高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解选练141

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1、1江苏(淮南市)江苏(淮南市)20172017 高考英语阅读理解一轮选练高考英语阅读理解一轮选练阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A.B.C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项。 Do you want to live with a strong sense of peacefulness, happiness, goodness, and self-respect? The collection of happiness actions broadly categorized(把归类) as “honor“ help you create this life of good feelings.Heres

2、an example to show how honorable actions create happiness.Say a store clerk fails to charge us for an item. If we keep silent, and profit from the clerks mistake, we would drive home with a sense of sneaky(卑鄙的) excitement. Later we might tell our family or friends about our good fortune. On the othe

3、r hand, if we tell the clerk about the uncharged item, the clerk would be grateful and thank us for our honesty. We would leave the store with a quiet sense of honor that we might never share with another soul.Then, what is it to do with our sense of happiness?In the first case, where we dont tell t

4、he clerk, a couple of things would happen. Deep down inside we would know ourselves as a type of thief. In the process, we would lose some peace of mind and self-respect. We would also demonstrate(演示) that we cannot be trusted, since we advertise our dishonor by telling our family and friends. We da

5、mage our own reputations by telling others. In contrast, bringing the error to the clerks attention causes different things to happen. Immediately the clerk knows us to be honorable. Upon leaving the store, we feel honorable and our self-respect is increased. Whenever we take honorable action we gai

6、n the deep internal rewards of goodness and a sense of nobility.There is a beautiful positive cycle that is created by living a life of honorable actions. Honorable thoughts lead to honorable actions. Honorable actions lead us to a happier existence. And its easy to think and act honorably again whe

7、n were happy. While the positive cycle can be difficult to start, once its started, its easy to continue. Keeping on doing good deeds brings us peace of mind, which is important for our happiness.1. According to the passage, the positive action in the example contributes to our_. A. self-respect B.

8、financial rewards C. advertising ability D. friendly relationship2. The author thinks that keeping silent about the uncharged item is equal to_.A. lying B. stealing C. cheating D. advertising3. The underlined phrase “bringing the error to the clerks attention“ means_.A. telling the truth to the cler

9、k B. offering advice to the clerkC. asking the clerk to be more attentive D. reminding the clerk of the charged item4. How will we feel if we let the clerk know her mistake?A. Well be very excited. B. Well feel unfortunate.2C. Well have a sense of honor. D. Well feel sorry for the clerk.5 Which of t

10、he following can be the best title of this passage?A. How to Live Truthfully B. Importance of PeacefulnessC. Ways of Gaining Self-respect D. Happiness through Honorable Actions【参考答案】15、ABACD2016 高考英语阅读理解-社会现象类 Well, parents, surprise! Lots of us are using Twitter and Facebook to thumb rides, and not

11、 just to school. Its awkward to be refused when you call a friend and ask for a ride. But with Twitter, you just look for other people heading the same way.It may sound risky, so many teens stay within their own social circles to find rides, and dont branch out beyond friends when asking on Twitter

12、just like me, but to some young people, especially those taking longer trips, stranger danger is less of a concern.“I think the digital connection of young people is really key, because younger generations grew up sharing things on line, sharing files, photos, music, etc, so theyve been very used to

13、 sharing,” said Juliet Schor, a sociology professor at Boston College.The sharing economy got big during the recession (经济衰退), allowing people to access more goods, services using technology and even to share costs. And that technology, for me, is what the car was for my mom, a gateway to more freed

14、om, like what my friend Earl says, “The symbol of freedom isnt the car any more because theres technology out there connecting you to a car.”According to the researchers at the University of Michigan, 30 years ago, eight in ten American 18-year-olds had a drivers license compared to six in ten today

15、. So its not that surprising that on my 16th birthday I wasnt rushing to get a license but an iPhone.“Driving, for young people, does mean they have to disconnect from their technology, and thats a negative. So if they could sit in the passage side and still be connected, thats going to be a plus.”

16、Schor continued.To me, another plus is that ridesharing represents something, something much bigger than trying to save money. I see it as evidence that people still depend on each other. My 3generation shares their cars and apartments the way neighbors used to share cups of sugar. For the system to work, some of us still need our own cars. But until


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