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1、新疆大学毕业论文 (设计 )题 目: 浅析索债型非法拘禁的认定 指导老师: 杨 新 红 学生姓名: 冯 明 所属院系: 法 学 院 专 业: 法 学 班 级: 10 级 1 班 完成日期: 2014 年 4 月 23 日 0声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及所取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为了获取新疆大学或者其他教育机构的学位或者证书所使用过的材料。对本研究成果有贡献的同志均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示感谢。学位作者签名: 签字日期:1摘要为索取债务而非法扣押、拘禁他人的,

2、称为“索债型非法拘禁罪”。索债型非法拘禁罪在我国刑法中并不是独立的罪名,它只是非法拘禁罪的一种特殊情形,其目的是实现自己的债权。但由于法律及司法解释对许多问题都没有明确的规定,无论在理论界还是司法实务界,对此类“索债型非法拘禁 ”行为的定性均存在分歧,特别是在司法实践中,在给此类行为是否定罪时存在较大差异,以致司法人员在处理个案时,往往面临艰难的选择,行为人则因此可能遭受极为悬殊的处理结果,严重损害法律的严肃性,因此有必要对其加以探讨和研究。全文分为引言、正文和结语三个部分,其中正文部分包括以下主要内容:第一部分以案例“颜某、杨某为索取债务非法拘禁案”的争议焦点引出本文所要研究的问题索债型非法

3、拘禁罪的认定。 第二部分从犯罪构成的四个方面阐述索债型非法拘禁罪的特征,并对理论界的一些热点争议问题提出自己的观点。在犯罪对象上,笔者认为索债型非法拘禁罪中的“他人”不能仅狭隘的理解为债务人本人,其既可以是债务人本人,也可能是债务人的亲属、合伙人及其他利害关系人或单位法定代表人和成员。在主观方面,笔者赞同索债型非法拘禁罪只能由直接故意构成,且违法性认识不应成为非法拘禁罪故意的内容,是否具有违法性认识并不影响行为的定性。 第三部分是本文的重点,研究索债型非法拘禁罪的司法认定。笔者从实践的角度出发,适当结合案例,主要讨论了两个方面的争议,分别是:(一)索债型非法拘禁罪与非罪的界限;(二)索债型非法

4、拘禁罪与勒索型绑架罪的界限。首先,笔者认为,索债型非法拘禁罪的成立需要有一定的时间要求,可以根据拘禁期间有无殴打、侮辱行为,对索债型非法拘禁罪的成立分两种情况设立标准,对于拘禁期间无殴打、侮辱行为的情况,可将 24 小时作为成立非法禁罪的时限;对于拘禁期间掺杂了殴打、侮辱等情节或者对被害人造成具体危害后果的,原则上没有时间要求,只要一经实施非法拘禁行为即构成犯罪。其次,文中对于非法限制他人人身自由的行为作了讨论,认为如果其社会危害性达到应受刑罚处罚的程度,应当按照非法拘禁罪论处。对于国家工作人员为催收各种欠款而非法拘禁他人的行为,笔者认为,只要符合非法拘禁罪的构成要件,也应以非法拘禁罪论处。此

5、外,本文论述了索债型非法拘禁罪与勒索型绑架罪的界限,这是本部分的重点。2关键词:索债型非法拘禁罪;犯罪构成;拘禁时间;债务;勒索型绑架罪AbstractThere is one case of illegally detain others for debts, and it is called “Crime of Illegal Detention for Debts”. It is not an independent crime, but a special circumstance of the Illegal Detention Crime. Realize their debts

6、right is its purpose. But there are many disputes in the theoretics and justice practice. Especially with the complicated situation of justice, we have many controversies in determining the nature of that sort of crime. So that members of the judiciary in dealing with the case, the perpetrator very

7、likely to be dealing with the disparity between the results of serious damage to the solemnity of the law. It is therefore necessary to explore and research.This paper is divided into introduction, body and conclusion. The body part includes the following main elements:Part quotes a case of “Yan Mou

8、 and Yang Mou illegally detain others to obtain debts” and raise the question-Study of the Crime of Illegal Detention for Debts.The second part is about a crime and its characteristics of the Crime of Illegal Detention for Debts. And put forward my own views for some theories on the hot controversia

9、l issue. Object in the crime , I believe that “others” of the Crime of Illegal Detention for Debts can not just understand of the debtor himself, but the debtor or a third person who is closely to the debtor. It maybe the debtors representative. In the subjective aspect, I agree with the Crime of Il

10、legal Detention for Debts can constitute only by the direct deliberation. And understanding of the law is not the contents of deliberation. Whether or not it has understanding of the law does not affect the qualitative of his behaviors.The third part is the focus of this paper, mainly on three aspec

11、ts of the dispute in judicial determinations of Illegal Detention for Debts. These twos include: the distinctions between guilty and innocence; limitations between this crime and extortion-type Crime of Kidnapping. The author believes that Crime of Illegal Detention for Debts needs a certain period

12、of time. And it can be setting up two sub-standard conditions according to any assault or insulting behavior during the detention. If there is not any assault or insulting behavior, it can be set up as a 24-hour time limit the crime. Otherwise as soon as the illegal acts that constitute a crime. In

13、the text to restrict the personal freedom of illegal acts were also discussed. If its social harm to the extent of punishment penalty, it should be treated as the Crime of Illegal Detention. 3The national staff for the collection of arrears detain others, if it constituted the crime, they should als

14、o be treated as the Crime of Illegal Detention. The limitations between this crime and extortion-type Crime of Kidnapping is the focus of this part. Key Words: Crime of Illegal Detention for Debts; elements of a crime; detention time; the type of dept; extortion-type Crime of Kidnapping目录绪论 1一、索债型非法拘禁罪在司法案例中的争议 2(一) 案例阐述及裁判要旨 2(二) 案件焦点及分歧意见 2二、索债型非法拘禁罪的特征 3(一) 索债型非法拘禁罪的客体特征 3(二)索债型非法拘禁罪的客观特征 4(三)索债型非法拘禁罪的主体特征 5(四)索债型非法拘禁罪的主观特征 5三、索债型非法拘禁的司法认定 7 (一) 索债型非法拘禁罪与非罪的界限 7 1.非法拘禁的时间对定罪的影响 72.非法限制他人人身自由行为的定性 83.国家工作人员为催收各种欠款而非法拘禁他人行为的定性


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