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1、-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 1 一个对我有影响的人-影响我的一个人一直影响我的那个人一直影响我的那个人从我呱呱坠地的那一刻开始,爸 爸就是我的启蒙老师,他教会了我在自 己的人生中怎样立足,他就是对我影响 最大的那个人。在我五年级的时候,我的功课很 差,成绩总在倒数,我受到了很多老师 和同学的鄙视。在一次期中考试中,我 荣幸的考了第一名,却是倒数的第一名, 班主任叫全班同学拿试卷回家给家长签 名。放学后,我拿着这张沉重的试卷 回家,不知不觉走到了门口,我独自一-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 2 个在家门口徘徊,不敢入门。下班回来 的爸爸看见了我

2、,便拉起我进了家门。太阳慢慢地从西边悄悄地下去了。 夜幕降临了,我们也吃完了晚饭,爸爸 坐在沙发上看电视,我拿着试卷到了他 面前,他一看试卷,出乎我的意料,爸 爸居然不批评,却轻轻的把我搂在怀里, 慈祥的对我说:“我知你一定有事。 ”“您 怎么会知道呢?”我惊讶的问。 “因为在 家门口,我就看见了你心事重重的样子” 。爸爸漫不经心的说。我终于忍不住泪 水,伤心地哭了起来。爸爸语重心长的 说:“别哭了,怎能因为一次考试,而 对自己的人生放弃呢?只要你竭尽全力 了,再失败爸爸也不怪你的,加油吧! 爸爸永远支持你。 ”我点了点头。在此后的日子里,我发奋拼搏, 终于拿回了全班第五名的奖状。我知道, 这

3、张奖状有父亲的一份!还有一次,我去同学家玩,看见 她家里有一盆玫瑰,我看着漂亮,心痒 痒的便摘了一朵回家。回家后,我一五-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 3 一十地告诉爸爸,爸爸二话不说的拉上 我到街上买了一盆玫瑰,捧着那盆玫瑰 到我同学家负荆请罪。那次以后,我没有再乱动过别人 的东西!在我脆弱时,爸爸给我鼓励;在 我犯错时,爸爸使我改正。爸爸,谢谢您!您永远都是给我 影响最大的那个人!影响我的一个人this is a rough draft, any feedback is welcome and totally appreciated(: thank you Writ

4、e an essay in which you tell us about someone who has made an impact on your life and explain how and why this person is important to you.I have known him since elementary school. He lives in the neighborhood across from mine. He is tall, thin, and obsessed with his hair. He cant read his own handwr

5、iting. He likes NCIS, cars, and eating the soft part inside a bread bun. He is my ex-boyfriend, one of my best friends, -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 4 and has had more of an impact on me than he will probably ever know.We dated for about two years in middle school and went through a rather bad breaku

6、p over the summer. He had every right to be bitter, and I expected our relationship to become awkward and eventually fade away, but instead we became even closer, which still surprises me. Instead of not talking to me, he calls me to make sure I get home safely when it rains. Instead of pretending t

7、o not know me, he brings me back a present after going on vacation. He has seen me go through other breakups and hardships, and while I have watched relationships crumble around me, he has always been there to help me out of the rubble. His patience and understanding is astounding. Even when I have

8、tried not to show my distress and no one else has said anything to me, the first thing he does when were -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 5 alone is ask me if Im okay. These little things he has done for me for as long as I can remember have really demonstrated how friendship can and should be so powerfu

9、l and unconditional.I honestly dont know how we were able to become such good friends, but I like to think that he was willing to give our friendship another chance. The fact that we reconnected almost right after our breakup gave me a new perspective on relationships and how they are built on secon

10、d chances. He could have easily walked away, but instead he chose to stay and continue to invest in our friendship. This not only maintained the bond between us but also improved my relationships with others, because he really led me to understand that people do make mistakes. Just as he was willing

11、 to move past that summer, I have learned that I must move past faults and arguments; that -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 6 resentment and holding grudges does no one any good; and most of all, that relationships can flourish in even the most unexpected circumstances, and all it takes is a little trust

12、 and a second chance.Sure, we have had our disagreements, but we still remind each other of upcoming tests and share notes if one of us has been absent. We wait for each other after club meetings at school and walk to our cars together. We buy each other souvenirs when we are overseas. We have our inside jokes and games only


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