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1、词汇1 abhor = hate 厌恶2 accuse = indict 控告3 advocate 提倡,提倡者= proponent 4 ambition = motivation determination 5 self - driven 自我驱动6 assert 断言 = affirm allege assertedly 7 bounce = rebound leap jump spring 反弹8 craft = dexterity 精通9 deficient = insufficient 不充足10 deter = prevent 阻止11 embellish = adorn 装饰2

2、014 年 1 月 21 日1 enterprise 企业; v 冒险( +in)=endeavor 2 exponent 模型= model , exampler 指数= index Stock exponent 股票指数3 component 内容(成分)Contains 指书的内容4 foremost 最基本的= primary 基础的principle 原则chief 首席的Chief executive officer = CEO 5 harbor 港口= port heaven 6 Imitate 模拟= copy emulate replicate duplicate mimic

3、 n ,imitation 7 overwhelming 战胜,克服,超过= overcome beat overpower 8 perceive 识别,认识= recognize distinguish identify realize Jewellery 珠宝identification 9 长得一样= look same look identity look like each other look very similar 10 precise 精确= exact accurate specific defined 11 quilt 鸭绒被12 sewerage 下水道1 weakne

4、ss 弱点merit 优点2 mirage 幻影3 haze 雾霾hazy 模糊4 transition 过渡5 mimic 模拟6 demo 演示7 swipe 敲打8 notation 批注9 chime in 插话10 tangible 有形的intangible 隐形的2014.1. 23 1 sign 记号,做记号,叹气2 resign 辞职resigned 辞职的Resign oneself to 服从material 材料licence 许可require 要求Resign sth/sb to sb 3 antecedent 先前的,Be antecedent to 比什么之前a

5、ntecedent money 押金= security deposite 4 anticipate 期望 史无前例no anticipate prospective 有前途的perspective 透视图行业industry 朝代dynasty 诗poet 5 threshold 门槛,开始 to 一碰就疼the low threshold of pain 6 numeracy 计算能力, 识数7 cleantech 清洁技术8 refreshment 恢复,早点,早茶refresh 使新鲜9 precision 精确度10 petition 请愿petition letter 请愿书a l

6、etter of petition 一纸诉状11 backfire 后院起火,与什么起反作用12 hinder 阻止,防止= deter(恶意的破坏)impede 妨碍(无恶意的破坏)Naughty 调皮的cousin 表兄弟姐妹nephew 侄子13 consistent = consistant 一致的, 符合的14 resistent 有抵抗力的15 heir 继承人16 gooey = sorrowful 伤心的,悲伤的17 sentimental 多愁善感的18 maudlin 感情脆弱的19 plug 塞,栓20 cascade 小瀑布21 proxy 代理人,代理权,代理商22 payout 支出23 fraud = lier 骗子,还有错误和缺失24 dermatologe 皮肤科, 皮肤病25 soybean 黄豆26 foresight 预见(深谋远虑的那种)Forecast 预测anticipate 一般的预见27 norm 规范28 awareness 意识2014. 1. 24



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