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1、,第八章 句子成分的倒装,8 .1 定义,正常语序:,主动句:,被动句:,状语 主补 保留宾语,倒装语序:凡是与上述语序不同的语序,就称为倒装。,主语谓语宾语宾补,主语谓语,8 .2 分类,1、全倒装,(1)表语,介词短语 形容词 副词,+ 系动词 + 主语,8 .2 分类,Of wider application is the fact that matter usually expands when its temperature is increased and contracts(收缩)when its temperature is decreased.,Of particular v

2、alue has been the constructive criticism(建设性的批评意见)of many teachers., 1、全倒装,8 .2 分类,More important is the fact that the reverse(反向的)current increases exponentially(指数地)with temperature.,Here is an experiment., 1、全倒装,8 .2 分类,(2)状语,介词短语 副词 there,+ 不及物动词 + 主语, 1、全倒装,8 .2 分类,From this condition follows E

3、ulers equation(尤拉方程).,The center of mass is the point through which passes the resultant(合力)of the reaction forces(反作用力)when a body is accelerated(加速)., 1、全倒装,8 .2 分类,In this case there results a potential difference(电位差)between the two points.,There remain many important features about all lasers(激

4、光器)that have yet to be addressed(处理;讲解)., 1、全倒装,8 .2 分类,(3)分词,过去分词 现在分词,+ is (are, ) + 主语,注:汉译时可用“what从句”来等效。, 1、全倒装,8 .2 分类,Moving round the nucleus are negatively charged particles(微粒)called electrons.,(= What are moving round the nucleus ),Surrounding the earth is a layer of air of unknown thickn

5、ess(厚度).,(= What surrounds the earth ), 1、全倒装,8 .2 分类,Shown in Fig. 1 1 is the block diagram(方框图)of a radio transmitter(发射机).,(= What is shown in Fig. 1 1 ), 1、全倒装,8 .2 分类,Superimposed(叠加)upon these considerations(考虑因素)is the need to conserve(保存)energy and material resources.,(= What is superimposed

6、 on these considerations ), 1、全倒装,8 .2 分类,However, remaining open(未解决的)is the question of whether WSI (= wafer scale integration“晶片规模集成”) will enjoy a time in the sun., 1、全倒装,8 .2 分类,2、部分倒装,先做动词填空题:,By no means _ positive charges _ (move) in a wire.,By linear operation(线性工作)_(mean) the ability of an

7、 amplifier to amplify a signal with little or no distortion(失真).,8 .2 分类,2、部分倒装,先做动词填空题:,There _(show) a block diagram of a digital computer in Fig. 1 1.,8 .2 分类, 2、部分倒装,(1)以,only+状语,修饰谓语的具有否定词义的,so=also,副词或介词短语,开头的句子要部分到装(其方法与构成一般疑问句类同)。,8 .2 分类,Only when the force is known as a function(函数)of time

8、 can this integral(积分)be evaluated(求值).,By no means do positive charges move in a wire., 2、部分倒装,8 .2 分类,常见的一些否定副词有:never(永不), hardly(几乎不), scarcely(几乎不), rarely(难得,几乎不), not only(不仅), not until(直到后才), little(一点也不), seldom(难得,几乎不), not always(不总是),neither, nor等等。, 2、部分倒装,8 .2 分类,常见的一些否定含意的短语有(一般都可译成“

9、决不,绝不”):by no means, in no way, at no time, in no case, on under no condition, under no circumstances, on no account等。, 2、部分倒装,8 .2 分类, 2、部分倒装,(2),被动语态 be+个别形容词,介词短语 there,+,+主语,8 .2 分类,By a family of curves(曲线族)is meant a specified(特定的)set(组)of curves which satisfy given conditions.,In Fig. 2 1 are

10、 shown an ammeter(安培表)and a voltmeter(伏特表).,Into the ends of the hose(软管)are thrust(插)glass tubes 10 to 12 inches(英寸)long., 2、部分倒装,8 .2 分类,Consider first the RC filter(滤波器)of Fig. 2 7 to which is applied the square wave(方波) of period(周期)T.,Fig. 2 5 shows a block(木块)on which are exerted(施加) two force

11、s F1 and F2.,There is shown the block diagram of a digital computer in Fig. 1 4., 2、部分倒装,8 .2 分类,To each point of S let there be assigned(赋予)a definite(确定的)number, n.,There is present a magnetic field which varies with time., 2、部分倒装,8 .2 分类,The purpose of this article is to present a critical(评论性的)s

12、urvey(综述)of the field of language data processing, by which is meant the processing of natural language data by computer., 2、部分倒装,8 .2 分类,*中国在任何情况下决不会首先使用核武器(nuclear weapons)。, 2、部分倒装,8 .2 分类,Under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons., 2、部分倒装,8 .2 分类, 2、部分倒装,(3)把要强调的部分或较短

13、的部分提前, 把要强调的部分放在主语前,A、“宾语主语谓语”,This process we call automation.,This point we shall discuss in detail later.,8 .2 分类, 2、部分倒装,B、“状语表语等主语动词”,With pressure(压力)the gap(间隙)decreases.,Of one thing we can be sure: If the charges(电荷)are at rest, there is no electric field(电场)within the metal ball.,8 .2 分类,

14、2、部分倒装,B、“状语表语等主语动词”,Certain it is that all essential(关键的)processes of plant(植物)growth and development(发育)occur in water.,8 .2 分类, 2、部分倒装,*Said Dr. Samuel Rankin, head of the mathematical sciences department at Worchester Polytechnic Institute(工业学院)in Worchester, Mass.: “The further you go out into

15、the scientific and techno- logical frontiers(新领域), especially in the kinds of things we are seeing today, you are going to find mathematics.”,8 .2 分类, 2、部分倒装,(3)把要强调的部分或较短的部分提前, 把较短的部分提前,A、“主语谓语宾语补足语宾语”,Electromagnetic waves make possible radio broadcast(广播)and television.,Friction(摩擦)makes necessar

16、y a good lubrication(润滑)system.,8 .2 分类, 2、部分倒装,We call insulators(绝缘体)these substances which prevent the passage of electricity.,A、“主语谓语宾语补足语宾语”,8 .2 分类, 2、部分倒装,The advent(出现)of large scale integration(大规模集成)has now made commonplace(普通的)computers with instruction set(指令组)capable of directly accessing(存取;访问)and flexibly(灵活地)manipulating(处理)a number of different data types and sizes.,



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