高中英语 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions Section Ⅱ Warming up & Reading-Language Points课时作业版选修8

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1、UnitUnit 3 3 InventorsInventors andand inventionsinventionsSectionSection WarmingWarming upup & & ReadingReadingLanguageLanguage PointsPoints.单句语法填空1We all have an_(expect) that he can pass the driving test next week.答案: expectation2He took measures to make up his fault,which received our_(recognize

2、)答案: recognition3She was subjected to the _(mercy) criticism of her opponents.答案: merciless4. In ancient China we had many advanced _(invent),which led to todays civilization and development.答案: inventions5Youll find these meals quick and _(convenience) to prepare.答案: convenient6Our conversation cam

3、e to an end _(abrupt) when George burst into the room.答案: abruptly7I would rather you _(tell) me the truth right now.答案: told8You shouldnt go yourself.Youll _(recognize)答案: be recognized9The journey was not as nice as we _(expect)答案: had expected10He accumulated money everywhere _(produce) a movie a

4、bout Chinese culture.答案: to produce11_(dive) under the deep water gives her great pressure.答案: Diving12_(inspire) by the teachers words,he worked harder than before.答案: Inspired .选词填空be convenient for,meet with,set about,distinguish.from,come up to ones expectations,there seems to be,now and then,ca

5、ll up 1What _me _others is that I take an active part in all kinds of activities.答案: distinguishes;from2_,we get together to have a chat,but not often.答案: Now and then3I have_applying to be a volunteer since I learned the information.答案: set about 4I usually enjoy his movies,but the latest one didnt

6、_.答案: come up to my expectations5The voluntary work _me and I am bound to do the job well.答案: is convenient for 6They often quarreled;_a misunderstanding between them. 答案: there seemed to be7I will be grateful if you can consider accepting me and_me_.答案: calling;up8In my opinion,when _difficulties a

7、nd frustrations,we should say “It is very good!” 答案: meeting with .阅读理解Penguins are the numberone attraction for many visitors to Antarctica (南极洲)If you go on a ship that is allowed to make shore landings,you may see them.But to get a close look at penguins,you have to be smart.First of all,keep in

8、mind that Antarcticas visitor rules require that you remain at least five meters away from the penguins in order not to disturb them.You could easily become responsible for the death of a little penguin or the destruction (破坏) of an egg if your tooclose presence should disturb a penguin parent.If a

9、penguin is trying to move away from you,you must stop what youre doing and back off even if youre farther than five meters away.However,the rules dont prevent a curious penguin from approaching within five meters of youas long as the bird makes the move,not you.Little penguins,in particular,are quit

10、e curious.Ive seen several lucky tourists who were astonished to find that little penguins came right up to them.If a penguin comes extremely close to you,remember:you arent allowed to touch or hold them.Here are more tips for getting close to penguins:Ignore the smell:where penguins live is filled

11、with guano (海鸟粪) and the smell takes some getting used to.Be quiet because loud noises make penguins nervous.Fast or sudden movements signal meateating animals to penguins,and they react accordingly,so slow down when you walk around them.Since it may take half an hour or more before the penguins get

12、 used to you,you need to be patient.Put away your cameratoo often people are so focused on getting the pictures that they forget to look with their own eyes,but most of your most memorable experiences in Antarctica will be marked in your mind,not on a roll of film.语篇解读 本文是说明文。文章介绍了去南极近距离接触企鹅时的注意事项。1

13、What will happen if visitors disturb penguins according to Paragraph 2?AVisitors may step on a little penguin.BPenguin parents may break their eggs.CVisitors are easily attacked by penguins.DPenguin parents may attack other animals.解析: 推理判断题。由第二段最后一句 You could easily become responsible for.the destr

14、uction of an egg if your tooclose presence should disturb a penguin parent 可推测,企鹅妈妈受到打扰后可能会不小心弄破企鹅蛋。答案: B2If a penguin comes very close to you,_.Ayou may hold itByou may touch it gentlyCyou should stay where you areDyou should walk away carefully解析: 推理判断题。由第四段中的 If a penguin comes extremely close to

15、 you,remember:you arent allowed to touch or hold them 可推测,当企鹅来到你身旁时,你可以呆在原地但不能碰或者抓它们。答案: C3What is the purpose of the text?ATo offer some tips about catching penguins.BTo invite readers to pay a visit to Antarctica.CTo tell readers how to behave near penguins.DTo give some advice on how to watch penguins closely.解析: 写作目的题。由第一段最后一句 But to get a close look at penguins,you have to be smart 及文章内容可知,本文的目的在于告诉读者如何靠近企鹅。答案: C4In which part of a magazine can this passage be found?AEntertainment. BTourism.CMarket.DAdvertisement.解析:


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