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1、,Among the celebrated pantheon of Hollywood royalty, few are as well-respected and universally adored as Gregory Peck. For more than 50 years, he has been a major presence in the theatre, on television, and most importantly, on the big screen. For many, peck is a symbol of the American man at his be

2、st, a pillar of moral courage and constant defender of traditrinal values. As General MacArther, Melvilles Captain Ahab, and Atticus Finch, he has presented audiences with compelling stories of strength and masculinity.,Oscar Best Actor 1.Emil Jannings,获奖作品:最后的命令肉体之道埃米尔.强宁斯是德国电影与舞台剧演员, 默片时代的巨星, 以参与2

3、0年代的“表现主义电影”闻名, 是第一届奥斯卡影帝得主。 他厚重的德语口音,几乎毁了他的美国电影之路, 二战期间他返回德国本土的时候, 成为纳粹的狂热支持者, 并拍摄了很多赞扬德国的影片。,2.Warner Baxter,在第一次世界大战期间跻身影坛, 在古老的亚利桑那州一片是他出演的第一部有声影片, 他塑造了一个逍遥自得的墨西哥侠盗,3.George Arliss,第一个赢得奥斯卡的英国人,同时也是轻喜剧演员,为二、三十年代的美国影坛留下了许多卓越的角色形象。获奖作品是英宫秘史。 阿利斯出生于伦敦,1887年在该地开始了舞台演出。 1920年以后,他出现在许多美国电影中,扮演了 罗斯柴尔德男

4、爵、 黎塞留主教,以及其他历史人物。,4. Lionel Barrymore,1932年,凭借自由魂一片荣获奥斯卡影帝。 生于费城(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)一著名戏剧世家Barrymore,Drew Barrymore the great niece of famed actors, Ethel Barrymore and Lionel Barrymore, as well as the goddaughter of Steven Spielberg,(1897-1975) 获奖作品: DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE化身博士 THE BEST YE

5、ARS OF OUR LIVES黄金时代马什初登舞台便显示出极强的表演天赋,能诠释各种类型的角色。 1930年以皇室家庭首次获得奥斯卡提名,其后以化身博士和1946年黄金时代两度登上金像奖影帝宝座。 此外,他也两度获得舞台剧托尼奖,直到60年代淡出影坛,1975年病逝。,第5届.Fredric March,获奖作品: THE PRIVATE LIFE OF HENRY VIII 亨利八世的私生活 35岁他在表演方面最为成功是英国片霍布森的选择和控方证人,这两部影片分获取1954年英国学院奖的最佳英国片奖和奥斯卡最佳男主角金像奖的提名。蓓蒂戴维丝曾说过:“查尔斯劳顿是有史以来罕见的体现派表演大师

6、。”他那副娃娃脸臃肿又稚气,说变就变,忽阴忽阳,能将角色复杂的内心活动揭示无遗。因此,称他“千面人”也是毫不过分的。1962年12月 15日,他因脑溢血而死于华盛顿。,6.Charles Laughton(1899-1962),27.45.Marlon Brando(1924-2004),获奖作品: 码头风云 33岁 教父 51岁 码头风云之前,白兰度曾获得过4次奥斯卡提名 教父系列成为影史经典,更让他在第45届奥斯卡上再次封帝。,第四十三届 George C Scott(1927-1999) 获奖作品:巴顿将军 49岁 他拒绝领取奥斯卡,认为奥斯卡奖本身和领奖仪式都是夸张而不真实的。 这种强

7、烈反抗权威的作风,是他一生独有特性的见证。 晚年的斯科特更喜欢拍电视,直至他去世。,第五十二届 第六十一届 Dustin Hoffman(1937-) 获奖作品: 克莱默夫妇 43岁 雨人 52岁 除了他令人难忘的表演外,达斯汀霍夫曼打破了英俊小生一统好莱坞的局面,证明性格演员同样可以取得巨大的成功。他被公认为是世界影坛不可多得的演技派演员 始终位于好莱坞一线巨星之列,共获奥斯卡提名7次,2次胜出,第六十四届 Anthony Hopkins(1937) 获奖作品:沉默的羔羊 54岁 一位影、视、剧三栖演员,在银幕上打拼了20多年未有成绩, 沉默的羔羊中吃人的恶魔一角却让他成为史上第3位获奥斯卡

8、影帝的英国演员。 之后又三次入围奥斯忙最佳男主角奖,被英国女王授予骑士称号。,第六十五届 Al Pacino(1940) 获奖作品:闻香识女人 52岁 教父中柯里昂家族少主一角让帕西诺扬名全球,并获得奥斯卡最佳男配角提名。他共获8次奥斯卡提名在整个70年代他始终位于十大票房巨星之列。 2000年,他被金球奖授予终身成就奖。,第六十六届 第六十七届 Tom Hanks(1956-) 获奖作品: 费城故事 Philadelphia37岁 阿甘正传Forrest Gump 38岁 Saving Private Ryan Chuck Noland in Cast Away,The Da Vinci C

9、ode,第六十八届 Nicolas Cage(1964-) new South Korean wife Alice Kim,I am most impressed with the respect for the ancestors, the family, and traditions. I think there is a lot we can learn in the United States from the great and magnificent way you respect one another and your family.,Nicolas met 20-year-o

10、ld Alice on Valentines Day at a sushi restaurant where she worked as a waitress. They were married six months later.,Gregory Peck,Eldred Gregory Peck was born on April 5,1916 in La Jolla, California. By the time he was six, his parents had divorced. For a number of years he lived with his maternal g

11、randmother, but at the age of ten was sent to St. Johns Military Academy(Roman Catholic) in LA. The 4 years he spent there was important in forming his sense of personal discipline.After the academt, he retuned to live with father, a local pharmacist, and to attend public high school.,paternal mater

12、nal paternal maternal English + Irish Scots+English Catherine live withAshefather + mother CatholicCatherine Ashe, was related to Thomas Ashe, who took part in the Easter Rising fewer than three weeks after Pecks birth and died while on hunger strike in 1917. 年都柏林爆发抗英的“复活节起义”。 爱尔兰独立运动的一部分,年爱尔兰自由邦成立后

13、,起义者被认为是爱尔兰独立运动的英雄。live withHis maternal grandmother died while he was enrolled there, and his father again took over his upbringing. At 14, Peck attended San Diego High School and lived with his father.,After graduating, Peck enrolled at the university of california, berkeley. Greatly influenced by

14、 his fathers desires for hin to be a doctor, Peck began as a premed student.,When he graduated, he enrolled briefly at San Diego State Teachers College, (now known as San Diego State University), joined the track team, took his first theatre and public-speaking courses, and joined the Epsilon Eta fr

15、aternity. He stayed for just one academic year, thereafter obtaining admission to his first-choice college, the University of California, Berkeley. For a short time, he took a job driving a truck for an oil company. In 1936, he declared himself a pre-medical student at Berkeley, and majored in English. Since he was 63“(1.92) and very strong, he also decided to row on the university crew.,By the time he was a senior, however, he found his real interests to be in writing and acting. Peck soon realized that he had a natural gift as both an expressive actor and a storyteller.,



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