高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解基础选练(二)11

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1、1山西五台县山西五台县 20172017 高考英语一轮阅读理解基础选练(二)高考英语一轮阅读理解基础选练(二)阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C 和 D) 中, 选出最佳选项。体裁:记叙文 话题:助人为乐 时间:1515 分钟On a cold winter day,a group of strangers band together to save three children.The 30 miles of switchbacks(急转弯) that snake through the pinecovered mountains of Logan Canyon in Utah a

2、re enough to make most drivers hands sweat.But Roger Andersen,a 46yearold father of four,wasnt expecting any trouble on the road last New Years Eve,when he set off for an unexpected ski trip to the Bear River Mountains with nineyearold daughter Mia,fouryearold son Baylor,and nineyearold neighbor Ken

3、ya Wildman.Andersen had driven through the canyon hundreds of times over the years.“We ski in that area at least 20 times a year, ” says Andersen.“I know the spots that ice up a lot in the winter.”The weather was glorious for hitting the slopes30 degrees and sunnybut the higher they drove,the slicke

4、r(滑溜溜的) the roads became.Rounding a sharp turn at mile maker 473,Andersen saw a truck that had skated off the road and tapped his brakes(刹车) suddenly.In an instant,the Honda Accord was sliding at 25 miles per hour toward the shoulder of the highway,then slipping down a steep tenfoot embankment(路堤) t

5、oward the cold Logan River.As it hit the water,the car tipped toward the passenger side,hesitated,and then rolled onto its roof and sank into the river.There was no time to tell the kids what to do.The crash had broken a few windows,and within seconds,the cab of the upsidedown car was filled with wa

6、ter.“It was frightening how fast we were completely underwater, ” remembers Andersen,a softspoken product development manager.“Youre thinking, Is this how its all going to end?”Then,Andersen began to search the freezing water for the kids.Mia had been right next to him in the front seat;now,in the b

7、lackness,he couldnt find her.“I thought,if I dont get out,maybe none of us is going to get out.” Andersen untied his seat belt,swam through a broken window,and gasped for air at the surface.Thats when he saw a group of men,about ten in all,appear at the top of the embankment.One after another,they j

8、umped into the water,shouting,“Who else is in the car?”Andersen says respectfully,“It was like the sight of angels.”【语篇导读】 Andersen 的车不幸落入冰冷的河水中,一群素昧平生的人对车里的人展开了一场生死营救1Which word can best describe the feelings of most drivers when driving on this slope?ANervous. BCurious.2CExcited. DPuzzled.解析 推理判断题

9、。第二段提到这段 30 英里的路急转弯多,足以让多数司机手心出汗(are enough to make most drivers hands sweat),据此可推知,多数司机开车走在这段路上的时候应该都非常紧张,故选择 A。答案 A2What Andersen says in Paragraph 4 shows that _.Ahe is used to driving on such a dangerous roadBhe has great confidence in driving on this steep roadChe likes to ski on such a steep d

10、ownhill roadDhe would not meet such trouble as other drivers did 解析 推理判断题。由 Andersen 说的话可知,他一年要在该地区滑雪至少 20 次,也对该地区冬天的情况很了解,由此推测他走这条路时十分有信心,故选择 B。答案 B3How did Andersen escape from the crashed car at last?AHe was saved with the help of some passersby.BHe swam out of a broken window.CHe broke a window

11、nearby.DHe drove his car out of the water.解析 细节理解题。从文章最后一段可知,Andersen 在车里找不到孩子,自己松开安全带,从一个破的车窗里游了出来,故选择 B。答案 B4Andersens attitude toward these mens rescuing the children might be that of_.Adoubt BsatisfactionCsympathy Dappreciation解析 推理判断题。从最后一段 Andersen 的回答“It was like the sight of angels.”可推知,Ande

12、rsen 对这些人的见义勇为是非常感激的,故选择 D。答案 D【长难句解读】原文 As it hit the water,the car tipped toward the passenger side,hesitated,and then rolled onto its roof and sank into the river.译文 当接触到水面时,车子向副驾驶那一边倾斜,稍停了一下,然后底朝天跌入河中。分析 这是一个复合句,As 引导时间状语从句,the car tipped.为主句,其中的四个动词为并列谓语,表示按时间依次发生的动作。3阅读下列短文,从每小题后所给的阅读下列短文,从每小题

13、后所给的 A A、B B、C C、D D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Anger at the practice of demanding dowries, which can lead to violence against brides, has prompted a takeoff of “Angry Birds” called “Angry Brides” that aims to highlight the illegal practice still prevalent in many South Asian countries.Dowries-such a

14、s jewelry, clothes, cars and money-are traditionally given by the brides family to the groom and his parents to ensure she is taken care of in her new home.The custom was outlawed more than five decades ago. But it is still widely practiced, with the grooms family demanding even more money after mar

15、riage, leading to mental and physical annoyance that can drive the woman to suicide.“The Angry Brides game is our way of throwing a spotlight on the nuisance(陋习)of dowry.”said Ram Bhamidi, senior vice president and head of online marketing for S, a matrimonial(婚姻的)website with two million members.“A

16、ccording to a 2007 study, there is a dowry-related death every four hours in India, We condemn this and have consistently run campaigns on social media to help create awareness of the issue”.The name of the app, available on the groups home page, is a spinoff from the globally popular “Angry Birds” game, Its home page shows a red-clad, eight-armed woman resembling a powerful female Hindu goddess. Underneath, there is



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