八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What’s the matter写作小专题练习人教新目标版

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1、UnitUnit 1 1 WhatsWhats thethe mattermatter单元写作小专题& & SectionSection B B(3a3a3b3b) 【单元写作目标】 能表达生活中存在的健康问题,并就这些提出建议;能描述意外伤害事故,并给出合理的应对措施。 1 1能用“have”表达健康问题及意外事故。 2 2能描述健康问题的状况或意外事故发生的过程及病情或受伤的程度。 3 3能用 “should/shouldnt” 提建议。 4 4写作微技能:不同句式的表达。一、词汇积累 (一)健康问题类短语 1 1牙痛 have_a_toothache 2.2.头痛 have_a_head

2、ache 3 3喉咙痛 have_a_sore_throat 4.4.流鼻血 have_a_nosebleed 5 5感冒 have_a_cold 6.6.发烧 have_a_fever 7 7咳嗽 have_a_cough 8.8.感到恶心 feel_sick (二)意外事故短语 1 1摔倒 fall_down 2.2.割伤 cut_oneself 3 3撞到头 get_hit_on_the_head 4 4膝盖受伤 hurt_ones_knee (三)措施短语 1 1躺下来休息 lie_down_and_rest 2 2喝热的蜂蜜水 drink_hot_tea_with_honey 3 3

3、看牙医 go_to_the_dentist 4 4量体温 take_ones_temperature 5 5在上敷药 put_some_medicine_on 6 6切除 cut_off (四)其他短语 1 1放弃 give_up 2.2.下车 get_off 3 3使惊讶 to_ones_surprise 4 4同意做某事 agree_to_do_sth. 5 5陷入麻烦 get_into_trouble 6.6.习惯于be_used_to 7 7冒险 take_risks 8.8.用尽;耗尽 run_out(of) 9 9离开:从出来 get_out_of 1010掌管;管理 be_in_

4、control_of 1111坚持做某事 keep_on_doing_sth. 1212做决定 make_decisions 1313考虑做某事 think_about_doing_sth.二、句子积累 (一)佳句欣赏与模仿 1 1I sat in the same way for too long without moving.The bus driver stopped the bus without thinking twice.【without doing sth.没有做某事】 我一直在做作业没有休息。I_did_my_homework_all_the_time_without_hav

5、ing_a_rest. 2 2But to his surprise,they all agreed to go with him. 【to ones surprise 使惊讶;出乎意料】 让我感到惊讶的是,他能独自穿越这片森林。To_my_surprise,he_could_go_through_the_forest_himself.3 3Thanks to Mr.Wang and the passengers,the doctors saved the man in time.【thanks to 多亏;由 于; in time 及时】 多亏了黄老师,快速送我到医院,我才及时得到治疗(re

6、ceive treatment)。 Thanks_to_Mr.Huang,he_sent_me_to_the_hospital_quickly_and_I_received_treatment_in_time. 4 4He bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood.【so that 以便;为了】 我早起是为了赶上早班车。I_get_up_early_so_that_I_can_catch_the_early_bus. 5 5His love for mountain climbing is so great that h

7、e kept on climbing mountains even after his experience.【sothat如此以至于】 这蛋糕是如此美味,以至于我吃了好多,肚子痛了。The_cake_was_so_delicious_that_I_ate_too_much_and_had_a_stomachache. 6 6Aron is used to taking risks.【be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事】 我习惯于早上喝一杯水。I_am_used_to_drinking_a_glass_of_water_in_the_morning.三、篇章训练 假如你是张

8、华,你因感冒不能去上学,需要请假。请你根据下列提示内容,用英语给你的班主任(英语老师 Mr.Wang)写个请假条。 提示:1.请假原因(感冒,医生让休息); 2请假时间。 要求:1.根据提示内容进行写作,可适当发挥;2.80 词左右。 参考词汇:ask forday(s) off 请假天 Dear_Mr.Wang,Im_very_sorry_that_I_cant_go_to_school_today_because_I_have_a_cold.Yesterday_e vening,I_had_a_headache_and_a_fever.My_father_had_to_take_me_to_see_the_doctor.The_doctor_said_I_had_a_cold.He_asked_me_to_take_some_medicine_three_times_a_day.And_h e_also_advised_me_to_lie_in_bed_and_rest.So_I_want_to_ask_for_one_day_off.I_think _I_can_go_to_school_tomorrow.Thanks. Zhang_Hua May_9th


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