GUES

3、S and SAY,contaminated needles,GAME,GUESS and SAY,kissing,GAME,GUESS and SAY,Shaking Hands,GAME,GUESS and SAY,hugging,GAME,GUESS and SAY,Blood transfusion,GAME,GUESS and SAY,Swimming with the AIDS patients,GAME,What do the letters AIDS stand for? AIDS= Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,8/29/2018,H

4、IV -Human Immunodeficiency Virus 人体免疫缺损病毒(艾滋病病毒)AIDS- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病),some info. about AIDS,Most precise records on human AIDS began in 1981. however, scientists later found evidence that the disease existed in the world for some years prior. 1981, the AIDS virus w

5、as discovered in the United States, four years later, AIDS landed in China. For a few at first, their awareness of AIDS began with the publishing of a little noticed entry on page two of the CDCs Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (美国疾病防控中心发病率和死亡率周报)of June 5, 1981, where a strange outbreak of ki

6、ller pneumonia(肺炎)was spreading among gay men. Since this report, AIDS has graduated from a seemingly local phenomenon to a global epidemic(传染病),Initially AIDS monitoring officers marked with a red dot on the map where there are AIDS-infected patients .Till 2000,they stopped.there is no province whi

7、ch has no AIDS-infected patients. Currently, there are around 40 million HIV-carriers, including 2.5 million less than 15 year-old boys. Africa is the most severe AIDS epidemic continent. So far, a total of 26.6 million people living with HIV, 3.2 million AIDS patients and cause 2.3 million deaths,A

8、 news report from the 18th World Aids Day,人类关于艾滋病的确切记载大都始于1981年。在此之前,我们对这种疾病一无所知。我们不知道在20世纪的70年代,或者更遥远的过去,有多少人感染了艾滋病,也不知道它究竟起源于何处。艾滋病从一开始就被笼罩在重重迷雾之中。虽然众说纷纭,其中不乏合理的猜测和颇有科学依据的推论,但还没有哪一种观点能够得到世人的公认。 1981年,美国率先发现了艾滋病。四年后,艾滋病登陆中国。,中国的一些艾滋病监测人员起初的习惯是,哪一个地区出现艾滋病感染者,就在地图上那一部分打上红点;2000年,这项工作停止了:中国地图上已经没有被艾滋病

9、遗漏的省份。目前,全球约有4000万艾滋病病毒携带者,其中250万为不足15岁的少年。非洲是艾滋病蔓延最严重的大陆,迄今共有2660万艾滋病病毒感染者,320万艾滋病患者,死亡230万人。,Aids today,Fast-reading,Activity 1:,8/29/2018,1. What is this TV news special about?,It gives some detailed information about Aids and how to fight the spread of Aids.,2. How many people around the world c

10、atch HIV every day?3. What places have been affected by Aids?,About 7,000 people.,Almost every country in the world has been affected by Aids.,8/29/2018,Decide the statements true or false 1.After a person is infected with HIV, he will know that he carries it. 2.Aids patients become sick more easily

11、 than common people. 3.The UNAIDS with the UN helps treat Aids patients. 4. Now the Aids patients in China can get free drugs from anywhere.,F,T,F,F,T,6. Ajani believes that educating people at risk and treating patients are keys to stopping Aids in the future.,T,Lets read the article and find out t

12、he figures in the article and circle them, then find information about these figures in given time.Finish C2,Scanning,Activity 2: Read and fill in the blanks.,2.What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve as in the passage ?A. To provide background information of the topicB. To put forward the topic and att

13、ract readers attention to itC. To use an example to support the topicD. To offer basic knowledge of the topic,1.What does Paragraph 1 talk about?,Careful reading,Activity 3: Read and answer the questions.,B,Ajanis story,HIV,AIDS,How does HIV cause Aids?,3. What is the relationship between AIDS and H

14、IV?( Paras 2),while-reading,Activity 3: Read and answer the questions.,8/29/2018,3. What is the relationship between AIDS and HIV?( Paras 2),HIV is the that causes . AIDS is an _ disease. People get after having been infected with _.,Answer: Virus, AIDS Incurable, deadly AIDS, HIV,8/29/2018,AIDS, wh

15、ich is caused by _,is a _ disease. People with this virus live for a long time without _, so they dont realize that they are _.At last, Peoples _ _ become so _ that people become very ill from mild sicknesses. so far ,there is no _ for AIDS,31,unprotected sex blood From a mother to her child,AIDS is

16、 spread by ,while-reading,How is AIDS spread? (Para 4),Activity 3: Read and answer the questions.,5.The structure of Paragraph 4?,Topic sentence: _ Supporting sentences: _ Conclusion sentence: _,it has become a serious problem around the world.,There are over 30 millionAccording to,4 million children,



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