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1、Unit 1 Friendship,Warming up,Do you need friends? Do you know any proverbs about friends or friendship?,1. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 2. A life without a friend is a life without the sun. 3. A faithful friend is hard to find. 4. A friend is a gift you give yourself.,Proverbs:,5.Friends are

2、 like wine; the older, the better.6.A friend to all is a friend to none.7.The best mirror is an old friend.8.With clothes the new are best; with friends the old are the best.,Are you good to your friends?,Lets do a survey to test if you are really good to your friends.,Evaluation, 47 points: You are

3、 not a good friend. You either ignore your friends needs or just do what he/she wants you to do. You should think more about what a good friend needs to do. 812 points: You are a good friend but you sometimes let your friendship become too important, or you fail to show enough concern for your frien

4、ds needs and feelings. Try to strike a balance between your friends needs and your own responsibilities. 13+ points: You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to be a good friend you need balance your needs and your friends. Well done.,Reading,Annes best friend,Anne Frank,Background Informatio

5、n,Annes father : Otto Frank,Annes mother: Mrs. Frank,Anne Frank,Annes older sister:Margot,Peter, who lived with the Franks in the attic,安妮弗兰克的安妮日记后被译成55种文字,它的文学价值得到了世界各国读者的认同,并被改编成电影和话剧。,安妮在自己生日那天收到了一份礼物一本日记本,并将其化名为Kitty,以书信的形式记日记。从日记的内容我们可以知道,安妮与朋友相处融合,是一个很普通的女孩子,日记上还记录着她在过着隐秘生活时与彼得得以接近,并喜欢上彼得的过程,以

6、及她对战争的看法,从侧面表现出安妮的成熟与乐观。终于,不幸的事情发生了, 他们被盖世太保们发现被分散收容了。安妮于1945年3月在纳粹集中营永远地闭上了眼睛。,After the German invasion(侵略) of 1940, Anne was forced to leave her school. Almost right away, the Gestapo (盖世太保) began to send thousands of Dutch resisters(反抗者) to slave labour camps in Germany. Then in February 1941 th

7、e Gestapo began to arrest Jews. It was at this moment that Otto Frank made plans to hide his family.,They moved to Amsterdam, Netherlands,They stayed on the top floor, with curtains drawn so as not to attract unwanted attention.,curtain,Attic,Who/ what is Annes best friend? When did the story happen

8、?,Her diary Kitty,The story happened during World War II.,Skimming:,Scanning: Fill in the form below,World War II,Netherlands,Anne,her diary-Kitty,nearly twenty-five months years,Thursday 15,June,1944,Anne kept a diary because She felt very lonely because They had to hide because Anne named her diar

9、y Kitty because,she couldnt meet her friends. Jews were caught by Nazis and killed. she could tell everything to it. she wanted it to be her best friend.,Join the correct parts of the sentences.,Intensive reading: (fill in),Blue sky, songs of birds, moonlight, flowers,Never felt spellbound,darkness,

10、 rain, wind, thundering clouds,Grey, crazy, helpless, lonely,Intensive reading,Students work in pairs to discuss the following open questions: 1.Why did the windows stay closed? 2.How did Anne feel? 3.Guess the meanings of “spellbound”, “ hold me entirely in their power” from the discourse(语篇,上下文).,

11、1.Why did the windows stay closed?2.How did Anne feel?,They shut the windows in order not tobe found and caught by the Nazis.,She was afraid of being found and at the same time was eager to touch the outside world.,3.Guess the meanings of “spellbound”, What is the meaning of “spellbound”? Use anothe

12、r word to substitute it.,Spellbound means to concentrate with delight for some time.,Interested,Language points,Words,Add1.add up 加起来 add sth.up e.g Add your scores up and we will see who will win.2.add up to 共计,总计达 e.g His income adds up to 1000 yuan a month.3.add sth.to sth. 增添,追加 e.g The professo

13、r added some salt to the water.4.add to:increase增加 e.g The news added to his anxiety.,upset,Adj.难过,不高兴 upset about sth.,v. 使心烦意乱, 使困扰,I was really upset by the news. 这个消息使我烦透了.,既可做形容词(adj.), 也可以做动词(v.).,Theres no point getting upset about it. 犯不着为此事难过.,Have got to V.S. have to,1.两者的意义和用法基本等同,都为 “不得不

14、,必须”的意思.但是,have got to 多用于口语, have to 多用于书面语. 2.在一般疑问句和否定句中的用法有所不同, Do you have to do your homework? Have you got to do your homework? 否定句?Can you give me an example?,be concerned about/for关心 e.g She is concerned about her sons future.concern (oneself) with/ in sth.使参与 e.g She concerned herself with

15、/in social welfare. 她从事社会福利工作. e.g He was conerned in the crime.as far as is concerned 就而言 As far as Im concerned, the whole idea is crazy.,Concern,cheat cheat sb. (out) of sth. 欺骗某人某物 cheat sb.into doing sth. 欺骗某人做某事 Cheat in/on the exam 考试作弊,那个推销员骗了她的钱.(salesman),The salesman cheated her out of he

16、r money.,The salesman cheated her into buying a fake.,那个推销员骗她买了赝品.,pattern,You friend comes to school very upset.,Upset 在此处是形容词,作补语,用来补充形容主语your friend 来学校时心情很不好. He went to bed cold and hungry. Long and untidy, his hair played in the breeze.,have a good day!,Language points,n. : why you do sth or why sth happens 原因,理由,reason,你来晚了,有理由吗?,*Is there any reason why you were late?,reason V.S. cause V.S. excuse,reason采取某一行动的理由 cause引起某种不 良后果的起因 excuse辩解,借口,指为某一行为所做的解释,可以是真的,也可以是托词。,



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