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1、,A Happy Discovery,antique n. 古董,古玩; adj.古老的,古代的;,an antique shop 古玩店 an antique dealer 古董商 antiquated ntkwetd adj. 过时的(old-fashioned and out of date) an antiquated idea vintage vntd adj.老式的,过时的; n.美酒;古着,fascination n. 魅力;迷惑力,He has a fascination for girls. 他令女孩子着迷。She had a fascination with flowers

2、. 她对花很着迷。 fascinate vt.使着迷; 使神魂颠倒; 蛊惑 Cats nevet fail to fascinate human beings. 猫总能让人类产生极大的兴趣. Snakes are said to fascinate small animals. 据说蛇能蛊惑小动物.,forbidding adj. 望而生畏的,望而却步的,a forbidding look/task/mountain/appearance forbidden adj.不允许的,被禁止的; 禁用的; If something is forbidden, you are not allowed t

3、o do it or have it. Forbidden City forbidden fruit forbid v.禁止 (forbade ,forbidden) forbid sb to do sth. keep/stop/prevent sb. from doing sth.,muster v.鼓起(勇气);集合,召集,muster up courage to do 鼓足勇气做某事 muster up spirit 打起精神 He travelled around West Africa trying to muster support for his movement.寻求支持 Mu

4、stering all her strength, Nancy pulled hard on both oars.使出所有力气 Thirty thousand men were to muster. 要集合的将达三万人. Go and muster all the men you can find.召集,pretentious adj.自命不凡的;矫饰的,pretend-pretentious pretentious language/speech 浮华的 Thats a pretentious name for a dog! pretentiousness prtensns n.自负 He

5、has a tendency towards pretentiousness. 他总是想表现得自命不凡。 put on airs 摆架子 strike a pose 装腔作势,labyrinth n.迷宫,They found a labyrinth of tunnels under the ground. 他们发现了一处迷宫似的地道。 maze n.迷宫; 迷惑; 错综复杂; a maze of streets /wires 错综复杂的马路/线路 be in a maze 困惑,迷茫 I am in a maze about future.,labyrinths:螺旋形迷宫 mazes:矩形

6、迷宫,labyrinths 通常只有一个入口, 目标是达到圆心, 然后再原路返回,mazes 一个入口一个出口, 目的是从入口到达出口,完成迷宫,musty adj.陈腐的;发霉的,musty rooms/books/bread/food Opening the door, she made a face at the musty smell. 她打开门后闻到一股难闻的霉味,不禁做了个鬼脸。 decayeddked adj.腐烂了,贬值而 stale stel (陈的) -fresh The room smelled musty and stale. 这个房间闻起来有股发霉的陈味儿.,rari

7、ty n.珍品,稀少少见的人或东西,A man over a hundred years old is a rarity. Rain is a rarity in Egypt. rare adj.稀有的;罕见的 a rare object 一件珍品 masterpiece n.杰作,assorted adj.各式各样的,我喜欢吃配有沙拉或者什锦蔬菜的肉类。(serve) I like meat served with salad or assorted vegetables. assort vt.把分类Collect , assort and file the documents from m

8、aterial management. 对物料管理工作中形成的资料进行收集、整理、归档. vi.相配; 相称 ; 交际; 交往 She doesnt assort with people of her own age.,junk n.破烂货;废品,junk food(rich in fat) a junk dealer 收破烂的 rubbish n. 垃圾; 无意义的东西; 废话; (Br.) Dont talk rubbish! trash n. 垃圾,废物; 废话(Am.) garbage n. 垃圾; 丢弃的食物; 无用的数据,litter v.杂乱地布满;,Books littered

9、 the floor. 地板上到处都是书。 be littered with 布满了 The desk is littered with assorted magazines. litter n. 杂物,垃圾; 废纸 litter bag 垃圾袋,dedicated adj.专心致志的,a dedicated sportsman 一个热忱的运动专家 a dedicated musician 一个专心致志的音乐家 dedicate v.奉献;献身(devote) She dedicated her life to scientific studies. devoted adj.忠诚的 a dev

10、oted wife a devoted couple 真心相爱的一对,dealer n.商人;发牌人;经销商 ;毒品贩子,专门从事某一种商品经营的版权 a car dealer Hes a dealer in second-hand cars. They aim to clear every dealer from the street. 他们打算把街上所有的毒品贩子都清走。 tradesman n.生意人;买卖人 merchant m:tnt n.(做大生意的)生意人 wholesaler 批发商 retailer n.零售商,cherish v.珍视,抱有,怀有,v.珍视 cherish

11、the friendship/life/opportunity Overseas Chinese cherish the memory of their home land. 侨胞想念祖国. v.抱有;怀有 cherish the wish/hope/dream/ideas The mother always cherished the hope that she could find her long-lost son.,amply adv.足够地,ample adj.十分充足的enough or more than enough ample time/evidence/space ampl

12、ify v. 放大,扩大; amplifier n.扩音器 magnifier n.放大镜 sufficient(enough) adj. 足够的; 充足的; adequatedkwt (just enough) adj. 刚刚够,mere adj.仅仅,单单,只要,He lost the election by a mere 20 votes. Dont be angry.Its a mere joke. Your meeting us was a mere accident. I pick up the computer for a mere 2000 RMB. merely adv. o

13、nly He merely told her that he worked for the corporation.,prise v. 撬 (Br.),prize v. 撬 (Am.) prise sth. off 把.翘掉 Eventually I prised the lid off with a knife. prise sth. up 把.撬开 prise the box open 把盒子撬开 prise sth. out 设法套出话来 It took me half an hour to prize the address out of him.,carve v.镌刻,He carv

14、es the figures from white pine. 他用白松木雕刻出那些人偶。 carve the chicken 切割鸡肉 v. 开创(事业) carve ones career 开创事业 The girl from nowhere wants to carve herself a place in history. 留名青史,dagger n.短剑;匕首,look daggers at =look at sb. angrily 怒目圆睁 sword s:d n.长剑 put sb. to the sword =kill sb. with a sword,miniature ad

15、j. 微小的;(尤指)微型的,miniature camera 小型相机 miniature garden 微型花园 miniature painting 微型化 minibus/minicab/miniskirtHe looked like a miniature version of his father. 他看上去就像是他父亲的迷你版。,composition n.构图;作曲;文章,compose v.构成,构思,组成 compose a poem/letter/song compose a shot 为拍摄构图 be composed of 由.组成Our class is compo

16、sed of eighteen boys and twelve girls. 我们班由18个男生和12个女生组成.,Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people. 古玩店对许多人来说有一种特殊的魅力。,exert a peculiar fascination on sb 对某人有一种特殊的魅力 Shoe shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many ladies. 鞋店对于很多女士来讲,具有一种很特殊的魅力。,glass case 玻璃柜子,罩子 show case 橱窗 book case 书架 packing case 货箱 knife case 刀架 glasses case 眼镜盒We put our books in bookcase to keep them free from dust. 我们把书放进书柜目的不落上灰尘,



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