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1、 姓名: 聚焦中考同义句转换十二类型 2012 年 月 日第 1 页 共 11 页同义句转换题近几年被全国各地中考英语试题广泛采用,为必考题型之一。它属于句型转换题,但要求不能改变句子意思,即依据给出的句子,通过以词、词组、句式、语法的改变及换句来改写句子,且转换前后的句意应保持一致。从某种意义上讲,同义句也就是一句多译。日常学习过程中,必须加强一句多译的总结训练,注重转换的思路和方法,提高同义句转换的能力。下面就总结归纳一下同义句转换的十二种类型:【类型一】运用同义词或同义词组替换原句的有关部分。【解题要领】将原句中的某些词或词组,用其同义词或同义词组进行替换改变,这是同义句转换使用最多的类

2、型。在英语新教材中,同义词或词组的运用非常广泛,学习过程中要尽可能多地去归纳总结,以达到熟能生巧,举一反三的程度。【精典例句】1. 他擅长绘画。 He is good at drawingHe does well in drawing 2. 今天风很大。 There is a strong wind todayIts very windy today3. 明天我们将乘飞机去东京。Tomorrow we will go to Tokyo by airTomorrow we will fly to Tokyo4. 王先生在六点钟到达了火车站。Mr Wang reached got to arriv

3、ed at the railway station at six5. 这本书花了我 10 元钱。I spent ten yuan on the bookI paid ten yuan for the bookThe book cost me ten yuan【直击中考】1She got a letter from her penfriend last week (2002 甘肃省)She _heard from _ her penfriend last week2Linda likes music better than art (2002 呼和浩特市)Linda _prefers_ musi

4、c _to _ art3They enjoyed themselves at the garden party (2002 广州市)They _had a good nice great wonderful time _ at the garden party4The Smiths teach themselves Chinese after work (2002 聊城市)The Smiths _learn_ Chinese _by_ themselves after work【类型二】运用反义词或词组改写原句有关部分。【解题要领】此类转换主要是通过改换主语和运用其相关词或词组的反义,进行同义

5、转换。【精典例句】1. 我向他借了一台电脑。I borrowed a computer from himHe lent a computer to me2. 我认为数学比英语难。I think maths is harder than English I think English is easier than maths【直击中考】5Chinese is more popular than Japanese (2001 宁夏)Japanese is _less_ popular than Chinese6The runner fell behind the others though he

6、did what he could (2001 济南市)The runner_failed_ to _catch up_ with the others though he _did_ his _best_【类型三】运用相同涵义的不同句式来表达。【解题要领】不同的句式表达同一涵义是英语表达的显著特点。在英语新教材中,这样的句式应用得也比较广泛。如:Can I help you?May I help you? What can I do for you?( 我能帮你吗?)应要求学生充分掌握。【精典例句】1. 这位画家画一匹马花费了两个钟头。The artist spent two hours d

7、rawing a horseIt took the artist two hours to draw a horse2. 让我们去动物园好吗? Shall we go to the zoo? Lets go to the zoo,shall we?3. 今天天气怎么样? Whats the weather like today? Hows the weather today?【直击中考】7Dont open the door, will you?(2002 盐城市)Will you please _keep_ the door _closed_?8How many people live in

8、 France?(2002 厦门市)_what_ _is_ the population of France?9We spent twenty minutes cleaning the room yesterday (2002 哈尔滨市)It _took us_ twenty minutes _to clean_ the room yesterday【类型四】运用感叹句的两种句式进行转换。【解题要领】感叹句的两种句式可进行相互转换,但必须把握其句型。1)How + adjadv + 主语 + 谓语!2)What + a(an )+ adj+ 单数名词 + 主语 + 谓语!What + adj+

9、 复数名词不可数名词 + 主语 + 谓语!【精典例句】1这个男孩多么善良啊!How kind the boy is!What a kind boy he is!2这首乐曲多么优美啊!How beautiful the music is!What beautiful music it is!【直击中考】10How beautiful the park is!( 2000 广州市)_What a beautiful_ park it is!【类型五】运用两种时态进行改写。【解题要领】这两种时态是针对一般过去时与现在完成时而言的。一般过去时应表述发生在过去某一时间的动作,惟此,才可能转为现在完成时,

10、并后跟一段时间,但应特别注意动词是否属于延续性动词,如果为非延续性动词,则需将其改为延续性动词或延续性状态。这样的 姓名: 聚焦中考同义句转换十二类型 2012 年 月 日第 2 页 共 11 页动词主要有:beginstartbe on; comebe here;leavebe away(from) ; buyhave;borrowkeep;diebe dead;return be back;marrybe married;fall asleepgo to sleepbe asleep;open be open(adj ) ;close be closed(adj ) ;catch a co

11、ldhave a cold;fall illbe ill; join the LeaguePartybe in the League Party(be a LeagueParty member);join the armybe in the armybe a soldier;arrive in atbe inat;get upbe up,等等。【精典例句】1 他上周买了一辆新自行车。He bought a new bike last week/ He has had a new bike since last week2王涛六年前参军。Wang Tao joined the army six

12、years agoWang Tao has been a soldier for six yearsWang Tao has been in the army for six years【直击中考】11The film began 20 minutes ago (2002 盐城市)The film has been _on for _ 20 minutes12Sams grandfather died 10 years ago (2002 上海市)Sams grandfather has been _dead for _ 10 years13My grandpa joined the Part

13、y thirty years ago (2002 福州市)My grandpa _has been in _the Party for thirty years14I got up half an hour ago (2002 哈尔滨市)I _have been_ up for half an hour【类型六】运用复合句和不定式进行相互改写。【解题要领】此类复合句主要是宾语从句和结果状语从句,宾语从句改为不定式的句式有:1)hopewish,be sure,tell 等后跟 that 引导的从句,可转换为不定式;2)特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,也可转换为“特殊疑问词 + to do”结构,构成

14、不定式短语。so that 引导的结果状语从句有两种情况:1)表示肯定的结果,可与“enough to”结构互换;2)表示否定的结果,它既可以与“too to”结构互换,也可以改为“not + adj adv+ enough to”。 (注:此时的形容词或副词应为上句的反义词。 )注意:“so that ”结构前后主语不一致时,应在 enough 或 too + adj后面加 for sb 。【精典例句】1 我希望将来某一天参观月球。I hope that I will visit the moon some day/I hope to visit the moon some day他向我显示

15、如何使用电脑。3He showed me how he used a computer/He showed me how to use a computer这屋子这么大,能容纳 1000 人。The room is so large that it can hold 1,000 people/The room is large enough to hold 1,000 people 4他年纪太小,不能上学。He is so young that he cant go to schoolHe is too young to go to school He isnt old enough to go to school【直击中考】15They can hardly decide what they will do next (2000 济南市)_Its hard difficult _ for



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