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1、1,2015 英语学业考试词汇表例句翻译,2,about prep.&ad. 关于,在各处,四处;大约,到处 I know nothing about the accident. 我对这个事故一无所知。 Id like to travel about the world. 我想要环游世界。 He likes to walk about after supper. 他喜欢晚饭后散步。Accept v. 接受 I didnt accept his gift. 我没有接受他的礼物。 I receive their invitation yesterday, but I decided not to

2、accept it. 我昨天收到了他们的邀请,但是我决定不接受。,3,afford v.负担得起(的费用),抽得出(时间);提供 They walked because they couldnt afford a taxi. 他们因为付不起出租车只好步行。 Id love to go on holiday but I cant afford the time. 我想去度假但是我抽不出时间。 Television affords pleasure to many people. 电视给许多人带来了欢乐。against prep.对着,反对 We walked against the snow.

3、我们迎着雪前进。 Most people are against the new idea. 许多人都不同意这个新方法。,4,agree v.同意,应允 We agree to meet up later and talk things over. 我们同意晚点见面谈下事情。 I asked for a pay rise and she agreed. 我请求加薪,她同意了。agree to 同意 She agreed to my idea. 她同意了我的观点。 Is she going to agree to our suggestion? 她会同意我们的建议吗?,5,agree with

4、同意 Do you agree with me about the need for more schools? 你同意我关于需要修建更多学校的想法吗? all a.& pron.全(部),所有的,总;全部,全体人员 He spent all his money. 他用光了所有钱。 All my friends are kind. 我所有的朋友都很友好。 Youve had all the fun and Ive had all the work. 你享受了所有的快乐而我承担了所有的工作。 All of the toys were broken. 所有的玩具都坏了。 I invited my

5、five sisters but not all can come. 我邀请了我的五个姐妹担不是所有人都能来。,6,allow v.允许,准许 My boss doesnt allow me to use the telephone. 我老板不允许我用电话。 “Can I smoke?”“Im sorry, its not allowed.” “我能抽烟吗?”“不好意思,这里不能抽烟。” another a.&pron.再一,另一,别的,另一个 Would you like another cup of tea? 你想再喝一杯茶吗? He has got another pen. 他又买了一支

6、笔。 We can do it another time. 我们可以下次再做。,7,Thats quite another thing. 这完全是另一回事。 I dont like this pen. Please give me another. 我不喜欢这支笔。能给我另一支吗?answer n.&v.回答,回信,答复;回答,回复 I rang the bell but there was no answer. 我按了门铃但是没有人回答。 The answer he gave us was quite surprising. 他给我们的答复让我们很吃惊。 Have you had an an

7、swer to her letter? 你回复了她的信吗? Who knows the answer to his question? 谁知道这个题的答案?,8,Please answer me a letter as soon as possible. 请尽快回信给我。 Think carefully before you answer. 请在回答前想清楚。 anxious a. 忧虑的;焦虑的;不安的 Helen is anxious about traveling on her own. 海伦对于自己一个人旅游很不安。“Feeling scared, Joe?” ”No, just a

8、little anxious.” “乔,你害怕吗?”“我不害怕,就是有点不安。” Peggy is anxious to show that she can work out the problem. 佩吉急于地想表示她会解答这道题。,9,appear v.出现 A smile appears on his face. 一抹笑容出现在他的脸上。 Roger appeared very sad. 罗杰看起来很伤心。appreciate v.感激 I appreciated his help when we moved. 我很感谢他在我们搬家时给我们的帮助。 “Thanks, boys. I ap

9、preciate it.” “谢谢,男生们,我非常感激。”,10,arrive v.到达;达到 What time did you arrive? 你么是什么时候到的? Give me a call to let me know when youve arrived. 你们到的时候给我打个电话。,11,ask v.问,询问;请求 Ask him about the book you lost- he may have found it. 问下他关于你那本丢失的书,他可能找到了。 Asking your boss for a pay rise shows that you are an exce

10、llent employee. 想你的老板要求加薪表示你是一位优秀的员工。 She has asked me to come to the party. 她要请我去参加这个聚会。ask for 要求(得到) Did you ask your boss for a pay increase. 你向你的老板要求加薪了吗?,12,asleep a 睡着的,熟睡 Dont wake him up- hes asleep. 不要吵醒他,他睡着了。beat v. 敲打,打赢 n.音乐节拍 We could hear the rain beating on the roof. 我们可以听见雨滴敲打屋顶的声音

11、。 Hes alive-I can feel his heart beating. 他还活着,我能听见他的心跳声。 I could always beat my brother at chess. 我每次下象棋都能赢我弟弟。 Try to follow the beat. 试着跟上节拍。,13,begin v.开始,着手 I will begin thinking about the matter tomorrow. 我从明天开始就会思考这件事。 I will begin when youre ready. 你准备好了我就开始。believe v.相信,认为 She didnt believe

12、 such things mattered much. 她不认为这种事很重要。 I cant believe her-it cant be true. 我不相信她,这不会是真的。,14,besides prep.除之外(还有) Will there be anyone else we know at the party besides Will and Janet? 除了Will和Janet之外,聚会上还有我们认识的人吗? ad.(一般用于句首)此外,而且 I dont like those shoes; besides, theyre too expensive. 我不喜欢这些鞋子,而且,它

13、们太贵了。be famous for 以出名 New York is famous for its skyscraper. 纽约因她的摩天大楼而出名。,15,be good at 擅长 He is good at describing things. 他很擅长描述事物。 be in good health 身体(状况)好 He is in good health. 他身体很好。 be made from 由制成 Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒由葡萄制成。 be pleased with 对(感到)高兴/满意 Your mother will be very plea

14、sed with you. 你妈妈将会为你感到高兴。,16,be similar to 与相似 We have similar opinions. 我们观点相似。 My opinions are similar to hers. 我的观点和他的相似。 be strict with 对(要求)严格 Shes very strict with her children. 她对她的孩子很严格。 be supposed to 被期望(被要求) You are supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom. 如果你想要离开教

15、室,你应该先向老师请示。 Were not supposed to smoke here. 我们不应该在这里吸烟。,17,be willing to 乐意(做某事) How much are they willing to pay? 他们愿意付多少钱? I told them I was willing to help. 我告诉他们我愿意提供帮助。belong to 属于 He has never belonged to a trade union. 他从未隶属于哪一个贸易组织。 borrow v.向(别人)借用,借 You can borrow the book from the libra

16、ry. 你可以在图书馆借书。,18,both pron.两者,双方 Both Mike and Jim have red hair. 麦克和吉姆都有红色的头发。bother v.使恼怒;打扰 Is something bothering you? 有什么事情让你恼怒吗? Danny, stop bothering me while Im trying to work. 丹尼,不要在我尝试工作时打扰我。,19,break v.打破(断,碎);损坏,撕开 A piece of china breaks easily. 一块瓷片很容易摔碎。 n休息;空隙 The sun shone through

17、a break in the clouds. 太阳光从云层的缝隙里照射出来。break down 停止运转 The lifts in this building are always breaking down. 这座建筑的电梯总是停止运转。,20,bring v带来,拿来,取来 Ill bring you the book as soon as possible. 我会尽快把书给你带来。 Did you bring anything to eat? 你带了什么吃的东西吗?build v.建造;建设 Another bridge has been built over the river. 河上又建了一座桥。,



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