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1、Unit 3 Happiness,Text A The Pursuit of Happiness for the Common Good,( 3 - 5 ),制作人:谌宁,3.The desire to be happy is central to our nature. We all want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each persons happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the g

2、uide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.,Detailed Reading_t2,译文:渴望幸福是人类本性的核心。人人都渴望这样一个社 会:人们尽可能地幸福,每个人的幸福同等重要。这 应当是我们这个时代的人生哲学,应当用来指导公共 利益的维护准则和每个人的行为,应当逐渐取代无法 使我们更加幸福的极端的个人主义。,Text A,1.individualis

3、m n. 个人主义;利己主义;个人特征 eg:In China, we believe in collectiveness, but in America,people believe in individualism. 在中国,我们相信集体主义,而在美国人们相信个人主义。,2.banish vt. 放逐;驱逐短语:Soul Banish 灵魂清除to banish 罚下场 ; 充车banish test 消除试验 eg:Theyd banish us, you know. 要知道,他们会把我们驱逐。,注释:,Detailed Reading_t3,4.Indeed, money is per

4、ceived as one of the key factors affecting a persons happiness. But can money alone make us happy in the long run? In any society, richer people are often happier than poor people. Yet, as a western country becomes richer, its people overall do not become happier.,The reason for this is that over ti

5、me our standards and expectations rise to meet our income. A Gallup Poll has asked Americans each year: “What is the smallest amount of money a family of four needs to get along in this community?” The sums mentioned rise in line with average incomes. Since people are always comparing their incomes

6、with what others have, or with what they are used to, they only feel better off if they move up relative to the norm.,译文:金钱的确是影响个人幸福的关键因素之一。但是,金钱本身能使我们最终获得幸福吗?在任何一个社会,富人往往比穷人幸福。然而,当一个西方国家越来越富有的时候,其人民的幸福程度在总体上并未得到改善。随着时间的推移,我们的标准和期望随着收入的增加而上升。盖洛普民意测验每年都向美国人提问:“一个四口之家至少需要多少钱才能在这个国家生活下去?”人们说出的数字上升的幅度与平

7、均收入增加的幅度是一样的。因为人们总是拿自己的收入和他人的收入以及他们惯于拥有的收入相比较,只有当他们认为和平均水准相比有所上升时才感到幸福。,1.poll n. 投票;民意测验;投票数;投票所vt. 投票;剪短;获得选票vi. 投票eg:Who else do they poll for? 它还为谁做民意调查?,2.better off adj. 经济状况好的,富裕的;状况好的eg: Wed be better off without him at the party.要是没有他在晚会上,我们就玩的更开心了。,注释:,3.relative adj. 相对的;有关系的;成比例的n. 亲戚;相关

8、物;eg: In the endless flow of absolute truth there are innumerable relative truths. 在绝对真理的长河中有无数相对真理。,4.overall adj. 全部的;全体的;一切在内的adv. 全部地;总的说来n. 工装裤;罩衫eg: All these govern the overall security model of the system. 所有这些内容控制着系统的总体安全模型。,This process can have counterproductive effects. I have an incenti

9、ve to work and earn more: it will make me happier. So do other members of society, who also care about their relative standard of life. Since society as a whole cannot raise its position relative to itself, the effort which its members devote to that end could be said to be a waste the balance betwe

10、en leisure and work has been shifted “inefficiently” towards work.,Detailed Reading_t4,5.,译文:这一过程反而达不到预期的目的。我努力工作、赚更多钱的动力是:这会使我更幸福一些。其他的社会成员也同样如此,他们也关注自己相对的生活标准。既然社会整体无法以自己为参照物而提高自己的地位,那么社会成员为使自己更加幸福所付出的努力可以说是一种浪费 当休闲与工作的天平偏向工作时,工作是“没有效率”的.,1.counterproductive adj. 反生产的;使达不到预期目标的短语:Is counterproduct

11、ive 事与愿违的是Potentially Counterproductive 可能会适得其反counterproductive cooperation 逆效合作 eg: I realized it would be counterproductive to force her to continue there, but what option did we have? 我意识到如果强迫她继续去学校,那将适得其反。 但我们该怎么办呢?,2.as a whole 总的来说短语:plan as a whole 通盘筹划 ; 统筹China as a whole 整个中国Design as a w

12、hole 整体设计 eg: This made the system as a whole more efficient, and each individual worker more productive. 这使系统作为一个整体更加有效率,每个工人更加有工作效率。,注释:,3.inefficiently adv. 无效率地;缺乏能力地n.工作效率差的人;不称职的人 eg: Blade claims large core switches are more expensive to deploy and operate, and use power inefficiently . 刀片索赔大型核心交换机是较昂贵,部署和运作,和使用电力的效率。,4.end n. 结束;目标;尽头;末端;死亡vi. 结束,终止;终结vt. 结束,终止;终结 eg: The report is expected by the end of the year.这份报告预期年底前出台。,5.incentive adj. 激励的;刺激的 eg: There is little or no incentive to adopt such measures.几乎或根本没有鼓励来采取这样的措施。,thanks,



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