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1、人称代词和物主代词:,I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they,me,you,him,her,it,us,you,them,my,your,his,her,its,our,your,their,mine,yours,his,hers,its,ours,yours,theirs,人称代词的主格的用法: 人称代词的主格在句子中作主语,一般放在动词前。(他)has a round face.,人称代词宾格的用法: 人称代词的宾格在句子中作宾语,一般放在动词或介词的后面。 Thank _ (你). Look at _ (他). Please give _ (它们)to _ (我). Ex

2、cuse _(我).,He,you,him,them,me,me,形容词性物主代词的用法:形容词性物主代词在句子中作定语,放在名词的前面。 This is _(她)mouth. Miss Wang is _ (我们)favorite teacher. 名词性物主代词的用法: 名词性物主代词在句子中可以作主语,也可作宾语,可放在动词前,也可放在动词或介词后,但不修饰名词。它相当于形容词性物主代词+名词。 This red bike is _ (我的). _(他们的)are blue. Please look at _(她的).,her,our,mine,Theirs,hers,二、用所给词义的适

3、当形式填空: 1、_ is a teacher. (她) 2、_ is a good boy. (他) 3、_ is in the classroom (它) 4、_ are very smart today. (你) 5、_ (你们) are students. 6、_ cant find _ruler (我). Where is_ (它)? 7、_am a student. (我) _like English very much. (我们) 8、_ is my brother. (他) 9、I like _ pencil case (她). _ is nice! (它) 10、_ are

4、playing ping-pong in the park.(他们),She,He,It,You,You,I,my,it,I,We,He,her,It,They,三用括号中人称代词的适当形式填空 1.Her sister is helping _(we). 2.John and I are in the same school. (we)go to school together. 3.Everyone likes _ (she), do (you)? 4.Danny gives the book to _ . (you) 5._(I) have many friends. Some of (

5、they)are good at English. 6.Jim is English. _(I) like playing with _(he) 7.I love _(they)very much. 8.Miss Li often looks after_(she) 9.They are waiting for_(they). 10.Do you like Li Ming? No, _(I) dont like _.(he),us,We,her,you,you,I,them,I,him,them,her,them,I,him,五选择。 ( )1.I am son.A. they B. thei

6、r C. them ( )2. This is not _ desk. _ is over there.A. I Mine B. myMine C. minemy ( )3.Whats _ name? _name is Lucy.A. youMy B. your My C. yoursMy,( )4. Tom and Jack are brothers. This is _ room.A. they B. them C. their D. theirs ( )5. We are in the same class. _ classroom is verynice.A. Our B. My C.

7、 Ours D. I ( )6. Mrs Green is my teacher. Im _ student.A. he B. his C. him D. hes ( )7. Thats a cat. _ name is Mimi.A. It B. Its C. Its ( )8.This bike is _. That is _.A.meyou B. myyour C.mineyours ( ) 9.This is _pen. _is over there. A.myyour B.meyou C.myYours ( ) 10.Do you like _skirt?A.mine B. my C

8、. me D. I,英语七年级人称代词、物主代词专项训练 ( )1._ cant find _ car, where is it?A. Theirs, them B. They, their C. They, theirs D. Them, theirs ( )2. Give _ a knife, please. Which one is _?A. He, him B. him, he C. him, his D. he, his ( )3.Can you help _? A. they B. their C. them D. he ( ) 4. This is _ classroom. It

9、s not very big.A. our B. ours C. us D. theirs ( )5.They are our teachers. We like _ very much.A. they B. them C. their D. theirs ( )6.Oh, thats Mr. Browns watch. Give it to _, please.A. he B. his C. her D. him,( )7._mother is a teacher. A.I B. Mine C. My D. Me ( )8. Whose shirts are these? I think t

10、hey are _.A. your B. mine C. my D. their ( )9. Whose blouse is this? Its _blouse. Its _.A. her, hers B. hers, her C. her, her D. hers, hers ( )10.They are _ shoes. Theyre _.A. mine, my B. my, my C. mine, mine D. my, mine ( )11.Thats OK. Let _ help you. A.I B. me C. my D. mine ( )12.Jim, are these _

11、pants? Yes, theyre _.A. you, me B. your, my C.your, mine D. yours, mine ( )13. Where are Li Lei and Jim? Look, _ are in _ classroom.A. they, their B. they, them C. them, they D. them, theirs,( )14._ is the plane? Its _. A. Whoes, ours B. Whose, ours C. Whose, our D. Whose, us ( )15.I think this jack

12、et is _. A. she B. her C. hers D. shes ( )16.This watch is not _. _ think its _. A. mine, I, her B. mine, I, hers C. my, She, his D. me, He, him ( )17.Is this book _? Oh, yes, its _.A. you, my B. your, me C yours, mine D. ours, I ( )18.Tom has a yellow bag. Is that _? A. him B. he C. hes D. his ( )1

13、9.Is this yellow coat _? A. you B. your C. yours D. yous,( )22.Li Ming is a good _. A. friend of me B. friend of mine C. mine friend D. my friend ( )23. Are those shoes _? No, they arent.A. your B. you C. yours D. their ( )24.Dont put the chairs here. Put _ in the room.A. they B. their C. them D. theirs ( )25.This is not my shirt. Its _. A. her B. his C. your D. you ( )26.I have a good friend at school. _ is Miss Wang.A. She B. His C. Her D. Shes ( ) 27. Thats not my bag. Its _.A. Tom B. Toms C. her D. you,



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