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1、Revision,We go to school on foot everyday.,We dont go to school on foot everyday.,我们每天走路上学。,Do you go to school on foot everyday?,他们早上八点吃早餐。,They have breakfast at 8 oclock in the morning.,Do they have breakfast at 8 oclockin the morning?,They dont have breakfast at 8 oclock in the morning.,他正在做什么?,

2、What is he doing now?,他正在看电影。,He is watching a movie now.,他正在做什么?,What is he doing now?,他正在唱歌。,He is singing now.,他们将要去做什么?,What are they going to do?,他们将要去爬山。,Theyre going to climb the mountain.,她将要去做什么?,What is she going to do?,她将要去游泳。,She is going to swim.,Have you ever been there?,butcher,New Co

3、ncept English(Book 1) (新概念英语)(第一册),-Do you eat meat every day? 你每天都吃肉吗? - _.,Lesson 49 At the butchers,Everyday English,1.Time flies. 时间飞逝。 2. I will pick you up.我来接你。,New Words and Expressions,butcher 卖肉的meat 肉beef 牛肉lamb 羔羊肉husband 丈夫steak 牛排,mince 肉馅chicken 鸡tell 告诉truth 实情either 也,New Words and

4、Expressions, butcher n. a person who sells meat,e.g.: The old man is a butcher .,at the butchers a place where you can buy meat,egg: The boy is at the butchers . He wants to buy some meat .,I have to go to the butchers.doctor doctors 在英文表示“某一商店”的商店中,往往可以把shop省略,如课文中的the butchers (shop)和the greengroc

5、ers (shop),类似的例子还有the hairdressers (shop),the stationers (shop),the doctors (office),my mothers (house)等。,butcher n.屠夫;刽子手(残忍的或滥杀无辜的人) He is a real butcher!他是嗜杀成性的人。 meat 肉(食用)Do you want any meat?, beef, lamb, steak, mince,beef n.(UC) the meat from oxen ksn or cowsox和bull的区别 ox指被阉割过的公牛 bull指未被阉割过的

6、Do you want any beef ? There isnt any beef on the plate.,steak n. (UC) a piece of steak,steak,-How do you like your steak?你想怎样吃你的牛排? - Steak rare/medium/well-done.生些/五分熟/全熟。Waiter, this steak is too rare. 服务生,这牛排太生了。 How will you like your steak? Rare! 您要怎么做的牛排?嫩些的! I want my steak medium rare, plea

7、se. 我要半生的牛排,麻烦你。 Would you like the steak well done or rare? 你喜欢牛排煎得透一点,还是略生一点?,lamb n. (uc)the meat from lambse.g.: Do you want beef or lamb ?Beef , please .Lamb , please .,a lovely lamb,a wolf in sheeps clothing 披着羊皮的狼, 口蜜腹剑的人 Shes as gentle as a lamb. _.The life of the wolf is the death of the la

8、mb.有活的狼就有死的羔羊。 A lamb is as dear to a poor man as an ox to the rich. 穷人的一只羔羊比富人的一头牛还要珍贵。,mince n. (UC)I want a pound of mince. Because I want to make some dumplings .,chicken n., chicken n.鸡,鸡肉,cock kk公鸡,hen hen母鸡,chick tik小鸡,翻译:,1. 房子后面有一些鸡。 2. -你想吃些什么?- 我想吃些鸡肉。,wife,husband,girlfriendfiancebridewi

9、fehousewifespouse配偶, 夫或妻 复数 spouses spouses date of birth /配偶出生日期 spouses place of birth /配偶出生地,boyfriendfiancegroomhusbandhousehusbandcouple 夫妇,夫妻, husband n.老公,丈夫,We are husband and wife. = We are a couple kpl 一对. 夫妻之间的称呼: honey dear darling sweet baby What do you call your husband?, tell v. 过去式 t

10、old I told you something about my husband just now .Tell me another. 我不相信你。 You are telling me. 我早就知道这事了!,tell v.告诉,说,to tell you the truth 说老实话 To tell you the truth , I dont want to tell you this .To tell you the truth, we cant lower the price again. 实话说,这个牛排不是很好。I have been loving you for a long

11、time! To be frank, =frankly, ,truth n.实情,事实,true adj. 真实的 truly adv. 1. 真正地2. 忠实地, 真诚地come true 梦想成真 come into reality true lie 真实的谎言 The truth is 真相是/事实是find out the truth 找到真相,talk, tell, say, speak,chat,discuss,say是“讲,说”的意思,强调说话内容。一般作及物动词,常用于直接引述所说的话或间接叙述所说的话。例如: Say it in Chinese please 请用汉语说。 H

12、e says: Its great他说:“好极了。” He says that he saw the man yesterday 他说他昨天看见这个人了。 My English teacher always says that Im a good student. say+ 说话内容 say to sb. It is said that. 意为“据说”。如: It is said that he could stay under the water for a long time. 据说他能呆在水里很长时间。, speak作及物动词,意为“说”“讲”,其宾语常是某种语言。如:speak Fre

13、nch说法语; 表示说到什么人或事,须用介词about/ of /on引出的短语。如:They all spoke on folk music speak也作不及物动词,主要表示说话的本能和方式,发言等。例如: The baby is learning to speak speak+ 语言 speak to sb. speak about/ of/ on sth. speak of 意为“提到、说起”speak to with sb (about sth),talk意为“讲、谈论,谈话”是不及物动词,常和to with about 连用如: They are talking about the

14、 film 他们正谈论这部电影。 The teacher is talking with Mike 老师正和迈克谈话。 I want to talk to you. talk to/ with sb. about sth. have a talk with 意为“与交谈” give a talk做报告 (talk n.报告) have a talk听报告 talk show 脱口秀,tell意为“告诉,对说”.告诉的内容 可以和to连用 作及物动词,如: I cant tell the bad news to you I cant tell you the bad news My mother

15、 tells me to buy some fruittell the truth 说真话 tell a lie说谎 tell the time “报时“ tell a story讲故事 tell about a person / a game / a success tell sb. sth. tell sth. to sb. tell sb. to do sth tell : 辨别,说出区别 tell A from B tell the differences between A and B,chat 聊天,chat room 聊天室 chitchat闲谈,聊天 have a chitchat 闲聊 video chat 视频聊天 have a chat with sb./chat with sb. 和某人聊天,练习一: 1. Did he _ it in English?A. tell B. speak C. say D. talk 2. The teacher _ us to finish the homework in time.A. tells B. speaks C. says D. talks 3.What would you like to _ us about your hometown.A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell,



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