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1、-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 1 叙利亚人种-叙利亚英文eaders社论Syrias civil war叙利亚内战Desperate times艰难时刻A conference on Syria is not enough. The West should also arm the rebels叙利亚问题远非一项会议可以解 决,西方国家还应该为反对派提供武装 援助NOBODY thinks that the Geneva negotiations, which began on January -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 2 22nd af

2、ter months of effort, will bring peace right away.经过数月努力后,日内瓦会议于 1 月 22 日召开,没人相信此次调解会立 即带来和平。 2_副本.jpgBut with civil war raging inside Syria, just getting people around the same table feels like progress; and, it is argued, the talks might lay the ground for negotiations that may one day lead to a c

3、easefire, or even to power changing hands.然而,由于叙利亚国内战争甚嚣 尘上,单是将双方集结到一张桌子上已 属不易。而且,据称,此次对话可能为 之后的谈判奠定基础,以实现最终的停 火,甚至是权利交接。Meanwhile, they can broker local truces and get relief to Syrians dying for lack of food and medicine.同时,这次的对话还可以调解地 方冲突以求和平,为缺少食物和药物的 叙利亚人送去援助。 Anything that -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资

4、料-感谢阅读- 3 would alleviate Syrias plight is welcome.任何有助于缓解叙利亚困境的行 动都是受欢迎的。But if America and Europe are serious about helping Syria, they should arm the rebels fighting the regime.但是,如果美国和欧洲国家真相 帮助叙利亚,他们应该武装反对派,打 击政权。 Out-thinking, out-manoeuvring, inhuman先发制人,惨无人道That is a message people do not wan

5、t to hear.世人并不想听到这样的消息。Then again, neither do they want to face up to the brutality inside Bashar Assads prisons. 同样,他们也不忍直视 巴萨尔阿萨德监狱里的残暴。This is not casual thuggery but, as a security official who defected from the regime with thousands of horrific photographs has revealed, an audited -精选财经经济类资料- -

6、最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 4 policy of official terror administered on an industrial scale.这并非一般的暗杀,而是一名安 保人员,背叛组织后惨遭杀害,几千张 惊恐的图片披露了这一行径,一项官方 恐怖的审计政策以工业规模展开。The violence Mr Assad has used has driven reason and tolerance out of what was one of the Middle Easts most integrated countries.总统阿萨德的暴行使原本团结的 中东国家失去了理性和包

7、容。Well over 100,000 people have died and millions have fled their homes.10 万多人丧生,数百万人流离失 所。The hatred is spreading to Lebanon and Iraq.仇恨正向蔓延黎巴嫩和伊拉克。The Geneva gathering cannot drain such an ocean of suffering and wrongdoing. It is built on the premise that -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 5 Mr Assad wil

8、l relinquish power through a transitional government.日内瓦会议无法化解这无边的苦 海和冤屈,除非总统阿萨德能够放弃权 力,组件临时政府。 But why should he?但是,他这么做理由何在呢?He believes he is winning. He is holding his own against rebel attacks, or even gaining territory. 他认为他正在获 得胜利。他正在尽全力对抗反对派,甚 至扩张领土。The programme to eliminate his chemical ar

9、senal, imposed after he murdered about 1,000 civilians in a nerve- agent attack, has turned him into a partner of the West.在他屠杀了 1000 多手无寸铁的 平民后,联合国决议决定销毁他的化学 武器,但这却使他成为西方国家的一员。He set out to radicalise the rebels, releasing jihadists from his jails early in -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 6 the conflict

10、. 他决意激怒反对派,在冲突 开始早些时候释放了圣战者。This programme has been so successful that Western voters now think the rebels are as vile as Mr Assad.这一激将法十分奏效,西方国家 目前认为反对派同阿萨德一样邪恶。Geneva could even get in the way of peace.可以说,日内瓦会议妨碍了和平 进程。The humanitarian aid that may come from the talks is desperately needed by Syr

11、ians, but it comes at a cost, because UN aid agencies will, again, depend on Mr Assad for co-operation.叙利亚人亟需和谈中可能达成的 人道援助,但是这些援助却不是免费的 午餐,因为联合国援助机构会再次依靠 阿萨德的合作。Peace is almost impossible unless Iran, Mr Assads biggest backer, also leans -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 7 on the regime. 除非伊朗阿萨德最大的 支持者,也支持这一政权,否则,叙利 亚和平只能是泡影。Yet Iran was barred from the conference only hours after having been invited, because it will not sign up


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