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1、Unit 11 Could you please clean your room ?,Section A 2d,Grammar focus-4c,a few 少数;几个 修饰可数名词 表肯定 few 几乎没有的;很少的 修饰可数名词复数 表否定 a little 一点;少许 修饰不可数名词,表肯定 little 几乎没有的;很少的 修饰不可数名词,表否定,help out with sth 给予帮助,You always watch TV and never help out around the house.,any minute now 随时 马上,The guests are arriv

2、ing any time now but we are still not ready.,Grammar focus:,P,R,P,R,R,lend “借给;借出” 表示“把某物借给某人”,英语用lend sth to sb borrow“借进;借入” 表示“向某人借某物”,英语用borrow sth from sb keep 做“借”讲时,是延续性动词,通常表示借了某物多长时间,常与表示一段时间的时间状语连用,do,Could,help,Could,fold,Could,please,could,hate用作动词,与like意义相反,意为“憎恨,厌恶,不喜欢”,其后可接名词、代词、动词的-i

3、ng形式以及动词不定式等。 e.g. Lily hates mice / them.Jim hated exercising when he was young.I hate to do the laundry now.,1. Could you please clean your room?Yes, sure./ Of course/ Certainly. 2.Could you please do the dishes?Sorry/ No, I cant.,Key sentence structures,Could you(please)+ V-原形?表示委婉地提出请求,I have a

4、headache.,Im very busy.,I have to do my homework.,2) Would you like to do sth? 3 ) Shall I/we do sth? 4 ) Lets do sth.,也可表示请求。 1) Would you mind cleaning your room ?,Could I stay out late?,Could I please use the car?,Sorry, you cant. I have to go to a meeting.,Could I please get a ride?,No, you have

5、 a test tomorrow.,Yes, you can.,Ask for permission politely.,3. could与can的区别 could与can都是情态动词,could是can的过去式。二者都可用于 表示请求。但是用法稍有不同。can表示一般性的请求,语气随便,常用于熟人之间或长辈对辈,上级对下级的场合; Can you tell us your story , Tony ? could表示有礼貌的请求,语气委婉,常用于非熟人之间或晚辈对长辈,下级对上级的场合。 Could you tell us if it snows in winter in Australia

6、 ? Sure .,If we are having a camping trip, what should we do before the trip?,Discussion,What should we do before the trip?,buy some drinks,buy some food,take a big cloth,bring a tent,take an umbrella,take a rubbish bag,bring a camera,prepare some programs,4c Make a list of things your group needs to do for a camping trip. Then discuss who will do them and complete the chart.,Groupwork,A: Could you please bring a tent, Liu Chang? B: Sure. And could you please? C: Sorry, I cant. I have to ,Goodbye!,


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