八年级英语下册 Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks写作小专题练习人教新目标版

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1、1单元写作小专题单元写作小专题& & SectionSection B(3aB(3a3b)3b)【单元写作目标】 1 1能用“Id like to/I could/I want to”来表示自己向他人提供帮助或从事公益活动的意愿。 2 2能用“clean up,fix up,set up,take after,cheer up,give out,call up”等短语描述向他人提 供帮助。 3 3写作微技能:1n(n3)写作拓展策略。一、词汇积累 (一)动词短语 1 1打扫干净 clean_up 2 2(使)变得更高兴;振奋起来 cheer_up 3 3分发;散发 give_out 4.4.放

2、弃 give_up 5 5张贴 put_up 6.6.推迟 put_off 7 7打电话给(某人) call_up 8.8.修理;解决 fix_up 9 9赠送;捐赠 give_away 10.10.建立;设立 set_up 1111帮助解决困难 help_out_with_sth. 1212用完 run_out_of 1313想出;提出 come_up_with (二)其他短语 1 1城市公园 city_park 2 2食物银行 food_bank 3 3开心的表情 the_look_of_joy 4 4一个课后计划 an_afterschool_program 5 5由于 because_

3、of 6.6.从现在起 from_now_on 7 7清洁日 CleanUp_Day 8.8.残疾人 disabled_people二、句子积累 (一)佳句欣赏与模仿 1 1The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up.【不定式 to cheer them up 表目的】 我可以去敬老院逗老人开心。I_can_go_to_an_old_peoples_home_to_cheer_them_up. 2 2I can do what I love to do and help others at the sa

4、me time.【what I love to do 是作 do 的宾语, 意为“做我喜欢的事情” 】 我想做我喜欢的事情。I_want_to_do_what_I_love_to_do. 3 3Volunteering our time to help these people is a good idea to spend our free time. 【volunteering our time to help these people 在此句中是动名词短语作主语,volunteer time to do sth.意为“自愿花时间做某事” 】 我认为自愿每周花时间去帮助残疾人是很有意义的。

5、I_think_volunteering_our_time_every_week_to_help_disabled_people_is_meaningful. 4 4Id like to help homeless people.I want to travel alone.【would like to do sth.与 want to do sth.是指“想要做某事” 】 大学毕业后,我想成为一名志愿者。Id_like_to_be_a_volunteer_after_I_finish_my_college. (二)写作微技能:1n(n3)写作拓展策略 1 1欣赏下面文本片段:Mario_lo

6、ves_animals_and_wants_to_be_an_animal_doctorHe volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning.Mario believes it can help him to get his 2future dream job.下划线部分就是“1” ,相当于主题句,斜体部分为“n” ,将 Mario 的爱好与志愿活动进行联 系,并阐明理由他坚信这样能帮助他实现梦想。三、篇章训练 假如你是王琳,你去英语角练习口语。 同学们正在谈论自己曾经做过的志愿活动。 请你根据图片提示,和 同学们分享一下你上周去

7、敬老院看望老人的事。 提示:参考词汇:floor 地板;water 洗水;comb 梳理(头发) 要求: 1语句通顺、符合逻辑,可适当发挥; 280 词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Last Sunday,my friends and I went to the old peoples home.We met at the school gate at 8:00 am.Then we went to the old peoples home on foot.It took us about half an hour to get there.The old people there were very glad to see us.We helped them clean the floor and windows,watered the flowers,combed their hair and talked with them.We also had lunch with them.We went home at 4:30 pm.We will visit them again when we are free.


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