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1、选词填空1.There is a striking contrast between the two interpretations.显著的,引人注目的2.Shes got a beautiful slender figure and impeccable taste in clothes.苗条的;无缺点的3.The difference between the two is readily discernible.可识别的,可辨别的4.She didn t recognize him in his sloppy everyday clothes. 宽松的,随意的5.Sagacity,unli

2、ke cleverness,may increase with age.睿智,聪明6.It is easy to misconstrue confidence as arrogance. 傲慢,自大7.The soldier followed his heart and still went through with the vow.誓言,发誓8.In the process of studying English,it is likely to confuse homograph,homonym,and homophone.同形同音异义词9.The grass is glistening w

3、ith dew-drops. 闪光,闪耀10.You can t fix the blame on me.I can prove I was somewhere else. 归咎于,11.I had a teacher once who called his students idiots when they screwed up.(mess up) 12.He corrected our wayward hands and arms by poking at us with a pencil.(stab) 13.I was among them,toting my long-neglecte

4、d viola.(drag) 14.Now Im not calling for abuse;Id be the first to complain if a teacher called my kids names.(insult kids) 15.Grit is a better predictor of success than SAT scores.(indicator) 16.And the following eight principles-a manifesto if you will,a battle cry inspired by my old teacher and bu

5、ttressed by new research-explain why.(presentation) 17.In a 2012 study,111 French sixth-graders were given anagram problems that were too difficult for them to solve.(synonym) 18.The fear,of course is that failure will traumatize our kids,sapping them of self-esteem.(hurt) 19.The researchers had ass

6、umed that the most effective teachers would lead students to knowledge through collaborative learning and discussion.(cooperative) 20.Instead,they found disciplinarians who relied on traditional methods of explicit instruction,like lectures.(authoritarian) 1.Those students are studying such fields a

7、s genetics and molecular biology. 分子的2.His research was used in planning treatments for hyperactive children.活跃过度的3.The company was integrated with the computer giant.整合4.The Citizens Forum supported special powers for Quebec but also argued for the retention of a strong central government. 保留5.When

8、 you summarize,you condense an extended idea or argument into a sentence or more in your own words. 使浓缩6.Clerical jobs,skills,and workers are concerned with routine work that is done in office. 7.The bank is alert to the danger. 牧师8.Art experts say it is tasteless and aesthetically wrong to replace

9、the missing body parts. 9.We have compelling reasons for doing so. 审美地10.She is undeniably the most gifted student in the class. 不可否认的11.The president is attempting to dispel the notion that he has neglected the economy.(eliminate) 12.The task won t feel so overwhelming if you break it down into sma

10、ll,easy-to-accomplish steps.(tough) 13.Extrinsic motivation is motivation that comes form outside,like when youre paid to achieve something specific.(exterior) 14.In 1950,the infamous husband and wife were accused by the FBI of passing nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union.(notorious) 15.Our football

11、fan club began to recruit new members last week.(select) 16.In language learning it is attitude,not aptitude,that determines success.(talent) 17.The American language owes much to its writers for its enrichment.(abundance) 18.In recent years the Austrian economy has outperformed mist other industria

12、l economies.(outdone) 19.He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick.(repeat) 20.Ritual,celebrations,and festival form an integral part of every human society.(entire) 1.The government s plans seem good in theory but I doubt if they will work in practice.理论上2.Many diseases

13、are caused by a deficiency of Vitamins E and K in diet. 缺点,缺乏3.I really dislike him because he seems to be reveling in all the attention hes getting. 陶醉于4.There was a great influx of tourists into Brazil during the world cup,bringing a huge sum of wealth. 流入,汇集5.I usually check the door at night bef

14、ore I go to bed,just for the sake of safety.为了6.His preoccupation with business left little time for his family,so no wonder his wife complains a lot.全神贯注7.They found the deviation of the ship from her intended course,and then they timely adjusted the ship by use of the compass. 偏离8.The friendly con

15、tacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural interchange.促进,帮助9.Some of these points will have to be further elaborated as we go into more details on this issue.详尽的,精心的10.Never boggle at a difficulty because those who never tries will never succeed.吃惊11.Chinese government has taken measur

16、es to clean up any signs of “ Chinglish,” the trend of English fused with Chines.(merged) 12.Indo-European groups encompass half of the world s dialects,including Hindi,Persian,Norwegian,and English.(comprise) 13.The globalization of conquest,trade,and religion created an overlapping of languages,but it also fortified linguistic divisions in the world.(strengthened) 14.Interestingly English (considered a Germanic language),is a fusion of this segregation,a product of both Germani


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