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1、,Welcome our class,Welcome to our English class,May our English classes be filled with laughter and happiness!,English is fun,INTRODUCTION Chinese Name:姜卉芳 QQ: 2494925508 TEL: 15966449964,E-mail: hf-,Learning English is of (great) importance/(very) important. English can help us in many aspects, suc

2、h as,English a tool/ bridge,science and technology,culture,customs,trade and transportation,travelling,further study,well-paid jobs,中华英才网提供的求职者面对的困难:,the most important thing of learning English,Have a high mark in the College Entrance Examination (高考)。,Have a better future,英语在高考中的比例老给力了!,/文综,血淋淋的事实

3、啊!,两个级别的大学,悲催啊!,理论支持!,我要学好英语,因为我想让它成为高考的砝码,而不是短板!,Your future totally depends on your attitude today!,Try to be the architect of your own fate/fortune,English learning: A big challenge or a piece of cake?,Advice:在阅读中扩大词汇,多朗读,书写整洁,充分利用饭前饭后、课间睡前等零散时间复习记忆掌中宝里的单词或提纲。随时翻阅词典。不要做拷贝的奴隶,aim/goal: Hold 住Engli

4、sh,成为徘徊在牛A和牛C之间的英语达人,Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.,心之所愿,无所不成。,/有志者事竟成,Theres a hero 有一位英雄 If you look inside your heart 如果你探寻内心 You dont have to be afraid of what you are? 你不必害怕 自己是什么 Theres an answer 有一种答案 If you reach into your _如果你深入自己的灵魂 And the _ that you know will _ away你所经历的 悲痛将随之

5、融化掉 And then a hero comes alone 会有一位英雄独自走来 With the _ to _带着继续奋斗的力量 And you cast your fears _ 你会把恐惧抛开 And you know you can _ 你知道自己能挺过来 So when you feel like hope is gone 所以当你感到希望似乎破灭 Look inside you and be strong 审视自己,保持坚强 And youll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you最终你将明白 英雄气魄就在你身上,soul,

6、sorrow,melt,strength,carry on,aside,survive,Its a long road 漫漫长路 When you face the world alone 当你独自面对世界 No one reaches out a hand 没有人伸出手 For you to hold 让你握住 You can find love 你一定能找到爱 If you search within yourself 如果能在自己身上找到勇气 And the _you felt will disappear你曾感到的空虚 将会消失 Lord knows 上天知道 Dreams are h

7、ard to follow 梦想难以追求 But dont let anyone 但是别让任何人 Tear them away 把它们打消 Hold on坚持住 There will be tomorrow还有明天 _最终 Youll find the way你会找到自己的路,emptiness,In time,Close test,1. 主 + 系 + 表 2. 主 + 谓 3. 主 + 谓 + 宾 4. 主 + 谓 + 宾 + 宾 5. 主 + 谓 + 宾 + 宾补,简单句的五种基本句型,1. The machine doesnt work. 2. He is an honest stud

8、ent. 3. The silk feels soft. 4. I have a lot of friends here. 5. Tom lent me 200 dollars. 6. I saw him writing a letter. 7. I find maths difficult. 8. We call her Lily. 9. Father asked me to turn off the TV.,主,谓,宾,定,状,表,宾补,主,系,表,主,系,主,谓,主,主,主,主,主,谓,谓,谓,谓,谓,宾,宾,宾,宾补,宾补,宾补,宾,宾,宾,主语,谓语,宾语,定语,状语,表语,宾补,n

9、/pron.,n./pron.,Adj.,Adv.,n./adj.,n./adj./to do /doing,V,ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING,Change Your Attitude ,And You Change Your Life ! ! !,Your future totally depends on your attitude today!,不要做拷贝的奴隶,我要学好英语,因为我想让它成为高考的砝码,而不是短板!,喜欢英语,热爱英语!不冷不热,不拉分就行!破罐子破摔,放弃英语!,理科生对待英语的三种情况:,如何看待英语?语言还是学科?爱还是不爱,这是一个问题 爱,态度

10、!,兴趣!,Your future totally depends on your attitude today!,2、关于语法知识的学习:掌握一定的语法知识是必要的,它是基础,中国人学习外语要学点语法,但是过分地研究语法是不利于能力的培养的,这也是中国人学习英语的误区。有人说,那么高考怎么办?高考正是考查学生实际使用英语的能力,语法的考试也是在实际语境中考查,因此语篇的能力才是真正的能力。,学好外语的十条经验,1.学习外语一天也不能中断,那怕每天挤出10分钟也好。早晨是学外语的大好时光,尤应充分利用。2.如果学厌了,不必勉强继续,也不要放下不学,可以变换一下其它的学习方法和形式,如改听录音,


12、的,坚信自己有坚强的毅力和语言方面的才能。,高一学生英语现状分析:,单词记不住;遗忘率高(记单词方法单一) 2.词汇量不足,影响听说读写 3.克服的两种心理:惧怕(弱科) 忽视和麻痹(强科) Success comes with confidence Success=Interest +Diligence +Method,词汇和阅读是高一英语学习的重点,规范书写、规范朗读、规范积累!,1、随时记笔记并定期整理的习惯-及时整理笔记 ,及时复习,不断丰富笔记,随手记忆整理。 2、朗读与背诵的习惯 -对句型、短文充分理解的基础上 最大声、最快速、最准确地朗读与背诵。 3. 经常翻看词典的习惯-随时翻

13、阅词典以解决阅读中的词汇障碍。 4、使用小单词积累本记忆单词短语的习惯 -充分利用饭前饭后、课间睡前等零散时间复习记忆单词。 5、良好的书写习惯-让漂亮规范的书写让阅卷老师高抬贵手!,良好的英语学习习惯,习惯的力量是巨大的!,Type 1. S + Vi,Type 2. S + Vt + O,Type 3. S + Vt + O + O,Type 5. S + link V+ P,Type 4. S + Vt+ O+ OC,简单句的基本句型,Classroom dos and donts,sleeping small talk eating food making noise changing

14、 seats MP3 and cell phone,thinking writing speaking concentration active involvement taking notes,ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING,Change Your Attitude ,And You Change Your Life ! ! !,Your future totally depends on your attitude today!,Nice to meet you, everyone!,I am glad to be your teacher as well as your f

15、riend,5分,5分,24分,Principle of writing good sentences: Proper word in a proper place is the most important principle .That is, we should use neat, exact words orstructures to fully express the writers meaning in a logical way .,方法一. 一句多译,As soon as we arrived at the village, we were warmly welcomed by the villagers.,On arriving at the village,we were warmly.,The moment we arrived at the village, we were,We were warmly welcomed by the villagers immediately we arrivedat the village.,No sooner had we arrived at the village than we ,


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