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1、七年级下册英语综合练习册参考答案,若水整理 部分没有答案就自己写吧,七年级下册英语综合练习册Unit1参考答案VocabularyA 1-6 smart , misses , laugh,remained , strict, support ,B 1-6 hard-working, goes to work , all day and all night , gives up , person , probablyGrammarA1 omitA2 1-6 a , the , the , a , the , aB 1-4 the , / , the , /C omit D omit LIsten

2、ing and speaking omitReadingA1 She introduces four people in her blog2 Her students3 He always visits patients in the hospital4 Because she has an important job in an international company,5 a hars-working studentB 1 y2 y3 DK (见文中第4段)4 N They couldnt5 y6 yC 1-8 the first Sunday of August , important

3、 , encourage , teach , people , suppotr , help , laugh Integration A omit B 1 a beauful plant 2 Because Sues mum didnt give it *(见文中底2段第2行) 3 find a new plant just like the old one 4 in every flower shop in the town 5 fely worriedC1 1-8 bacdc bac七年级下Unit1 P15 C1 参考译文:(本文翻译:谭老师)父亲每天辛勤工作,父亲节对我们来说是一个该对

4、我们的父亲说声“谢谢您!”的时机。许多国家,包括英国、美国都在6月的第三个星期日庆祝父亲节,一些国家庆祝父亲节在不同的日子,别的国家同时把它作为另外的假期。这天,人们拜访父亲和父亲一起度过,父亲通常不喜欢花,因此, 人们经常送别的礼物,做些可口的食物或一道出去聚餐,许多孩子送有趣的卡片,当他们打开时,他们经常会笑。就像母亲节,父亲节是我们一个极好的时刻向父亲表达爱和感激。在下个父亲节到来之际,何不用一声“谢谢”给你的父亲一个惊喜?C2-D Omit,英语综合练习册七年级下册Unit2参考答案VocabularyA1-6 wine,lies,coast,lift,addressB1-6 famo

5、us for,go sightseeing,go on holiday,perfect , prefer to , excellentGrammarA1 1-6 Mr Brown , The Qingming Festival , penfriends , No. 5 Junior High School , Friday , the UKA2 omitB1 1-6 but , but , so , and , so , andB2 omitB3 1 I am very excited2-4 omitC Blanks 1-5 and , but , so ,and , andListening

6、 and speakingomitReadingA1 Its very nice 2-5 omitB1 F They are both important2-5 omitC1 I can travel up the highest hill by cable car,2-5 omit Writing Omit Integration A omit B1 She lives in the northern part of the country 2-5 omit C 1-8 acbad bcd 七年级下综合练习册 Unit 2 P31 C 参考译文: 美国旧金山的唐人街是北美地区最古老的的唐人街

7、,是旧金山最顶级的游览地之一,让我们穿越唐人街看看吧,它有24栋楼房,在街上,讲汉语的比讲英语的要多。 唐人街的中心是斯托克顿街,有鱼店,水果蔬菜市场,面包店,作料店,价格不贵,唐人街青年中心在斯托克顿街777号,该中心周一到周五开放。 好了,购物累了吧?喜欢喝茶吗?我们去鲍威尔街的茶皇苑喝乌龙茶吧。 吃饭时间到了,喜欢中式餐点吗?好,在克莱门街354号的喷泉院歇息一下吧,菜单上列有许多可口的菜肴,如北京烤鸭、蒸全鱼。,英语综合练习册七年级下册Unit3参考答案 vocabulary A1-6 blind , programme , apologized , climbed, dark B 1

8、-6 by himself , helpful , anywhere , lends , arrive at , next to Garmmar A1 1 We enjoyed ourselves at the beach today 2-6 omit A2 1 myself , yourself 2-4 omit B1 omit B2 1-6 in , on , between , above , next to , under C omit Listening and speaking omit Reading A1 His dream was to have a pet 2-5 Omit

