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1、新英语四级听力改革概述 及高分必夺技巧,LOGO,听力改革概述,就听力本身而言,其比例将由原来的20%提升到35%:短对话部分由原来的10题减至8题;增加两篇长对话,题量在3至4题每篇,一共7题;短文(俗称“段子题”)仍为3篇,题量在3至4题每篇,一共10题;复合式听写中词汇听写由原来的7个增加至8个,句子仍保持3句不变。以上4个听力部分中,短对话和长对话的分值一共占15%,而短文和复合式听写的分值一共占20%。 另外值得一提的是样卷中各考试部分的顺序也有所改变,听力将作为在写作与快速阅读之后的第三部分出现,这也将给考生带来习惯上的差异与不适应,应当引起警惕。,section A short

2、conversations 听力短对话改革与分析,听力短对话部分虽然由原先的10题改为8题,但就其题目特点与解题思路而言与以往的老题型没有太大的差异。样题本身也都取自最近几年的考题。 这些题目一如既往地贯彻了以往的几大常见考点:,1.转折引起的作者态度及谈论重点的变化:,如样卷中第11题(2005年6月考题第1题): W: Simon, oh, well, could you return the tools I lend you for building the bookshelf last month? M: Oh, I hate to tell you this, but I cant

3、seem to find them. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 对话先前部分女人的语言中虽然相当复杂,包括要求返还、返还物品、租借理由、租借时间等复杂信息,但这些却都没有成为考点,而是选择了男人那句简单回答中的转折后的中心内容为考点,体现了4级考试中对转折考点的考察。这句话其实完全可以认为是:“Id love to, but ”的一个变体。其后面所接部分不仅是转折后的内容,而且往往又是一个原因的体现,这也是我们四级考试中的重点之一。本题中的“I cant seem to find them”无非就是无法返还物品的一个理由罢了。,2.对

4、现象的原因的阐述与补充:,考题中现在越来越多地出现隐含原因的表达,即没有原因表达词的原因考点,以样卷第13题(2005年6月考题第6题)为例: W: Bob said that Seattle is a great place for conferences. M: He is certainly in the position to make that comment. He has been there so often. Q: What does the man say about? 本题中男人的后半句解释了前半句的理由,作为一个解释说明性的补充存在,这后半句之前完全可以加上一个“bec

5、ause”使考点更清晰,但这样也就使其难度大幅下降,所以这里没有出现“because”,不仅从语言上表示是个非直接理由,即说话人并非经过严密逻辑思维后形成的句子,并且加大了考试的难度。,3.反问句式、反意疑问句式的考察:,反问和反意疑问在四级考试中永远以一种无疑而问的形式出现,这次依然用了这样的一个形式。因此只要能很好把握其“无疑而问的特点”就能方便解题。当然,也应该注意到,反问句往往作为加强语气的建议句型出现的这一考点,这将在下文分析到。 如样卷中第17题(2005年6月考题第10题)所述: M: This article is nothing but advertising for hou

6、sing developers. I dont think the houses for sale are half that good. W: Come on, David. Why so negative? We are thinking of buying a home, arent we? Just a trip to look at the place wont cost us much. Q: What can be inferred form the conversation?,本题中第一个“Why so negative?”,虽然没有“not”存在,但也是反问句的句式,正因为没

7、有“not”,存在,所以实际意思就是“not”,即“你不应该这样消极”。而后面的反意疑问“arent we?”在考试中总是作为附加累赘部分出现,从来不作为考点,听的时候去掉即可,在本题中一样,它不起任何作用。,4.建议句型的考察:,建议句型往往是比较复杂的考点之一,因为句型相对比较多,而且隐蔽性比较强,比如上文提到的反问句型,我们不妨再看一下本次考试中其他几个建议句型,如样卷第12题(2005年6月考题第3题): W: I am going to Marthas house. I have a paper to complete. And I need to use her computer.

8、 M: Why dont you buy one yourself? Think how much time you could save. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 问题直接指向建议,问到“suggest”这个词,自然,题干中的“Why dont you”就成了重中之重。否定的反问,自然体现了肯定的意思,言下之意无非就是“You should buy one yourself.”答案自然也就迎刃而解。,5.场景、人物关系的推测:,场景和人物关系一直以来都是四级考试一个重要的考点,要求考生通过对场景词的把握来推测事情发生的地点以及当事

9、人之间的关系。例如样卷第14题(2005年6月第7题): W: Mr. Watson, I wonder whether its possible for me to take a vacation early next month? M: Did you fill out a request form? Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? 本题的关键词出在vacation上,女人向男人申请休假,其实到这里就已经知道他们之间的关系了,所以对于工作场景中vacation这样的词的把握尤其重要。,6.语音语调

10、的考察:,语音语调作为一个辅助手段,在考试中往往起着不可估量的作用,看到样题第17题(2005年6月考题第10题): M: I dont feel like going out. Why dont we just stay at home and watch TV instead? W: Come on. You promised to take me out for dinner and to the theatre on my birthday. 每次男人的一阵牢骚后,女人发嗲的声音就在耳边萦绕不去.,综上所述,试点考试将依然遵循以往的考试规律和特点,一脉相承,但所谓的短对话却也越来越长,

11、这也体现了现在考试在句型句式、言外之意和内容复杂化三个方面的发展趋势。,section A long conversations 听力长对话,Conversation One W: Hello, Gary. Howre you? M: Fine! And yourself? W: Cant complain. Did you have time to look at my proposal? M: No, not really. Can we go over it now? W: Sure. Ive been trying to come up with some new production

12、 and advertising strategies. First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to modernize our factory. New equipment shouldve been installed long ago.,M: How much will that cost? W: We have several options ranging from one hundred thousand dollars all the way up to half a million. M: OK. Well

13、have to discuss these costs with finance. W: We should also consider human resources. Ive been talking to personnel as well as our staff at the factory. M: And whats the picture? W: Well probably have to hire a couple of engineers to help us modernize the factory.,M: What about advertising? W: Marke

14、ting has some interesting ideas for television commercials. M: TV? Isnt that a bit too expensive for us? Whats wrong with advertising in the papers, as usual? W: Quite frankly, its just not enough anymore. We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors.,M: Will we be able to

15、 afford all this? W: Ill look into it, but I think higher costs will be justified. These investments will result in higher profits for our company. M: Well have to look at the figures more closely. Have finance draw up a budget for these investments. W: All right. Ill see to it.,Questions 19 to 20 a

16、re based on the conversation you have just heard. 19.What are the two speakers talking about? 20.What does the woman say about the equipment of their factory? 21.What does the woman suggest about human resources? 22. Why does the woman suggest advertising on TV?,第一篇文章给我们的第一印象是篇幅非常的长。这给同学们在短时间内从大量信息中寻找答案制造了困难。不过如果大家再回过头仔细去看看我用下划线标示出来的这些内容,马上就可以发现这些部分就是4道题目的答案出处,而且每次答案的出现都伴随着一个问题。这首先就说明了一点,每每遇到问答的形式都是考官青睐的考点,而且考试的重点往往落在答语上。这一点和短对话中体现的原则不谋而合,而且短对话中的建议请求原则也和此处的情况及其相似。,


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