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1、Unit 11 The Media 基础知识梳理 词汇梳理 1. _ n. 信念,7. _ adj. 引起痛苦的;令人痛苦的 _ n. 痛苦;疼痛 8. _ vt. 宣布;宣告 _ n. 宣布 _ n. (广播、电视的)广播员;播音员;节目主持人 9. _ n. 殊荣;特质;区别 _ adj. 清楚的;明白的;有区别的 10. _ n. 申请;应用 _ v. 申请;应用;运用,11. _ adj. 高兴的;愉快的 _ n. 出现,17. _ vt. 雇佣 _ adj. 自己经营的 _ n. 雇佣 18. _ vt. 过程 22. _ vt. 假装,23. _ vt. 尊敬;尊重 24. _ v

2、t. 为做广告;登广告 _ n. 广告 25. _ adj. 某种;某些 26. _ adv. 视觉地 _ adj. 视觉的;视力的 27. _ n. 方式;方法 28. _ n. 贡献;捐助 _ v. 贡献;捐献 29. _ vt. 打断,30. _ adv. 用某种方法 31. _ vt. 做出结论;结束 _ n. 结论 32. _ adj. 泥泞的;沾满泥的 33. _ n. 救护车 34. _ n. 发言人 35. _ n. 勇敢 _ adj. 勇敢的 36. _ adj. 当代的 37. _ n. 编辑 _ vt. 编辑 _ n. 版本,自我校对 1. chat 2. current

3、 3. poverty 4. reform 5. demand 6. belief7. painful; pain 8. announce; announcement; announcer9. distinction; distinct 10. application; apply 11. delighted; delight12. publish 13. evidence; evident 14. explanation; explain 15. analyse; analysis 16. arise 17. employ; self-employed; employment 18. att

4、empt 19. defend; defence 20. argument; argue 21. process,22. pretend 23. respect 24. advertise; advertisement 25. certain 26. visually; visual 27. approach 28. contribution; contribute 29. interrupt; interruption 30. somehow 31. conclude; conclusion 32. muddy 33. ambulance 34. spokesman 35. bravery;

5、 brave 36. contemporary 37. editor; edit; edition,短语梳理 1. 代表;支持 _ 2. 支持;赞同 _ 3. 由组成 _ 4. 突出;显眼 _ 5. 只要 _ 6. 盼望;期望 _ 7. 由于;因为 _ 8. 发生 _ 9. 参加 _ 10. 对做出贡献 _,自我校对 1. stand for 2. in favor of 3. be made up of / consist of 4. stand out 5. as long as 6. look forward to 7. because of 8. take place9. partic

6、ipate in 10. make contributions to .,重点知识探究 重点单词 1. affair n. 事情;事务 Mind your own affairs. 少管闲事。 The Prime Minister is busy with affairs of state. 首相忙于政务。,知识梳理 与affair有关的其他短语: a public / private affair 公/私事 current affairs 时事 political affairs 政治事务,Graduation from university is an event in life. 大学毕

7、业是人生中的大事。 Theres a car accident; people are in need of first aid. 出了交通事故;人们需要急救。 Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means. 荒凉地区的教育不是钱财问题.,探究练习 I cant say which wine is best its a (n) _ of personal taste. A. affair B. event C. matter D. variety,【解析】 C 考查名词辨析。event 一般指“历史事件或重大事件”;

8、 matter指“问题;困难;毛病;麻烦”, a matter of . “的问题”; affair是“事务”,可以是工作方面的,较正式。,2. demand vt. 要求;请求;询问 n. 要求;需要 This work demands care and patience. 这工作需要细心和耐心。 He demanded an immediate answer of / from me. 他要求我立即答复。 She demands to see you. 她要求见你。 I demand that one of you (should) go there at once. 我要求你们中有一人立

9、即到那里去。,知识梳理 (1) demand+n. / pron.要求;需要 demand to do sth.要求做某事 demand of sb. to do要求某人做 demand that 从句中谓语动词用“(should+)do”的形式 demand sth. of / from sb.向某人要求某物 (2)a demand for sth.要求某物 meet / satisfy ones demands满足某人的需要 in demand(=in need)需求大 on demand一经要求,点津提示demand 后不接不定式作宾补,即demand sb. to do sth. 是错

10、误的。 求同存异demand, require, request,They demanded better working conditions. 他们要求良好的工作条件。 Most plants require sunlight. 大部分植物都需要阳光。 All members are requested to attend the annual meeting. 年会要求所有的成员都参加。,探究练习 In our childhood, we were often _ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners. A. demanded

11、B. reminded C. allowed D. hoped,【解析】 B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我们孩童时候,奶奶经常提醒我们注意餐桌礼仪。由此可以排除C项;再从动词搭配来考虑,A项、D项都只能用不定式来直接作宾语,只有B项可接动词不定式作宾补。,3. delighted adj. 高兴的;快乐的 Im delighted that the problem got settled. 我很高兴问题解决了。 发散思维 delight n. 高兴;快乐;乐事 vt. 使高兴;使欣喜 delightful adj. 令人高兴的;使人快乐的,知识梳理 take / find delight in

12、 . 以为乐 to ones delight 使某人高兴的是 with delight 高兴地;乐意地 be delighted at / by / with sth. 对感到高兴 be delighted to do sth. / that-clause 高兴做,探究练习 翻译句子。 (1)使他极为高兴的是,他的小说被批准出版了。 _ (2)我听到你成功的消息感到很高兴。 _,【答案】 (1)To his great delight / Much to his delight, his novel was accepted for publication. (2)Im delighted t

13、o hear your success.,4. arise vi.发生;出现 结合下列例句,体会arise的不同含义: The financial crisis arose first in America.(发生;出现) He arose at six this morning.(起床) She arose from her chair when he entered the room. (起身) Accidents usually arise from carelessness, so you should be careful while driving.(起因于),知识梳理 (1)作“

14、呈现;出现;发生”之意时,主语多为以下抽象名词: argument / problem / quarrel / question / movement (2)arise from / out of由而引起;由而产生;从中产生,巧学助记,探究练习 We should always keep in mind that accidents _ from carelessness while driving. A. arise B. arouse C. begin D. cause,【解析】 A 句意:我们应永记心中,事故是由粗心驾驶引起的。arise from“由引起;从中产生”,符合句意。arouse“唤醒;激起”; begin“开始”; cause“引起;导致”是及物动词,不与from连用,也不符合句意。,高考体验 (2011江西) What is the price of petrol these days? Oh, it _ sharply since last month. A. is raised B. has risen C. has arisen D. is increased,


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