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1、- 1 -2014 高考英语分类基础热身练:单词基础自主回顾.课标单词1_(vi. & n)收缩;(订)合约2_(vi.)漂浮3_(vi.)膨胀_(n.)4_(n.)混合物_(vt.)混合contractfloatexpandexpansionmixturemix5_(n.)电_(adj.)电的;用电的_(adj.)与电有关的;电气化的6_(n.)结论_(v.)下结论7_(n. & v)目标;以为目标_(adj.)漫无目的的8_(vi.)(化学)反应_(n.)反应9_(n.)设备;装备_(vt.)装备;配备electricityelectricelectricalconclusionconcl

2、udeaimaimlessreactreactionequipmentequip10_(adj.)部分的;局部的_(n.)部分;角色11_(adj.)普通的;平常的_(adj.)异乎寻常的12_(vi. & n)形成;形式_(adj.)正式的13_(n.)天平;平衡_(adj.)平衡的14_(n.)演讲_(n.)演讲者15_(adj.)吃惊的;惊愕的_(adj.)令人吃惊的_(vt.)使吃惊_(n.)惊奇partialpart. ordinaryextraordinaryformformal- 2 -balancebalancedlecturelecturerastonishedastonis

3、hingastonishastonishment.常用短语1_与反应2_使有条理;使整齐3_在的顶/底部4_防止进入;不让靠近5_为感到骄傲/自豪6_弄清楚;弄明白7_往加入8_先走;发生;开始做,进行吧9_过去(常常)10_应当;理应react withput.in orderat the top/bottomkeep.out ofbe proud offind outadd.to.go aheadused tobe supposed to.重点句型1The earth is _ the moon.地球是月球的两倍大。答案:twice as large as2_ think of a wor

4、ld without metals.很难想象一个没有金属的世界。答案:It is hard to3_ with the metals that react most at the top, and the metals that react least at the bottom.这儿有一个图表,那些反应最强烈的金属在上面,反应最不强烈的在下面。答案:Here is a table4_ you are, _ youll see.你靠得越近,你看到的就越多。答案:The closer; the more.模块语法- 3 -1Can we do our work better with _ mon

5、ey and _ people?Alesser;few Bless;fewerClittle;less Dfew;less答案:B2What a wonder!They have finished _ 30% of the task within one week.Ano more than Bno less thanCnot more than Dmuch less than答案:B3Which do you think tastes _,the chicken or the fish?Awell BgoodCbetter Dbest答案:C4The horse is getting old

6、 and cant run _ it did.Aas fast than Bso fast thanCso faster as Das fast as答案:D5The pianos in the other shop will be _ but _.Acheaper;not as betterBmore cheap;not as betterCcheaper;not as goodDmore cheap;not as good答案:C6What do you think of French?In my opinion, French is _ English.A. a subject so d

7、ifficult asB. as difficult a subject asC. as a subject difficult asD. difficult as subject as答案:B考点探究解密考 点 解 读1expand v(使)膨胀,扩大,扩张;阐述,详谈expand on 细说,阐述expand in/into 把扩展,发展,膨胀expansion n扩充,开展,膨胀,扩张物,辽阔,浩瀚expansive adj.易膨胀的,易扩张的,广阔的expansively adv.可扩张地,辽阔地误区警示:expand 是“范围”扩张;extend 是“延伸” 。朗文在线:Metals

8、 expand when heated and contract when cooled.金属热胀冷缩。The boy expanded his chest by breathing deeply.那个男孩深呼吸而鼓起胸部。He expanded on his new theory.- 4 -他详细地谈论了自己的新理论。命题方向:高考中会考查 expand与其它相近含义的动词的辨析。活学巧练:Why not try to _ your story into a novel?It is very popular.Aexpend BexpandCexpense Dexpect答案与解析:B此题是对

9、词义的考查。expend“花费,耗费” ;expand“发展” ;expense 是名词“花费” ;expect“期望” 。据题意应为 B项。2conclusion n结论,决定,结束,结局,协定,协议reachdrawcome toarrive ata conclusion得出结论in conclusion最后bring.to a conclusion结束jump at conclusions 匆匆作出结论conclude vt.结束,断定,推断出to conclude 最后(一句话)conclude sth.with sth.以使某事物结束conclude sth. with sb.与某人

10、达成、缔结(条约等)conclusive adj.最后的;结论性的;确定性的误区警示:in conclusion 这个短语中没有冠词。朗文在线:I found the conclusion of the film very moving.我觉得这部电影的结尾很让人感动。the successful conclusion of a trade treaty贸易条约的成功签署I will in conclusion(最后)say a few words about discipline.The outcome of the election is a foregone conclusion(结尾)

11、To conclude(最后),I wish you all good health and a long life.命题方向:(1)to conclude, in conclusion 可以用在写作中。(2)作为独立成分来考查 in conclusion和 in a word等的区别。活学巧练:(1)We_(决定) not to go.(2)The judge_(确信)from the evidence that the young man was guilty.(3)Premier Wen_(结束)his speech with a famous Chinese saying.conclu

12、deconcludedconcluded(4)_,Id like to show my appreciation to whoever is present.AWith conclusion BIn conclusionCFor conclusion DTo conclusion答案与解析:B此题是对 conclusion短语的考查。in conclusionto conclude“最后(一句话);总之” 。- 5 -3aim nC目标;目的;U瞄准;对准 vt.&vi.瞄准;对准;旨在;立志Whats your aim in helping that man?aim sth.at 瞄准be

13、aimed at 瞄准,针对aim at sth./doing sth.以为目标aim to do sth.打算做某事take aim at sb./sth.把目标对准某人/某事物without aim 无目的地aimless adj.无目的的;无目标的aimlessly adv.无目的地,盲目地误区警示:注意 aim作为动词和名词时的不同用法。朗文在线:Our aims are to become famous football players.我们的目标是成为著名的足球运动员。Take careful aim (at the target) before firing.开火之前仔细瞄准(目标)。He aimed (his gun) at a deer, fired and missed it.他(用枪)瞄准一只鹿开火,却未打中。She is aiming at a scholarship.她争取获得奖学金。命题方向:考题常在完形填空中考查 aim的语义。活学巧练:(1)He_(瞄准)(his gun)at the target, fired and missed it.(2)Shes_(争取,努力)at a scholarship.(3)We must_(力求)at increasing/to increase exports.(4)He ha


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