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1、- 1 -2014 高考英语分类基础热身练:单词基础自主回顾.课标单词1_(n.)调查2_(vi.)听起来3_(vt.)打扰;烦扰;麻烦4_(vt.)接近5_(vt.)交换surveysoundbotherapproachexchange6_(vt.)买得起;有能力支付7_(vt.)联络;联系(某人)8_(adj.)有吸引力的;吸引人的_(vt.)吸引_(n.)吸引(力)9_(adj.)幸运的;吉祥的_(adv.)幸运地;吉祥地_(adj.)(反义词)不幸的_(n.)运气;财富10_(vi.)饿死_(n.)挨饿;饿死affordcontactattractiveattractattractio

2、nfortunatefortunatelyunfortunatefortunestarvestarvation11_(adj.)失业的;没有工作的_(n.)失业_(n.)就业_(vt.)雇用12_(n.)职业_(vt.)占用;拥有13_(adj.)专业的_(n.)专业14_(adj.)迷人的;吸引人的_(vt.)使着迷_(n.)魅力15_(vi.)死里逃生;大难不死_(n.)幸存_(n.)幸存者unemployedunemploymentemploymentemployoccupationoccupy- 2 -professionalprofessionfascinatingfascinate

3、fascinationsurvivesurvivalsurvivor.常用短语1_在的南部2_修建;张贴3_归还4_摆脱5_成功6_与相似7_到目前为止in the south ofput uppay backget away frommake itbe similar toso far/up to now/till now8_许多;大量9_上升10_结果11_负担得起做某事12_由组成a great many/a number ofgo upas a resultafford to do sthbe made up of.重点句型1_ six years _ we last saw each

4、 other, you know.你知道自从上次我们见面以来已经六年了。答案:Its been; since2And _ visited your hometown.这是我第一次到你的家乡来。答案:this is the first time Ive3_ OK to me.听起来还可以。答案:Sounds4_ it is becoming more and more difficult for farmers to - 3 -make money from their farms.另一个问题是农民们要想从农场里赚到钱越来越困难。答案:Another problem is that.模块语法用正

5、确的时态填空I _1_(just receive)a letter from my brother,Tim.He is in Australia.He _2_(be) there for six months.Tim is an engineer.He is working for a big firm and he _3_(already visit)a great number of different places in Australia.He _4_(just buy)an Australian car and _5_(go) to Sydney.My brother _6_(nev

6、er be)abroad before,so he is finding this trip very exciting.答案:1have just received2.has been3.has already visited4has just bought5.has gone6.has never been单项填空7She _ here just now,but she _.Ahas been;has goneBwas;wentCwas;has gone Dhas been;went答案:C8This is the most interesting book _.Athan I read

7、Bthat I have ever readCwhich I saw Dwhich I have ever read答案:B9I wonder why Jenny _ to us recently.We should have heard from her by now.Ahasnt written Bdoesnt writeCwont write Dhadnt written答案:A考点探究解密考 点 解 读1approach v& n靠近;接近;走近精讲拓展:at the approach of 在快到的时候make an approach to 对进行探讨approach sb.on/a

8、bout sth.向某人接洽(商量、交涉)an approach to 接近,近似,约等于;(做某事)的方法/途径误区警示:approach 作动词使用时,一般用作及物动词,加介词 to是它作名词的用法,请勿混淆。朗文在线:As they approached the wood a rabbit,ran out of the trees.他们走近树林的时候,一只兔子从树丛里跑了出来。a new approach to teaching language教授语言的新方法They made approaches to the team to buy one of their players.他们与

9、那支球队洽谈要买他们的一个球员。命题方向:高考中常考查 approach的名词用法。- 4 -活学巧练:(1)He is a good chess player, but doesnt approach _ the international standard.(2)The professor has developed a new approach _ teaching language.不填to(3)At the meeting they discussed three different_to the study of mathematics.A. approaches B. means

10、C. methods D ways 答案与解析:A根据空后的定语介词 to名词,只能用 approach,B、C、D 三项接不定式或 of名词做定语。2afford vt.买得起;有能力支付精讲拓展:affordn./pron.买得起、负担得起的费用afford to do sth.负担得起干,经得起干affordsb.sth.sth. to sb. 给予某人某物特别提示:afford常与 can,could,be able to 连用。误区警示:afford 表示“买得起,负担得起”时常与情态动词 can,could 或 be able to一起使用,而不与其他情态动词连用,另外接动词时需用

11、不定式形式。朗文在线:We cant afford to go on vacation this year.今年我们没钱去度假。We simply cant afford to offend such an important customer.惹怒这样一位重要客户,我们可担当不起。命题方向:afford 作为动词构成的短语常以单选题的形式出现进行考查,有时会在完形填空中与其他类似词同时出现进行辨析考查。活学巧练:Now as their income increases, more and more families can_to buy cars.Aoffer BaffordCspend

12、Dcare答案与解析:B“买得起,担负得起”用 can/be able to afford sth.。3starve v(1)饥饿,饿死;(2)使饿死,使饥饿精讲拓展:starve for sth.渴望得到某物starve to death 饿死starvation n挨饿,饿死be starving 非常饥饿误区警示:starve for sth.long for sth.be eager to get sth.朗文在线:He would starve rather than beg for food.- 5 -他宁愿挨饿,也不愿乞食。She is starving herself tryi

13、ng to lose weight.她试图通过节食来减肥。命题方向:starve 在高考中一般以“渴望,渴求”的意义出现。活学巧练:The pupil, who comes from the country,is starving_the friendship from_who come from the city.Afor;thoseBfor;the otherCwith;the ones Dabout;some答案与解析:A本题考查介词和不定代词的用法。 句意:那个来自农村的小学生渴望来自城市的同学们的友谊。starve for为“渴望,极需要” ,故答案应在 A、B 中选;第二空表示“那

14、些小学生们” ,是特指,故选 A项。4exchange n交换,互换 v交换,交易精讲拓展:in exchange (for)交换exchange sth.with sb.与某人交换某物exchange A for B 用 A兑换 B误区警示:在名词短语 in exchange (for)中,exchange 作为不可数名词来使用,其前不用冠词。朗文在线:They have offered to release the hostages,but what do they want in exchange?他们提出可以释放人质,但他们想要什么作为交换?We still exchange gifts at Christmas.我们依然在圣诞节时交换礼物。命题方向


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