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1、新课程理念下的高中 英语词汇教学 A Random Talk on Teaching High School English Vocabulary,浙江省德清县第三中学 唐学忠,语法与词汇哪一个更重要?,Wilkins(1972) : Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.,我国20世纪30-90年代中学英语词汇量设置,20世纪末世界部分国家中学英语词汇量设置,新课程标准对词汇量的要求,五级:理解和掌握1500-1600个单词和200-300个习惯用语或固定

2、搭配; 七级:学会使用2400-2500个单词和300-400个习惯用语或固定搭配; 八级:学会使用3300个左右的单词和400-500个习惯用语或固定搭配; 九级:学会使用4500个左右的单词和一定数量的习惯用语或固定搭配。,九级-高中毕业优秀水平 八级-高考要求的水平 七级-高中毕业基本要求 六级- 五级-初中毕业基本要求 四级- 三级- 二级-小学毕业要求 一级-,课程标准分级设计,2009年高考词汇要求2009年高考词汇要求由2008年的2000个左右提高到2500个左右;对合成、转换、派生等常用词汇更加重视;考查了在语境中综合运用词汇的能力,语篇中的生词按考试说明要求严格控制在3%以

3、内。单项填空语言真实、地道、语境完整可信,采用了一些以口语交际形式出现的语境化句子时代特征明显,既有很强的典型性,又灵活多样,所有这些当中,词汇起到的作用功不可没,出现了如recommend,reliable,access,adapt 等高中词汇。单选题中有8个小题考查词义辨析,占40%。阅读中还出现了新生代词汇如e-nose(电子鼻),完型和阅读中均考查了修辞。,词汇教学的问题和困难,1. 主次不分,平均用力,负担过重2. 求深不求广 ,难以有效拓展3. 方法单一,缺乏语境,学得快忘得快4. 缺乏策略指导,独立学习能力差5. 重记忆、轻运用,语言运用能力差,影响词汇学习的三大因素词汇输入因素

4、:频率(frequency)语音(pronunciation: stress pattern) 语境(contextualization)记忆因素:处理深度(depth of processing)词汇网络的建立( building of word net-works) 文化因素: 词汇的文化内涵差异对词汇意义建构的影响,词汇教学的两种观点,孤立主义观点 联系主义观点,英语词汇学习的三维途径,直接词汇教学附带词汇学习独立策略发展,直接词汇教学指对词汇进行刻意的、有针对性的专门教学,其方式通常是对词汇的语义、语音、结构、用法以及其他相关方面进行讲解、说明、操练等。附带词汇学习主要指学习者在进行其

5、他学习活动时,如看英语电影、听英语歌、与人进行英语对话等,附带的、自然而然地习得英语单词。独立策略发展指学习者有意识的使用和优化词汇学习策略,以扩大词汇量。,英语词教学策略,1.词块策略(基本记忆单位)2.语境策略(上下文推断)3.语义场策略(归类联想)4.文化策略 (跨文化意识),词汇教学建议:,1、词句结合,语篇综合,在语境中深化 2、学以致用,学用结合,在运用中掌握 3、训练策略,形成习惯,培养自主学习能力 4、课内课外并举,隐形显性结合,拓展词汇学用渠道 5、科学记忆,循序渐进,提高词汇学习效率,Preview work checkingWe can easily make out b

6、lue collar workers from the way they are dressed because they always wear _. overalls Liu Xiang is _ a flying man because he is a world record holder and Olympic gold medalist. He also recently won victory at the IAAF Championships in Osaka, Japan. be referred to as: be called / be regarded as / be

7、thought of as,We say the greatest love in the world is mothers love because a mother will _ her life for her children anytime and anywhere. sacrifice People are not allowed to smoke in the forest because carelessly throwing cigarette ends in the forest may _ serious fires. give rise to / lead to / c

8、ause /generate / serve to / trigger,Can you tell a word that matches its definition?,1. to feel that there is no hope at all,despair V. despair of (doing) sth despair N. in despair,2. be about (sth); have as a subject,concern V.,3. to damage or change something so much that it is completely spoiled,

9、mutilate V.,4. the worry, disappointment, or unhappiness you feel about something unpleasant,dismay N.,with/in dismay /to sbs dismay,Context & Definition,The prisoner of war changed into the guards clothes and _escaped death. narrowly ( only just, with little to spare) The _ square was a sea of flow

10、ers. immense ( very large) There was a head-on _ between a motorcycle and a truck on the highway. collision The _ for admission to this school are very high. standards (sth. used as a test or measure for weights, lengths, qualities or for the required degree of excellence),Revision of the new things

11、 ( blank-filling) 1. Look at the Transformer I bought for my son. It has become one of his _ possessions. prize 2. The policemen were doing some investigations about the _ . theft 3. On being given the fifty pence, George _ to obtain some chocolates for himself. set out 4. It usually takes quite a f

12、ew years to _a foreign language skill. acquire,Sentence Imitation,1. In many ways, this is unfortunate for sb. who In the plum rain season in south China, it sometimes rains for dozens of days on end. In many ways, this is unfortunate for the poor farmers who mostly rely on the weather for a good ha

13、rvest.,2. As long ago as, made the remarkable discovery that As long ago as 400,000 to 500,000 years ago, the archaeologists made the remarkable discovery that there lived “Peking Man,” in Zhoukoudian, southwest of modern Beijing, who walked upright, made and used simple tools, and knew how to make

14、fire. As long ago as 1492 Christopher Columbus, a Spanish explorer and navigator,made an important discovery that there was a land called the New World.,Patterns to imitate: The city at one time must have been ., for it The Winter Palace at one time must have been very splendid, for it covered a lar

15、ge area and served as a place for the emperors entertainment . Pompei at one time must have been very prosperous, for people still can see the remains of the bakers and some other shops in the crowded streets. Li Bai at one time must have been very famous, for wherever you travel, you can always see

16、 his poems on the stones or walls. Many of his poems have been passed down for centuries.,Patterns to imitate: are quite tolerant, but they can still when. Even really are often made to feel guilty. The hardened professional , on the other hand,is never troubled by such feelings, even if最近交通警察非常相当宽容,但是当你违反交通规则 的时候,他们仍可以拦住你。甚至是最诚实,小心的 司机,有时也被弄得有负罪感。而老练的职业司机即使 有时候犯规了,却也泰然处之。,


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