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1、外显子序列保守内含子序列多变 (但外显子与内含子基因发生突变的频率相同),外显子序列承受选择压力!,相邻排列的重复基因 外显子相似程度高 内含子分化程度高,跳跃基因 (Jumping gene / Transposable element转座因子),COMMENTARY IN PNAS 2013A transposable element is domesticated for service in the plant immune systemJohn M. McDowell and Blake C. MeyersTransposable elements (TEs) are rife 流行

2、的 in plant genomes; their necessary inactivation via heterochromatin formation is an epigenetic phenomenon that can spill over into adjacent chromosomal regions. Although many TEs appear inert, some retain primary or vestigial 痕迹的;退化的 functions, and others have even been adapted to confer novel func

3、tions. In PNAS, Tsuchiya and Eulgem (2013) provide a fascinating example of how a retrotransposon has been domesticated to control expression of a plant immune system surveillance gene and highlight a unique mode of action through which TEs can regulate activity of protein-coding genes. 1. PNAS | Se

4、ptember 10, 2013 | vol. 110 | no. 37 | 1482114822 2. Tsuchiya T, Eulgem T (2013). An alternative polyadenylation mechanism coopted to the Arabidopsis RPP7 gene through intronic retrotransposon domestication. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110:E3535E3543.,Transposons Form Families in Maize,Each family of tra

5、nsposons in maize has both autonomous and nonautonomous members. Autonomous transposons code for proteins that enable them to transpose. Nonautonomous transposons cannot catalyze transposition, but they can transpose when an autonomous element provides the necessary proteins.,Transposons are autonom

6、ous or nonautonomous,Transposons Form Families in Maize,Autonomous transposons have changes of phase, when their properties alter in association with changes in the state of methylation. Ac element Activator element; an autonomous transposable element in maize. Ds element Dissociation element; a non

7、autonomous transposable element in maize, related to the autonomous Activator (Ac) element.,1914 A. Emerson Cornell university,1936 Marcus . M. Rhoades Indiana University,玉米糊粉层斑点(Dotted Dt)突变,基因转座现象的最初发现,玉米果皮花斑突变,1947 Barbara McClintock,玉米糊粉层花斑不稳定现象伴随的遗传事件,DNA转座现象的一般遗传特点,a) 不依赖 Donor site 与 Target s

8、ite 间序列的同源性(非同源重组过程 ,不依赖 recA 酶),b) 转座插入的靶位点并非完全随机(插入专一型),Hotspots (热点) Regional preference ( 在3kb区域内的随机插入),c) 某些转座因子(Tn3)对同类转座因子的插入具有排他性(免疫性),d) 靶序列在转座因子两侧会形成正向重复(DR),e) 转座因子的切除与转座将产生复杂的遗传学效应,Transposition Inversion & Translocation,特定的基因片段 断点随机的任意DNA片段可能破坏某结构基因,U.V 或诱变剂无效 U.V 或 诱变剂可提高频率,高频率的回复突变 不能

9、产生回复突变 形成 mutable gene,转座需 transposase Rec.A, B, D inverted repeat (IR) (chi) site,与复制有关的过程 DNA链的断裂与错接的过程,f) 与倒位和易位染色体结构变异现象的区别,转座因子的种类及机制原核生物的转座因子的种类ISTnA familyComposite transposon(复合转座子)Transposable phage(转座噬菌体),复制型转座子(和非复制性转座) (replicating transposable element),剪贴式转座因子(cut - paste )反转录转座子(Retro-

10、transposon )类似反转录病毒,真核生物的转座因子的种类,原 核 生 物 转 座 因 子的 种 类 及 转 座 机 制,a) 插入序列 ( insertion sequence IS ), GATCGTC -GACGATC,IR,DR,b) Transposon (Tn / TnpA family),l 具有IR、转座酶基因、 调节基因、抗生素抗性基因,l Tn1 (AmpR) Tn2 (AmpR)Tn3 (AmpR) Tn4 (AmpR StrR) Tn5 (KanR) Tn6 (kanR)Tn7 (StrR TmpR) Tn9 (CamR)Tn10 (TetR),C) 复合因子 (

11、composite element / composite tansposon), IS插入到功能基因两端,可能形成复合转座因子,transposition,mutation, 复合转座子一旦形成,转座功能受较多因子调控, 结构特点, 稳定性,Excise or Deletion(切除),IR型 (Stable),Excise 10-5 - 10-6,真核生物的转座因子及转座机制,I 型; 剪贴式转座因子(cut - paste ),II 型;反转录转座子(Retro-transposon 类似反转录病毒),Copia in drosophila Ty1 in yeast Alu family

12、,反转录转座子(retro-transposon ) 类似反转录病毒,原 核 生 物 与 真 核 生 物 中 均 有 存 在, 反转录转座子的分类,依其DNA结构及反转录酶的DNA的序列(分为3 类 ),最早在果蝇,酵母中发现Transposable element in Yeast Ty(与反转录病毒结构非常相似),具有长末端重复 结构 (long terminal repeats LTRs ),核心蛋白基因 ( group-specific antigen gene-like gag ),酶基因区域 ( polyprotein-like 多基因区域 pol), Ty1-copia,结构与

13、Ty1-copia 相似具有 LTRs, gag-like, pol-like 但 pol区域中酶基因排列序列与Ty1-copia不同, Ty3-gypsy 类反转录转座子 (retro-transposon-like),无LTRs结构的类反转录转座子 有 gag-like 和pol-like 区域中的部分酶基因, LINE(long interspersed(散布的) nuclear element),植物中随物种和反转录转座子类型不同反转录转座子的分子大小 从1000 9300 bpLTRs 大小从120 2400 bp, 高等植物中的反转录转座子,分布,Ty1-copia ; 苔藓门 (

14、 苔纲, 藓纲 ) 蕨类门 ( 石松纲, 松叶蕨纲, 楔叶纲, 真蕨纲 ) 裸子植物门 ( 苏铁纲, 银杏纲, 松柏纲, 买麻藤纲 )被子植物门 ( 单子叶植物纲, 双 子叶植物纲 ),近100多种 , 几乎覆盖所有植物种类,Ty3-gypsy ; 玉米和一种百合植物,LINE ; 玉米、甜菜、 拟南芥、和一种百合植物, 反转录转座子的转座方式及特点,DNA RNA DNA,mRNA/cDNA,DS cDNA,高拷贝性,玉米; 基因间几乎由具LTRs 反转录转座子填充 多数DNA 结构完整 部分呈相嵌 (chimera) 方式,高拷贝性,The largest component of the

15、 human genome consists of transposons,25%,高异质性,同类群反转录转座子间 ( 除类群特征的保守序列外) 具有高度异质性,表现在不同植物间同一物种不同品种间同一基因组内,Fu H and Dooner HK Analysis 2 BACs sequence isolated from a commercial library by using a bz probe between two inbred McC and B73,July 9, 2002 PNAS.vol 99/no.14/9573-9578,除黄色箭头标记的基因外, 两个自交系间存在大量 LTREs, gag/pol差异,高异质性,原因有三;,



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