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1、,词 汇,第3讲 大纲词汇 h - m,(1) vt. 挂;悬;悬挂 Philip hung his coat on a hook behind the door.,(2) vi. (hung, hung) 吊着;悬挂着 Her long hair hung loose about her shoulders.,(3) vi. & vt. (hanged, hanged) 上吊;吊死;绞死 搭配: hang around with sb 和某人混在/待在一起 搭配: hang around/round (sth) 闲逛;游荡 搭配: hang up 挂机;挂断电话 搭配: hang ones

2、head 感到羞愧和害臊而(低头),犹豫不决;踌躇;迟疑 搭配: dont hesitate to do sth 毫不犹豫地做某事;果断地做某事 Dont hesitate to contact me if you need any more information.,给以荣誉;使感到荣幸 He was honored with an award for excellence in teaching. (2) 尊敬;敬重 搭配: be/feel honoured (to do sth) 是莫大的荣幸;倍感荣幸的是 We are greatly honoured to have the quee

3、n here with us tonight.,adv. (1) without delay 立即;马上 The telephone rang, and he answered it immediately. (2) very near to sth 贴近地 Our house is immediately across from the post office.,conj. as soon as 一就,(1) 给予某人深刻印象;使某人钦佩 One candidate in particular impressed us with her knowledge. (2) 使某人铭记某事;使某人深

4、深意识到某事 Father impressed on me the value of hard work.,(1) to officially tell sb about sth or give them information 搭配: inform sb about /of sth Please inform us of any change of address as soon as possible. 搭配: inform sb (that) We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected. (2)(向警方)

5、告发 搭配: inform on /against sb He denied that he had ever informed on his neighbours.,(1) 表明;明显 Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary. (2) 表示 Professor Johnson has indicated his intention to retire at the end of next year. (3) 指出;指示;引起对的注意 “Thats her,” said To

6、by, indicating a girl on the other side of the room.,(1) 邀请 Who should we invite to the party? (2) 请求某人做某事 Anyone interested in contributing articles is invited to contact the editor. (3) 招致坏的事情发生 Any government that sells arms to dictators is inviting trouble.,n. (1) 法官, 审判员 The trial judge specifi

7、es the number of years to be spent in prison. (2) 裁判员 The panel of judges included several well-known writers. (3) 鉴定人, 鉴赏家 Shes a good judge of wine.,v. (1) 评判;判断 搭配: judging by /from sth 搭配: judge to do 搭配: judge+ that/ wh-clause 搭配: as far as I can judge (2) 裁决;裁判 Whos judging the races? (3) 评论 H

8、e just accepts people for what they are and he doesnt judge them. (4) 审判;审理 Who will judge the next case?,n. 缺乏;短缺 搭配:a lack of Too many teachers are treated with a lack of respect.,vt. 缺乏;短缺 搭配: not lack for sth 已经应有尽有 He does not lack for critics.,adj.(1) 看来要发生的;可能的 Young drivers are far more like

9、ly to have accidents than older drivers. (2) 会产生结果的;有希望的 One likely source of energy is windpower.,adv. 可能 Id very likely have done the same thing in your situation. 搭配: Not likely! (尤用于拒绝) 根本不可能 “He said youd be giving them a lift.” “Not likely!”,(1) 后果十分严重的;后果令人担忧的 There is a major problem with pa

10、rking in London. (2) 较大的;主要的;重要的 Britain played a major role in the negotiations.,n. C (1) 污点;痕迹 I cant get these marks out of my T-shirt. (2) 符号;记号 What do those strange marks at the top mean? (3) 评定某人的工作或操行用的数字或字母符号;成绩;得分 Her marks have been a lot lower this term.,vt. (1) 在某物上做记号 All school unifor

11、ms should be clearly marked with the childs name. (2) 表示;指明某物 She placed a bookmark between the pages to mark her place. (3) 为的特征 Her latest novel marks a turning point in her development as a writer. (4) 批分数;评成绩 Ive got a pile of exam papers to mark.,n.(1) 团, 块, 堆; 大宗, 大量 搭配: mass of 搭配: masses of

12、(2) 团体,群众 搭配: the masses 群众, 民众 (3)U 质量 The sun makes up 99.9% of the mass of our solar system.,adj. 群众的, 大规模的, 集中的 mass unemployment/production,n.(1) 措施 The government has promised to take measures to help the unemployed. (2) 度量,尺寸 Is this test a good measure of reading comprehension? (3) 程度;限度;分寸

13、The flowers and tears at the funeral were a measure of the peoples love for her. 搭配: beyond /above measure 无法估量地; 无限的, 极度地, 非常, 极为 搭配: in some measure 在某种程度上 搭配: Measure for measure. 谚一报还一报。,v. (1) 测量,量 The rainfall was measured over a three-month period. (2) 打量;估量 She measured the stranger with her

14、 eyes. (3) 有长(或宽、高等) The lake measures 130 by 80 kilometers.,adj. (1) 刻薄的;残忍的 It was mean of him not to invite her. (2) 小气的 Hes too mean to buy a present for his wife. (3) 平均的 The mean annual rainfall was 852 mm.,vt. (1) 意思;有的意义 The report fails to define what is meant by the term “key issues”. (2)

15、本意是;原意为 I meant wed have to leave early thats all. (3) 意味着 The high cost of housing means that many young people cant afford to buy a house. (4) 说真格的 搭配: be meant to do sth 必须;得要 I thought the police were meant to protect people.,(1) (天气)温暖的;和煦的 We had an exceptionally mild winter last year. (2) (疾病

16、)轻微的;不严重的 He suffered a mild heart attack. (3) (情感)温和的;温厚的 Both men looked at her in mild surprise. (4) (事物、饮料等)不浓烈的;不苦的 I prefer cheese with a pleasant mild flavour.,(1) 激发, 激励, 促动 A good teacher has to be able to motivate his/her students. (2) 为的动机 Would you say that he was motivated solely by a desire for power?,感谢观赏!,



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