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1、-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 1 平凡与不平凡作文-关于阿凡达的作文英语作文阿凡达The Feeling after Watching AvatarAvatar, a science fiction movie with a more than five million dollars budget which is the highest in history, used 3D techinique.The film presets in Pandora planet in 2154 where the man on the earth are planning a

2、 conspiracy of greed. Earth people find that in Pandora planet there are rich valuable ore, therefore they attempt to drive those local natives. Therefore, they use the scientific research. In the research the pure scientific research value is not -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 2 exist. Scientists incl

3、uding scientific research achievements all become strategical conquerors. The actor Jack. Sally participates in the project Pandora because of a sudden chance, thus he becomes a special member of it. Jack takes special mission into local aboriginal clans and he is accepted as a local ethnic recognit

4、ion by the aboriginal peoples, Daniel alves, after his great endeavours . As Jack is dreaming that he can persuade local aboriginal people to migrate to satisfy the earth people who have a brutal greed through peaceful negotiation, the war started. As the earth people believe their high-tech weapons

5、 than any negotiations, so the general gives a order that the tanks and the troops attck the soul of Daniel, the trees.Although earth people are confident and proud, they are also very despicable, very evil. Daniel are not of this -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 3 kind of people. People believe all thin

6、gs. Daniel alves is harmonious. Energy conversion between each other is also harmonious. Although they are killing other species to survive, they repent for their behaviors. “Alva” is the father of their prayer. They use “link” to establish the relationship with other races.Here human to human all t

7、hought with his arms and with his own intelligency he can conquer all things. So there are more war instead of harmony. Now we human are suffering from earths punishment such as global warming, greenhouse effect, abnormal weather, atmospheric pollution, nuclear and frequent earthquakes and tsunamis

8、nuclear pollution and so on. Its the time for human reflection!The end of the story is very interesting. The earth is lost and the native -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 4 return; actor Jack changes the distinguishing features the earth peope have and gets Daniel alves conversion and in the happiness of

9、 life through the energy conversion metamorphosis . Here the human should awaken if we dont stop the greedness, human will someday to ruin our common homeland and at that time we may also degenerate into primitive races. 阿凡达我家 有一个大鱼缸,里面住着四条鱼,其中 “阿凡达”是最特别的,一双大眼睛长在 身体的两侧,眼睛下方有许多条蓝色中 透着绿莹莹光的斑纹,肚子上、身上,

10、也有许多排列整齐、蓝绿色的圆点,每 次我看到它就会让我联想到电影里的阿 凡达,这就是我为什么叫它“阿凡达”的 原因了。 “阿凡达”的尾鳍上有一圈橙色 的条纹。看!它长得多么神奇有趣呀! “阿凡达”不仅长得神奇,它还很机灵。-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 5 其他几条鱼都不敢去惹它,对于它这个 “机灵鬼”,它们从来都斗不过。在我给 它们喂食时,它吃得最多。瞧!“争食 大赛”又开始了。我抓了一些鱼食,停 在鱼缸上空,不动。 “红牡丹”急了,一 个飞跃,跃出了水面,想要吃食。我便 把鱼食撒入水中。两条“小黑黑”左右夹 击,想要吃到最多的鱼食,只见“阿凡 达”从鱼食下方极速向上

11、游。命中!“阿 凡达”把大多鱼食一口吞入腹中。 “小黑 黑”们一共只吃到四五颗鱼食。第二次 撒食开始了。三条较大的鱼在下边争地 盘,想等一下在自己的地盘里开怀畅饮。 下边斗得起劲,上边吃的开心。当第一 名“红牡丹”得意的上来吃食时才发现, 鱼食早被“阿凡达”吃掉了。我真的怀疑, “阿凡达”好像读过:三十六计。凶猛时, “阿凡达”还真是凶。有一天“红牡丹”一 不小心,闯到了“阿凡达”的地盘, “阿凡 达”先使用吓唬,想把“侵略者”吓走。 但“红牡丹”不领情,还主动向“阿凡达” 攻击,这一击被“阿凡达”灵巧闪过,结-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 6 果, “红牡丹”被“阿凡

12、达”反咬一口,便落 荒而逃了。因为有了“红牡丹”这个事例, 其它鱼都不敢越雷池半步。介绍了这么 多“阿凡达”的趣事,我都忘了介绍它的 真实名字。 “阿凡达”的真名叫做“地图鱼” 又称“星丽鱼”。它们性格十分凶猛。你 经常能看见它们自相残杀。不过你还能 看到它们平日深藏不露温顺可爱的样子。 经过这半年的相处, “阿凡达”已经成为 我生活中的好朋友。 阿凡达之手论文日本节假日中的中国文化040xxxxx xxx摘要:2016 年 10 月 9 日晚王志 功教授面向信息科学与工程学院学生的 演讲“阿凡达之手射频、光电与通 信集成电路设计与应用”的讲座,不仅 向我们展现了团结、合作的精神,面对 困难的孜孜进取和严谨的实验思想,更 是向我们展现了科技人员


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