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1、阅读与写作(10) 句子间的衔接过渡 英语语言类英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,也是许多国家官方语言,英语受到了全世界人们的关注和使用,关于英语语言类的文章在学生阅读中会经常碰到。,美文赏析 The English language is a result of the invasions of the island of Britain over many hundreds of years.The invaders lived along the northern coast of Europe. The first invasions were by a people called Ang

2、les about 1,500 years ago.The Angles were a German tribe who crossed the English Channel.Later two more groups crossed to Britain.They were the Saxons and the Jutes.These groups found a people called the Celts,who had lived in Britain for many thousands of,years.The Celts and the invaders fought.Aft

3、er_a_while,most of the Celts were killed,or made slaves.Some escaped to live in the area that became Wales.Through the years,the Saxons,Angles and Jutes mixed their different languages.The result is what is called AngloSaxon or Old English.Old English is extremely difficult to understand.The next gr

4、eat invasion came from the far north beginning about 1,100 years ago.Fierce people called Vikings came from Denmark,Norway and other northern countries.Many English words used today come from these ancient Vikings.Words like“sky”,“leg”,“egg”,“lift”and“take”are from the old languages of the far north

5、ern countries.,The next invasion of Britain took place more than 900 years ago,in 1066.History experts call this invasion the Norman Conquest.The Normans were a Frenchspeaking people from Normandy in the north of France.They became the new rulers of Britain.These new rulers spoke only French for sev

6、eral hundred years.It was the most important language in the world at that time.It was the language of educated people.But the common people of Britain still spoke Old English.Old English took many words from the Norman French.Some of these include“damage”,“prison”and“marriage”,The French language u

7、sed by the Norman rulers greatly changed the way English was spoken 800 years ago.English became what language experts call Middle English. 【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了英语语言与侵略的关系。不同的侵略者对英语语言有不同的影响。,一、阅读与积累 1攻克疑难词汇invasion n入侵extremely adv.极其地 2攻克疑难句The French language used by the Norman rulers greatly changed the

8、 way English was spoken by 800 years ago. 结构分析 本句是主从复合句。used.为过去分词短语作定语;English was spoken 800 years ago为省略了in which或that的定语从句,修饰先行词the way。,尝试翻译 诺曼统治者所用的法语极大地改变了八百年前(人们)说英语的方式。 二、理解与书面表达 1理解文章主旨The passage mainly tells us the_relations_between_English_ and_invasions. 2理解与书面表达文章画线的later,after a whil

9、e都属于写作当中的_词。答案 过渡,3精通句式:句子间的衔接过渡(1)说明:衔接过渡是高考书面表达评分标准中对行文方面的要求,要求行文连贯,表达清楚。衔接过渡性词语在句与句之间、段与段之间承上启下,使文章前后连贯、结构紧凑、过渡自然,从而提升表达的层次。(2)分类:衔接过渡可使用过渡性词语和过渡性句子:A:过渡性词语:besides,in addition,moreover,whats more,whats worse等。,表转折对比的过渡词 but,however,yet,instead,on the other hand,on the contrary,despite,in spite o

10、f,whereas,nevertheless等。 表结果的过渡词 so,thus,therefore,as a result,so that等。 表换一种方式表达的过渡词 in other words,that is to say,to put it another way等。 表达普遍规律 generally speaking,in general,all in all等。,表总结的过渡词 in a word,in general,in short,to sum up,finally,in conclusion,in summary等。 表特定的顺序关系的过渡词 first,firstly,

11、second,secondly,third,thirdly,above all,first of all,then,next,finally,in the end,at last,eventually等。 B:过渡性句子,段与段之间除了借助于一些篇章层次上的连接性词语,如however,on the other hand,on the contrary,similarly,therefore,in conclusion,in short等以外,还经常需要使用一些表示过渡的句子来确保其连贯性。常见的过渡性句子类型有: 设问引出下文 为了引出下文所要表达的内容,作者有时采用设问的方式。 总体陈述不

12、同观点,有时作者在前一个段落列举各种现象或者引出某个要供大家讨论的话题,接下来就要从整体上论述人们对此持有的不同看法,然后再具体论述各种观点,如Different people have different opinions about it.等。 举实例佐证 有时为了增强某个观点或者现象的说服力,我们可以使用实例加以佐证。可以使用take.for example/instance,such as,as follows等来引出下文。 (3)请用恰当的过渡词合并句子 We must work.We must believe in ourselves. _,I was anxious to lea

13、ve.I felt that I wasnt able to tell my grandparents that we were safe. _ Jane is careful.Her sister is careless. _ He had failed many times.He was confident that he would succeed in the end. _,答案 We must work and above all we must believe in ourselves. On one hand,I was anxious to leave;on the other

14、 hand,I felt that I wasnt able to tell my grandparents that we were safe. Jane is careful;on the contrary,her sister is careless. Though he had failed many times,he was confident that he would succeed in the end. He helped me in time,as a result I passed the exam.,(4)阅读下列短文,选择适当的过渡词或短语填空 second;as a

15、 result;despite;on(the)one hand;whats worse;in a word;on the other hand As a new way of shopping,online shopping is becoming more and more popular in our daily life._,online shopping has many advantages.First,online shopping makes it easier for us to buy things.Instead of searching a crowded store,w

16、e just need to watch the computer screen and choose the things we like._,it is much faster for us to do shopping.We dont,have to spend a lot of time going to shops.Third,we can see a lot of goods shown on the computer screen at the same time._,online shopping also has many disadvantages.The pictures of goods shown on the computer screen are not always what they are._,we can be cheated easily._,we cannot see the things in detail. _,_the disadvantages of online shopping,I think it is an advanced way to do shopping.So we should develop it.,


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