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1、Autumn,Autumn is easily my favorite time of the year. The days have cooled down, the leaves have turned yellow, and the world is busy preparing herself for winter. Theres something magical about the clear brisk days, the first smell of the woodstove or the fireplace, the first frost, the canning of

2、the late fruits and vegetables, the pumpkin and cider stands on the roadways.,There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen. Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness than the daffodils.,AutumnAutumn is easily my

3、favorite time of the year.The days have cooled down, the leaves have turned yellow, and the world is busy preparing herself for winter.,Theres something magical about the clear brisk days, the first smell of the woodstove or the fireplace, the first frost, the canning of the late fruits and vegetabl

4、es, the pumpkin and cider stands on the roadways.brisk - quick and full of energycan - to preserve food by putting it into a metal container from which all the air is removedfrost - very cold weather, when water freezes,There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer

5、is not heard or seen.Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness than the daffodils.luster - an attractive shiny appearance Daffodil 水仙花,1. 题目Autumn 译文1:秋天的回忆 译文2:秋天的静美 译文3:秋,2. Autumn is easily my favorite time of the year.译文1:秋季自然而然地成为我最喜欢的季节。 译文2:秋季自然而然成为一年中我最喜欢的季节。译

6、文3:秋,自是吾最爱时光。,3. The days have cooled down, the leaves have turned yellow, and the world is busy preparing herself for winter.译文1:气候开始变得凉爽,树叶变黄,整个世界正忙着为冬天做准备。译文2:天气渐渐凉爽,树叶慢慢变黄,整个世界都在忙着准备过冬。译文3:天气渐凉,叶亦泛黄,天下皆忙为冬藏。,4. Theres something magical about the clear brisk days, the first smell of the woodstove

7、 or the fireplace, the first frost, the canning of the late fruits and vegetables, the pumpkin and cider stands on the roadways.译文1:在这秋高气爽的日子里有某种神秘的魔力,壁炉里飘出的第一丝暖意,秋天来临的第一次寒意,成熟水果的罐头制造,以及堆放在路面上的南瓜,苹果酒。译文2: 这秋高气爽的日子有着某种神秘的魔力:柴火炉或壁炉里飘出的第一丝香味,深秋时节的第一场霜冻,晚熟的水果和蔬菜加工成的罐头,还有路边堆满的南瓜和苹果酒。译文3:更兼秋高气爽,几多魅事吾神往:壁炉

8、初燃,火木飘香;寒霜初降,果蔬满仓,叮叮咚咚,制罐忙;尚有南瓜,苹果佳酿,堆摆路上。,5. There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen. 译文1:秋天有一种和谐的美,天空也如此绚丽,经历了夏天,这种绚丽才被绽放了出来。译文2:秋天有一种和谐的美,天空中绽放出夏日里未曾听闻或见过的绚丽色彩。译文3:秋蕴和祥,青天绚亮,此未睹闻于夏长。,6. Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November s

9、un bring more happiness than the daffodils.译文1:落叶在十一月的阳光照射下撒在草地上,带给人们胜过水仙花的快乐。译文2:落叶在十一月阳光下撒满了草地,给人们带来的愉悦连水仙花都无法比拟。译文3:地布落叶,尽融秋末暖阳,尤胜水仙悦心房。,秋秋,自是吾最爱的时光。天气渐凉,叶亦泛黄,天下皆忙为冬藏。更兼秋高气爽,几多魅事吾神往:壁炉初燃,火木飘香;寒霜初降,果蔬满仓,叮叮咚咚,制罐忙,尚有南瓜,苹果佳酿,堆摆路上。秋蕴和祥,青天绚亮,此未睹闻于夏长。地布落叶,尽融秋末暖阳,尤胜水仙悦心房。,Thanks 谢谢 北京中医药大学 针灸推拿学院 马诗凝、于淼敬译,


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