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1、高三英语词汇归类总复习,纵观历届高考,从单项选择、完形填空、短文改错、单词拼写乃至阅读理解的考查无一不是对词汇的考查 。到了高三,仅仅英语一科就有厚厚九本书(新 版教材),两千多单词,数不清的习语搭配和同义词,加上复 杂的语法、语音的确使英语复习显得很难而又“漫无边际“。 怎样才能花较少的时间取得较大的复习效果 ?下面就历届高考 词汇考查频繁的内容,从语法、习语、辨析 和拼写等四方面将语音、词汇、语 法和拼写融为一体,谈谈英语词汇的归类总复习。,一、从用法上复习归纳词汇,过语法关,英语词汇大多具有本身词义外,还有其语法功能,我们在复习时就不要把着 眼点单纯放在单词记忆上,而 要从它们的语法功能

2、上去把握它们。如在复习动 词时我们就要根据它们变化形式多、搭配活跃等特点,从它们 的用法上进行分 类记忆。这样,既可记住词汇,又可攻克语法难关。,1.宾语不同,意义也不同,英语中有些动词可同时后接不定式和动名词作宾语,但意义不同。它们是高 考试题的考查重点。这类词主要有:,go on doing(继续干同一件事) go on to do(接着去干另一件事)stop doing sth.(停止正在干的事) stop to do sth.(停下来去干某事) regret doing(后悔干了某事) regret to do(相当于be sorry to do) forget/remember do

3、ing(忘记记得已做过的事) forget/remember to do (忘记记得要干的事) mean doing(意味着干) mean to do(想干),try doing(尝试做) try to do(设法做) (95高考) “You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. “ “Well, now I regret_ _that. “ A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done (92高考)“I usually go there by train. “

4、 “Why not _by boat for a change? “ A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try going,2.都可接宾语和宾补,形式却不同,某些动词如forbid, advise, allow, permit, admit, consider等直接接动词 作宾语时要用动名词,但接宾补时 ,宾补要用不定式。如: We forbid smoking here.(宾语) We forbid you to smoke here.(宾补) You are forbidden to smoke here.(主补) (8

5、7高考)They would not allow him _across the enemy line. A. to risk going B. risking going C. for risk to go D. risk going,3.宾语不同、语态不同,意义却相同,有些词如need, require, want, deserve等后可接不定式(要用被动形式), 可接动名词(要用主动形式表被 动意义),可与worth, worthy一并记忆。两种 形式意义相同。如: The room requires to be cleaned/cleaning. (85高考)This sentence

6、 needs_. A. an improvement B. improve C. improving D. improved,4.只接不定式作宾语的词和词组,只接不定式作宾语的词和词组有: decide, expect, refuse, wish, hope, order, promise, pretend, offer, happen, seem, make up ones mind, used, be about, be able, have等。如: he pretended _me when I passed by. A. not to see B. not seeing C. to n

7、ot see D. having not seen,5.只接动名词作宾语的词和词组 只接动名词作宾语的词和词组,mind, risk, avoid, enjoy, excape , keep, suggest, appreciate, practise, delay ,finish, feel like, look forward to, cant help ,keep (on) ,miss, be used to, excuse, be worth, imagine ,put off ,give up等。 如: (92高考)I would appreciate _back this afte

8、rnoon. A. you to call B. you call C. your calling D. you are calling (87高考)The squirrel was lucky that it just missed_.A. catching B. to be caught C. being caught D. to catch,6.半系动词 半系动词后可用名词、不定式、分词和形容词等作表语,这类词有: 表感观的系动词:look, sound ,taste, smell, feel(这些词用形容词作表语), seem, appear 表变化的系动词:become, get,

9、turn, grow, make, come, go, fall, run 表依旧的系动词:remain, keep, stay, stand, lie, 可带名词作表语的系动词:,be, become, make, sound, prove, remain, turn(该词后接的单数名词 前多不用冠词。如:He turned teacher.) (91高考) These oranges taste_. A. good B. well C .to be good D. to be well,7.含“被动“意味的动词,有些动词,如 sell, open, close, wash, teach,

10、burn, measure, cut, lock, cost, read, write, tear , wear, pull, clean, add, cook, 等,它们的主语是事物,且又是表示 主语的固有特征和状态,与行为方式状语连 用时,要用主动形式表被动意义: My pen writes smoothly.我的笔好写。 Oil burns easily.油易燃烧。,(88高考)That suit _over 60 dollars. A. had costed B. costed C. is cost D. cost (97高考) “Is this raincoat yours? “ “

11、No, mine _there behind the door. “ A. is hanging B. has hung C.hangs D.hung Can you see the picture_(挂 ) on the wall?,8.具有两种形式的易混动词,中学英语教材中有些不规则动词有两种过去式或两种过去分词形式,使用或 考测时极易弄混。如: hang, hanged, hanged(绞死) hang, hung, hung(挂起) light, lit, lit(点燃,作谓语) light, lighted, lighted(过去分词作形容词用时,意谓“燃烧着的“,作 定语) dri

12、nk, drank, drunk/drunken(喝,饮;过去分词作形容词同时,意谓“醉的“,drunk多作表语,drunken多作定语),sink, sank, sunk/sunken(下沉;过去分词sunken作形容词用时,作定语) bear, bore, born(出生) bear, bore, borne(结果;生育) lie(撒谎),lied, lied, lying lie(躺,卧,位于),lay, lain, lying (89高考)Do you know the boy _under the big tree? A.lay B.lain C.laying D.lying The

13、 woman, who was born in 1940,has borne five children.,二、从搭配上复习归纳词汇,过习语关,英语词汇的搭配十分活跃,复习时我们要把重点放在某些常用的动词、名词 或介词、副词。 我们可按下列 方式进行对比归纳。,1.常用的搭配活跃的名词,常用的搭配较活跃的名词有:time, way, moment, means等。如time的搭配短语在中学教材中出现有: in no time(立刻,马上), on time(按时), in time(及时、迟早), at a time(一次), behind the times(落伍), behind time

14、(不及时,晚点) ,at one time(曾经),for a time(一度),,at other times(其它时候,平素) at times (有时候), at all times(一直,经常) (93高考)If you keep on, you will succeed_. A. in time B at on time C. on time D.at the same time (94高考)Dont all speak at once!_,please.A.Each at on time B.One by one time C.One for each time D.One at

15、a time ,2.常用的搭配活跃的动词,常用的搭配活跃的动词有: look, take, make, give, get, have, go, do, turn, put, set, come等。复习时我们要 尽量将具有相反意义的介词、副词与同一动词的搭配罗列在一起对比记忆,如 turn一词: turn on(打开), turn off(关上), turn up(放大音量等;出现), turn down (放小音量等;拒绝) , turn in(上交),,turn against(反对), turn out (生产), turn away(避开) (81高考)Would you mind _

16、your radio a little? A. turn off B. turning off C. to turn down D. turning down (92高考)Readers can _quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word. A. get over B. get out ofC. get along D. get off,3.常用的搭配活跃的介词、副词,搭配活跃的介词、副词有:in, out, up, down, on, off, to, from, for, over, with 等。复习时,我们要从不同动 词、名词等与同一介词、副词搭配进行逐一过关, 如on的搭配有: on与动词的搭配 get on(上车船等), live on(以为生), feed on(以为生), take on (接受;雇用),turn on,



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