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1、本 科 生 毕 业 论 文题目:范仲淹的民本思想年级: 2008 级专业:汉语言文学学号: 20080001249 姓名:冯海浪指导教师:方蕴华2012 年 5 月 2 日成绩诚信声明本人郑重声明:本人所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。毕业论文 (设计)中凡引用他人已经发表或未发表的成果、数据、观点等, 均已明确注明出处。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或在网上发表的论文。特此声明。论文作者签名:日期:年月日目录摘要,1一范仲淹其人,3 二范仲淹的民本文化观 ,4 2.1 尊重利用于开发民俗文化,4 2.2 倡导世俗文化文学 ,5 2

2、.3 出入和借助佛道教,倡导宗教文化,6 2.4 推进扩展教育 ,7 三范仲淹作品中的民本思想,83.1 忧以天下、乐以天下 ,8 3.2 对民生的重视 ,10 3.3 对农业的重视 ,11 四关于戍边的民本思想,12 4.1 对于军事政策的民本思想 ,13 4.2 改革弊政,努力维护军士的尊严与利益,14 4.3 不分汉羌,同给予密切关 注,15 4.4 对边关农民的支持 ,16 结语,17 注释 ,17 参考文献,18 感谢词,19 1 范仲淹的民本思想摘要:览群书,深受先哲理论的熏陶,形成了自己的以人为本的民本思想。以人为本的民本思想的核心,就是重人轻物、重民轻君。孟子曰:“民为重,社稷

3、次之,君为轻。”具有民本思想的人,充分认识到人即民的重要性。人民是社会的基础,是国家的根本,把人民的事搞好了,国家才能富强。所以做什么事,要以人民的利益为其出发点,做到扶众养民,培根固本,安邦定国,长治久安。在这种思想指导下,范仲淹入仕做官以来,每到一处任职,时时为民着想,处处为民造福。如他在监泰州西溪盐仓任上,建议和领导修筑了捍海堤, 使广大人民免受潮灾之苦;在江淮一带开仓赈灾,奏免庐、舒二州的折役茶、江东的丁口盐;在苏州知州任上,整治河道,解除水患,造就了江浙一带鱼米之乡;在朝廷任参知政事时,大力推行“庆历新政”,改革弊端,富民强国,等等。他提出的“先天下之忧而忧, 后天下之乐而乐”的千古

4、名言, 实来源于他的民本思想。 他还说:“阐邦政而攸叙,顺民心而和平。”又说:“政者为民而设,民者惟政始平。违之则事悖, 顺之则教兴。 ”( 政在顺民心赋)他要“审民之好恶, 察民之否臧。有疾苦必为之去,有灾害必为之防。”( 用天下心为心赋)这些言论及政治主张,正是他主政十余州郡和推行“庆历新政”的施政理念。他努力劝说和影响至高无上的皇帝,推行民本思想于天下。年青时就大胆上书仁宗皇帝:“若夫敦好生之志,推不忍之心,薄于刑典,厚于恻隐,在物祝网,于民泣辜,常戒百官,勿为苛酷,示天下之慈也, 唯圣人能之。” 本文不去妄自评判争论的谁是谁非,仅从中国古代思想发展史的角度,重点解析范仲淹民本思想的渊源

5、、民本思想的内涵与实质,借以评述范仲淹民本思想的时代特征与历史高度。关键字:民本思想世俗文化倡导教育忧乐观改革弊政2 Abstract:In view of books, nurtured by the sages theory, the formation of a people-oriented thought of the people. To the heart of the people-oriented thought of the people, is the emphasis on manpower light objects, heavy China Light monarc

6、h. Mencius said: “People for boat followed, the king of light“ with the thought of the people, fully aware of the importance of people, or people. The people are the foundation of society, the states essential to do a good job of the people, the country can prosper. So what you do, the interests of

7、the people as their starting point, do to help the public to raise China, bacon, our foundation, and rule the country, long-term stability. Under the guidance of this idea, since Zhongyan Going to an official, Everywhere served from time to time for the people sake, always benefit the people. Monito

8、ring Taizhou the Xixi Yancang any, advice and leadership built to defend the seawall, the majority of the people from the pain of the surge disaster; Disaster Relief in the JAC along the opening, playing Free Cottage, comfortable two-state folding served tea, Koto the small port of salt; in Suzhou,

9、known to the state as river training, the lifting of flooding created Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces land of plenty; in the court any Shenzhizhengshi, vigorously promote the “New Deal“ reform the corruption, enriching, and so on. His immortal line “before anything else and worry, after the world mus

10、ic and music“, in fact, comes from his thought of the people. He added: “Interpretation of state governance and Yau classification, along the people and peaceful.“ Said: “political people to set up China, but political start level. Violation of something perverse, smooth of the teaching Hing.“ (“Pol

11、itical the people endowed in cis “) to review the people of the likes and dislikes, whether Zang of the police people. 3 sufferings whom will go the disaster will be worth the anti.“ (“the heart of the world endowed the heart“) of these speech and political ideas , it is his administration more than

12、 ten-gun and the implementation of the “New Deal“ policy ideas. His efforts to persuade and influence of the supremacy of the emperor, the implementation of the thought of the people in the world. Bold letter to Renzong emperor when he was young: “If the ambition of Fudui exceedingly push could not

13、bear the heart, thinner than the Penal Code, thicker than the compassion, the things I wish the network, the people weep Gu, often ring Baiguan, not for the harshness of showing the world to kindness, the only saint. “in this article do not pretend to judge debate Who is right, only from the perspec

14、tive of the history of the development of ancient Chinese thought, focusing on analytical thought of the people in Zhongyan origin, meaning and substance of the thought of the people, in order to the comments Zhongyan people thought the characteristics of the times and historical height. Keywords: p

15、eople thinking of secular culture worry optimistic advocate for education reform maladministration一范仲淹其人范仲淹( 989 年-1052 年)字希文,谥号文正公。是北宋杰出的文学家,政治家,军事家。范仲淹于北宋端拱二年(公元989年)生于苏州( 1). 范仲淹两岁丧父,后因母亲谢氏改嫁于山东淄州长白山士人朱文翰,随母亲移居于山东,取名朱说(读悦)。范母教子有方,自知范仲淹非朱氏所生,故更加严格管教。仲淹严于律己,朱氏家境富有,难免出现纨绔子弟,仲淹常常劝止,但朱氏子弟却恼怒与他,反辱相讥: “吾自用朱氏钱,何预汝事” 。 (2)仲淹听后十分震惊,4 有知情人告诉他并非朱氏所处,是姑苏范氏之后。仲淹于是不愿寄人篱下,决心自立门户,到南都应天府学习去了。仲淹已知自己身世,不愿接受朱氏的接济,生活十分贫困。范仲淹于祥符八年(公元1015 年)中举进士,授光德军司理参军。时年


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