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1、闻女孩经典英文台词闻女孩经典英文台词.Chuck: I love it when you talk dirty.Serena: You just love when a girl talks to you.Chuck: Actually, I prefer them when theyre not talking.我喜欢你说脏话的样子。只要是女孩子跟你说话你都喜欢。其实,我更喜欢她们不说话的样子。.Dan: Youd really go out with some guy you dont know?Serena: Well you cant be worse than the guys I

2、do know.你真的要和一个你不认识的人出去吗?恩,你总不会比我认识的那些家伙坏。.Lily: Stay outta my life, RufusR,离开我的生活。.Gossip girl: I bet youre wondering what gossip girl is doing up so early. Truth is, I never went to bed. Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better.我敢肯定你们都在疑惑绯闻少女大清早的在干吗。其实我根本就没有睡觉。在醒着的生活是如此美

3、好的时候,为何要把时间浪费在做梦上呢。.Eric (to Serena): No man in the history has ever hated you.历史上没有人讨厌过你。.Serena (to Blair): Its not tradition if its new.如果是新的那它就不是传统了。.Blair: Its enuff when I say its enuff.我说够了才是够了。.Gossip girl: Choose your side or run & hide.选择你的阵营,或者干脆躲起来吧。.Chuck: Why should be chosen to be an

4、usher? Im Chuck Bass.为什么我要做接待员呢?因为我是 Chuck Bass.Gossip girl: We all know one nation cant have two queens.我们都很清楚,一个国家不能有两个女王(一山不容二虎) 。.Gossip girl: Here is an inside tip, little J. The faster you rise, the harder you fall.Little J,给你一个小忠告,爬得越快,跌得越疼。.Bs mother: Fashion knows not of comfort.时尚永远不会考虑舒适。

5、.Jenny: I guess there are firsts for everything.我想任何事情都有第一次吧。.Blair: No more excuses. Serena must have the hottest date ever. If hes got plans, hell *ge them. If hes got a girlfriend, hell dump her. If hes out town, hell charter a G and fly it happen.没有任何借口。S 必须有最好的男伴,如果他有计划,他就必须改变计划;如果他有女朋友,他就必须甩了她

6、;如果他不在 NY,他就必须找一架 G 然后飞回来。.Rufus: Im sorry that I kissed you, but I did it, because I thought he should know how it feels to lose you. Trust me, it was not fun.很抱歉我吻了你,这么做是因为我觉得他应该知道失去你的滋味,相信我,那一点也不好玩.Gossip girl: Call us old schools, but sometimes the fairy tale ending requires the knight to get of

7、f his ass and saddle up his steed.叫我们守旧派,但是有时童话的结局是需要骑士亲自来安排一切的。.Gossip girl: What is that we said about appearances? Yeah, they can be deceiving. But most of the time, what you see is what you get.他们怎么说表象来着?对了,表象可是具有欺骗性的。但是大多时候,眼见为实。.Gossip girl: As you mayve guessed, upper east siders, prohibition

8、 never stood a *ce against exhibition, its human nature to be free.正如你们所知,上东区的贵族们, “阻止”在“表现”面前是无力的,人天性就向往自由。.Blair: Do you like me?Chuck: Define “like”.你喜欢我?定义“喜欢” 。.Gossip: Spotted, Nate Archibald learning you dont know a good thing till its gone, and found someone else.目击N 终于明白直到失去一样好东西并且看到她属于另外一个

9、人了,你才会明白。.Rufus: Your money was no good for me then and still no good for me now.你的钱以前对我就没用,现在还是。.Gossip: Spotted Chuck Bass losing sth no one knew he had begin withhis heart.目击C 失去了一样没人知道的东西,他的心。.Gossip: Its often said no matter the truth, people see what they want to see. Some people might take a

10、step back and find out they were lookin at the same big picture all along.常言道,不管事实如何,人们总是只看到他们想看到的。有些人可能会退一步,然后发现他们一直都在原地。.Rufus:I miss you, and Ive been missing you for a while.我很想你,想你很久了。.Nate: If youre ready to forgive me, then nothing can tear us apart, I promise.Blair: What you said before, I l

11、ove you too, always have, always will.如果你已经准备原谅我了,那么没有任何东西可以将我们分离,我保证。对于你之前说的(之前他说了 I love you) ,我也爱你,一直是,永远会。.首先来每集都有的.Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous life of Manhattans elites.And who am I? Thats a secret Ill never tell. You know

12、you love me, XOXO, gossip girl。嘿,上东区的贵族们,绯闻少女在此,我是你们唯一得到曼哈顿精英们丑闻的渠道。至于我是谁,那是一个我永远也不会说的秘密。你知道你是爱我的,XOXO,绯闻少女。.Gossip girl: Spotted, lonely boy cant believe the love of his life has returned.If only she knew who he was.目击寂寞男孩不敢相信他一生挚爱回来了,只是如果她知道他的存在的话。.Blair: I love you, Nate Archibald, always have, a

13、lways will.我爱你,N,一直是,永远会。.Serena: I didnt come back for you.我又不是为你回来的。.Gossip girl: Theres nothing gossip girl like more than a good cat fight. And this could be a classic.在这世界上绯闻少女最喜欢的莫过于女人之间的战争,而这个将是个十分经典的战役。.Chuck: But happiness does not seem on the menu, so smoke up,and seal the deal with Blair.幸福并不在你的选项之内,你还是先搞定 B 吧。.Serena: I dont wanna take anything, its just.Blair: Because its yours to take if you want.我并不想从你那里抢走什么,只是因为只要你想要你就可以拿走。



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