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1、小学六年级英语,语法,分类,冠词 名词 代词 形容词 副词 数词,介词 Can句型 There be 句型 动词 时态,一、冠词,1、基本用法:不定冠词仅用在单数可数名词前面,表示“一”的意义,但不强调数目观念,只表示名词为不特定者。 定冠词则表示名词为特定者,表示“这”,“那”,“这些”,“那些”的意思,在可数的单复数名词或不可数名词前面都可以用。 第一次提到某人或某物时,用不定冠词a或an,表示泛指。再次提到某人或某物时,用定冠词the,特指上文提到的人、事或物。如:There is a pen and a pencil in my pencil-case. The pen is red

2、and the pencil is black.,不定冠词: a, an 定冠词: the,2、A与an 的用法区别:a用于辅音音素前(辅音音素指的是发音,不是指辅音字母),如:a university student而an则用于元音音素前(不是元音字母),如:an egg, an orange, an onion.,1) i: sea 2) i sit 3) e bed 4) ae bad 5) a: car 6) hot, want 7) : door 8) u: good 9) u look 10) cup 11) : girl 12) Saturday 13) ei cake 14)

3、ai bike 15) u cold 16) au house 17) i boy 18) i dear 19) care 20) u tour,3、定冠词与零冠词的用法区别: 在序数词和形容词的最高级前面用the,如:The library is on the first floor. Summer is the hottest season of the year. 在乐器名词前用the, 表示演奏,如:play the piano, play the violin, play the guitar等。 在球类、三餐前通常不用冠词,如:play football, play basebal

4、l, eat lunch, eat dinner等。 在月份、星期、季节等名词的前面通常不用冠词,如:in Jan., on Monday, in summer等。,Exercise:,Gilbert is _ Italian taxi driver. 2. She is _ housewife. 3. Im _ English. 4. Hes _ American policeman. 5. He likes _ book in his shelf. 6. Robert is _ engineer. 7. He is playing _ violin. 8. He is playing _

5、football. 9. Sophie is on _ second floor. 10. She will come back on _ Monday.,二、名词,可数名词和不可数名词,名词复数形式的规则变化:,名词复数形式的特殊变化:1. 改变中间元音字母,如:man-men woman-women foot-feet goose-geese tooth-teeth 2. 词尾发生变化,如: child-children 3. 单、复数形式相同,如: fish-fish ,sheep-sheep ,deer-deer,名词所有格 (1)表示有生命的人或物的名词所有格形式,一般用s表示。一般

6、在单数名词的词尾加s,如:Chen Jies mother. 以s结尾的复数名词只加,不以s结尾的复数名词要加s, 如:The students bags The childrens presents (2)表示几个人共有一样东西,只需在最后一个人名字后加s,如果表示各自所有,则需在各个名字后加s。 如:Jim and Mikes room (共用)的房间, Jims and Mikes rooms(各自)的房间 (3)表示无生命的事物的所有格形式:名词+of+所有者,如:a picture of my room,写出下列各词的复数I _ him _ this _ her _child _ p

7、hoto _ diary_ day_ foot_ book_ dress_ tooth_ sheep _ box_ peach_ man_ woman_ paper_ juice_ water_ milk_,we,them,these,their,children,photos,feet,books,dresses,diaries,days,sheep,boxes,peaches,men,women,juice,paper,milk,water,teeth,This is _ class. (Amy 和 Mike的) They are _ classes. 女人的裙子:_ 警察的帽子:_,三、

8、代词,人称代词,人称代词 物主代词 指示代词,He is taller than me.,Her hair is longer than mine.,my hair,形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词的区别:,Her hair is longer than mine.,my hair,有名则形,无名则名。,如果名词前用了形容词性物主代词,就不能再用冠词(a, an, the)、指示代词(this, that, these, those)等修饰词了。例如: 这是他的书桌。This is his desk.,与形容词一起修饰名词时,形容词性物主代词要放在形容词的前面。如:his English bo

9、oks他的英语书,their Chinese friends他们的中国朋友。,Its a bird. Its name is Polly.,它是一只鸟。它的名字叫波利。,Hes a student. His mother is a teacher.,三、代词,物主代词,this/these指空间上较近的事物;that/those 指空间上较远的事物。,指示代词,Exercise:,从括号内选择正确的代词填空 1. Your football clothes are on the desk. Please put _(they,them,their,theirs) away. 2. (We,Us

10、,Our,Ours)_ English teacher is Mrs. Green. We all like _(she,her,hers). 3. (I,Me,My,Mine)_ cant get my kite. Could you help _(I,me,my,mine)? 4. Tom cant get down from the tree. Can you help _(he,him,his)? 5. We cant find our bikes.Can you help _(we,us,our,ours)? 6. _(This, these) are _(he,him,his) p

11、lanes. The white ones are _(I,me,mine).,四、形容词和副词,1、形容词的比较级:A + be动词+形容词比较级+ than +B形容词比较级的变化规则: 一般在词尾加- er ,如:tall - taller , strong - stronger. 以不发音的e结尾时加-r ,如:fine - finer, late-later. 以辅音字母加-y结尾时,先改y为i再加-er,如:funny- funnier, heavy-heavier. 以重读闭音节结尾并且词末只有一个辅音字母时,双写最后的字母再加-er,如:big-bigger, thin-thi

12、nner,hot- hotter,You are taller than your mother.,2. 副词可以分为: 时间副词,如:now, yesterday, today等; 频度副词,如:often, usually, never, sometimes, always等; 程度副词,如:very, too, much, so等。,Yesterday, the day before yesterday, 3 days ago, last Monday, last weekend, last night, last month, last year, just now, on my ho

13、liday, yesterday morning /afternoon/ evening/.,1. My brother is two years _(old)than me. 2. Tom is as _(fat) as Jim. 3. Is your sister _(young) than you? Yes,she is. 4. Who is _(thin),you or Helen? 5. Marys hair is as _(long) as Lucys. 7.Ben _ (jump) _ (high) than some of the boys in his class. 6.My

14、 eyes are _(big) than _ (she) 7.Which is _(heavy),the elephant or the pig? 8.Who gets up _(early),Tim or Tom?,基数词:表示数目(多少)的数词。,One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten,Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty,Twenty-one Twenty-two Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety A hundred,年龄和时间的表达用基数词。,五、数词,Learn these numbers and find out the rules: 一起找规律,



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