9、,B 1 F 正确答案请参见文中第一段开头,谢谢!2-5 omitC 1-3 eabWritingOmitIntegrationA OmitB 1-5 got on a boat , a nearby boat , kitchen , bedroom , om fireC 1-8 caabd cbaD OmitP47 C 参考译文:狼生活在地球的北半球,可以住在森林,平原或北极冰雪里。他们看起来像很大的狗,并有长长的腿,宽大的头。事实上,狗可能是很久以前狼演变而来的。狼约2米长,0.75米高,狼如果吃饱了食物,约有40-50公斤。狼吃 诸如老鼠兔子之类小的动物,但它们也一起猎取大的动物,如果猎

10、取到一只大的动物,它们就狼吞虎咽,可以2周不吃东西。狼成群生活,一群有6-8只狼,只有一对狼会产崽,但所有的成员帮忙照顾小狼,如果小狼有危险,群狼会保护它。人们常认为狼是危险的动物,但这不是正确的,野狼通常害怕人,如果你在森林里看到了一只狼,它可能会逃跑。,英语综合练习册七年级下册Unit4参考答案 Vocabulary A 1-6 saved , discuss , fight , convient , dug , carry B1-6 produce , take in , harmful , are made of , millions of , in fact Grammar A1 O

11、mit A2 1-8 is doing , is watching , are doing , are doing , are doing , am cooking , are drinking 9-12 omit A3 1-8 forgets , are thinking , does mean , am planning Do want , dont think , is having ,needs , Does belong A4 1-3 is smelling-smells , T , T 4-10 omit B 1-4 are doing , am reading , love ,

12、borrow Listening and speaking Omit,ReadingA 1 They like a lot of rain and warm weather2 Wake you up3-5 OmitB 1-3 T , T ,F cold-hot , 4-5 OmitC 1 clear the land , they plant new crops2-5 OmitWritingOmitIntegrationA OmitB1 1-3 T , T , F kills-catchesC 1-8 bcdac bcc七年级下综合练习册Unit 4 P63 C 参考译文:植物生长在每个角落,


14、册Unit5参考答案 Vocabulary A 1-6 drop,voice, add to,through,valuable,forms B 1-6 salt , made up of , fresh , part of , continues , return Grammar A1 2 Theres no cooking oil 3 Theres a lot of salt 4-10 Omit A2 1 How much , not enough 2 How many , too many 3-7 Omit B 1-3 enough , too few , how many 4-12 Om

15、it Listening and speaking Omit,ReadingA1 1-3 bacA2 1-4 FFTTB 1-3 6440 km , 240 km , Peru4-12 OmitC 1 More than three million2-5 OmitWriting OmitIntegrationA OmitB OmitC 1-8 dabcb bca七年级下综合练习册 Unit 5 P89 C 参考译文(谭老师翻译此文):世界上海洋最深的部分马里亚纳海沟,位于太平洋。在1995年,一艘叫Kaiko的日本潜水艇潜入几乎11000米进入了海沟,在这暗处有鱼类和别的动物生存。人们是很难潜

16、入到海洋深处的。人类不可能下到水里30米更深处,因为耳朵和肺所受的的压力,但如果一个潜水员穿特别的潜水服就能下到600米处。太平洋上的夏威夷,是一个游览之地,它是一个非常迷人的地方,在那有许多酒店。但有一个很特别,它位于水下,是的,一部分是。它2000年开办的,有四层楼在水上、四层楼在水下,但它的80间客房都在水面以下,您可以看到鱼在房窗外面游动。,英语综合练习册七年级下册Unit6参考答案 Vocabulary A 1-6 conversation , replied , foolish , moment , test , tidies B 1-6 touch , washing machi

17、nes , air conditioners , connect , wires , in a way Grammar A 2 Can you speak , can , cant speak 3-6 Omit B 2 can I turn the air conditioner off ? 3-6 Omit C1 2 must , look , Yes,we must 3-4 Omit C2 2 I must return the library book ? 3-5 Omit D 1-3 can , can , can 4-14 Omit Listening and speaking Omit,


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