高考英语一轮复习 完形和阅读训练(七)1

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1、1湖北钟祥市湖北钟祥市 20172017 高考英语完形和阅读一轮训练高考英语完形和阅读一轮训练完形填空。Catherine invited Nelson to dinner. Last term she had been in Nelsons _1_,but she had to give up because her son Kendall was having a _2_ in school. The problem was that he wasnt studying. Catherine decided that Kendall needed _3_ control. She woul

2、d provide it by _4_ him like a hawk(鹰)She would also control his use of his Game Boy. He was _5_ to play the computer game only on weekends.Nelson was a(n)_6_ man. He had been teaching various subjects for almost 40 years. He could have retired 10 years ago,_7_ he loved teaching. He said his student

3、s gave him something to _8_ every day. He planned to teach until he died in the _9_.Nelson needed to take a little _10_ to Catherine to show his thanks for the _11_.He couldnt think of _12_ would be suitable. Opening his kitchen drawer,he found the perfect giftan unopened box of _13_.He also found s

4、ome freshlooking wrapping paper(包装纸)He wrapped the box up carefully. Feeling _14_ of himself,he drove over to Catherines and rang the doorbell.He _15_ his gift. Catherine made a funny face. She said she _16_ the wrapping paper. Then she unwrapped the tea and made another funny _17_.“Nelson,I gave th

5、is tea to you at the end of last term,and I wrapped it in this paper!”Nelsons face turned _18_.He told himself he had to be more _19_ with gifts in the future and he apologized to Catherine. She _20_ and said, “Its okay. The thought of presenting a gift is more important than the gift itself.”1A.com

6、pany BclassCteam Dshop答案:B 从第二段对 Nelson 的介绍可知,他是一位教师,所以 Catherine 是在他的班(class)里。2A.fever BfightCproblem Dparty答案:C 下一句中的 problem 有提示:她的儿子在学校里有点儿问题(problem)。3A.best BnoCless Dmore答案:D 她的儿子不学习,所以她决定给儿子更多的(more)管教。4A.watching BterrifyingCprotecting Dignoring答案:A 为了给儿子更多的管教,她像鹰一样监视(watching)儿子。5A.allowe

7、d BbeggedCencouraged Drefused2答案:A 她儿子只被允许(allowed)在周末玩电脑游戏。6A.busy BattractiveCold Dfamous答案:C 从下文“他教书几乎 40 年了,10 年前本来就可以退休”可知 Nelson 已经是一位老(old)人了。7A.so BbutCthough Dif答案:B 前后句子间为转折关系,故用 but。8A.look forward to Btry outCget rid of Dshout at答案:A Nelson 认为学生给予了他每天期望(look forward to)的东西。9A.bedroom Bcl

8、assroomCplayground Dkitchen答案:B Nelson 喜欢教学,他希望可以一直工作到自己倒在教室(classroom)里为止。10A.card BboxCgift Dsnack答案:C 本段第三句中的 he found the perfect gift 是提示:Nelson 要给 Catherine 带个小礼物(gift)。11A.suggestion BexplanationCoperation Dinvitation答案:D 文章首句有提示,Nelson 给 Catherine 带礼物是为了表示对她的邀请(invitation)的感谢。12A.who BwhatCw

9、hen Dwhere答案:B 从后文中他在厨房里找礼物可知,他一时想不出送什么东西(what)是合适的。引导宾语从句且在从句中作主语,因此用 what。13A.candies BbooksCchocolate Dtea答案:D 倒数第二段中的 I gave this tea to you 有提示:Nelson 找到了一盒未启封的茶(tea)。14A.proud BtiredCfond Dshy答案:A Nelson 不仅找到了自己认为很棒的礼物,而且还仔细包装起来。所以他感到自豪(proud)。15A.bought BawardedCpresented Ddisplayed答案:C Nelso

10、n 来到了 Catherine 家,按了门铃,并展示(presented)自己的礼物。316A.made BpreferredCdisliked Dloved答案:D 从 Catherine made a funny face 及 I wrapped it in this paper 可知,这个包装纸是她曾经用过的,她自然喜欢(loved)。17A.joke BfaceCexample Dsound答案:B 上文 funny face 有提示:当看到茶时,她又做了个有趣的表情(face)。18A.green BwhiteCred Dblack答案:C 当 Nelson 被告知自己送的礼物是 C

11、atherine 送给他的后,他自然感到不好意思,脸变红(red)了。19A.concerned BcarefulCfamiliar Dpleased答案:B 得知自己送错了礼物,他告诉自己以后一定要在送的礼物方面多加小心(careful)。20A.smiled BangeredCscreamed Dcried答案:A 从 Catherine 说的话可推知她应该是微笑着(smiled)的。20162016 高考训练题。高考训练题。阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。In science fiction TV programs such as St

12、ar Trek , tractor beams (光线) are used to draw spaceships and move objects For years, scientists have labored to reproduce this feat(技艺). In 2013. they succeeded A team of British and Czech scientists, led by Dr Tomas Cizmar. say they have created a rea-life “tractor beam“. like the kind from Star Tr

13、ek . which uses a line of light to attract objects. at least at a microscopic level Light control techniques have existed since the l970s. but this is thought to be the first time a beam has been used to draw objects towards a light source Usually when microscopic objects are hit by a line of light.

14、 they are forced along the direction of the beam After many years research. Dr Cizmars team discovered a technique that allows for the radiant force(辐射力) of light to be changed and to use the negative force to draw out certain particles(小颗粒)Dr Cizmar says that even though it is a few years away from

15、 practical use. the technology 4has huge potential for medical research In particular. the tractor beam is highly selective in the particles it can attract. so it can pick up particles that have specific characteristics. such as size or composition. in a mixture “Eventually, this could be used to se

16、parate white blood cells. for example,“ Dr Cizmar told BBC News It has been a primary plot design in science fiction TV programs and movies to allow objects like spaceships to be trapped in a line of light But Dr Cizmar said this particular technique would not eventually lead to that A transfer of energy happens in the process On a microscopic


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