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1、英语(新标准) 8年级 Animals in danger,一教材内容分析,本模块以保护动物为话题,让学生在了解世界上很多动物面临灭绝的基础上,通过活动,想出我们社会应怎样采取措施来保护动物。通过活动,培养学生的主人翁意识和忧患意识。教学中应结合学生实际情况,灵活调整教学内容(或增加,或删除,或前后调整),合理设置课时。适当进行拓展,以丰富学生知识,拓展学生视野,进行理想、责任的教育。,二学情分析,通过一年多的学习,学生已能用英语熟练地表达自己的看法 和意见。本模块的话题是动物,这是学生很熟悉也是较感兴趣 的话题。但同时对学生的知识储备要求较高。首先要求学生 通过多种途径了解动物的特点及生存的

2、现状。其次在教师预设 的任务中,要使学生有话可说,但是这个话题涉及较多的知识 ,学生掌握的难度较大。所以如果材料处理不当,会导致学生 有话想说,却无法用英语表达的尴尬场面。因此在具体安排 教学活动时,要注意适当降低难度,通过开展生动有趣的活动 达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。,三教学目标,1语言知识目标,三教学目标,2语言技能目标,三教学目标,3学习策略目标,三教学目标,(1) 通过开展生动活泼的教学活 动,激发 学生的兴趣。 (2)培养学生热爱动物和自然,保护环境的意识。同时也积极鼓励学生参与社会实践探索中去。 (3)引导学生与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务,尽情享受学习的乐趣。,4情

3、感态度目标,四重点难点,1. 教学重点 1 重点句型:It is adj +to do sth 2 重点话题:How to protect animals in danger,2. 教学难点1 动词不定式的正确运用。2 掌握It is adj +to do sth句型。3 能用恰当地道的英语表达对保护动物的看法。3. 突破途径以话题为核心,通过个人思考、小组及班级活动等不同途径,在听、说、读、 写中使单词及句型以不同的形式反复出现,在足够的输入中,达成有效的 语言输出。,五教材处理,1、任务 核心任务:能够运用所学句型结构向不同的朋友交流自己关于保护动物的看法。三个环节如下: pre-task

4、:学生通过多种途径了解有关动物的知识,激活背景知识。 Task-cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化“动物生存的现状和保护动物的途径”的表达能力,为完成核心任务做好铺垫。 post-task:达成任务,展示成果,自我评价,反馈学习情况。,2、课时安排 第一课时:Speaking、Vocabulary and listening 第二课时:Vocabulary and reading 第三课时:Speaking and Writing. Language in use 1, 2 第四课时:Language in use 3, Around the world, Module task,

5、六教学设计,Teaching Aims and Demands:1. Language KnowledgeKey vocabulary: the names of the animals 、 danger、 protect 、 mad 、awful、peaceKey structure: It is adj +to do sth2. Listening skill: To understand conversations involving the surviving of animals in listening. Improve the students listening ability

6、. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (or Tape recorder),第一课时:Vocabulary and listening (Unit 1 Activity 18),Teaching Procedures:,Step 1 Listing and listening 1. According to the sound of the animals,let ss say out what animals are.then Ss list the animals they ever knew but not mentioned above. Ask them to s

7、ay sth about the animals speciality.,设计意图:从学生所熟悉的环境入手,利用学生已有的认知水平进行头脑风暴,并引入新单词,主要为下一步动物的汇总做准备工作。,2. Consolidate the names and speciality of animals and ask ss which animals are in danger .Then complete A1 设计意图:从动物的特征引入到哪些动物日趋减少,为下面部分做铺垫。 3. Listen to the tape and finish A2,Step 2 Listen and read 1.S

8、how the panda picture again and ask questions belowa.which panda reserve is famous in China?b.What can we do when we know pandas become less and less? (Discuss in fours)2.Ask ss read the conversation while listening to the tape.and find out the sentences of “to do sth“ 设计意图:通过学生个人思考、小组交流,激发学生的保护动物意识

9、,The sentences are:A: 1.Its sad to think about all those animals in danger.2.It isnt right to kill whales or elephants for their meat.3.It s hard to stop the killing.4.Their water isnt good to drink-5.Iwas so excited to see-6.It was interesting to learn about the - Let ss find the structure of “to d

10、o sth“ above.Help ss overcome the point:be +adj +to do sth B: 1. need to do sth 2.decide (not)to do sth3. make sb do sth make up the sentenses in groups to Consolidate the structure.then show some to see if right or wrong. Listen to the tape of A6.,设计意图: 通过学生观察-发现-讨论-归纳-巩固-运用的模式,掌握知识点的规律。,Step 3 Rea

11、d and practice the language point,1.Listen to the tape again and read it seveal times,and then keep books closed,answer questions of A4 in pairs. 2.Look at the picture and talk about in pairs.Find out the main reasonswhy many animals are in danger.(the picture is on next page) 3.Complete the sentens

12、es of A5.,设计意图: 通过自我体验,获取知识,通过练习巩固所学知识点。,Step 4 Imagination and writing,1.suppose half of ss are animals.the other ss just interview them what they would tell all humans. The answers may be:,1. Tell human beings to stop being so selfish.2. We need each other and we should try to be friends.3. Dont c

13、ut down trees and destroy our home.4. The zoo is too small for me. I cant run. 5. I cant see my friends. I miss them very much.,6. The climate is also a problem for me. Its hard for me to get used to it. 7. We should get along well with each other. 8. We want freedom and want to go back to our habit

14、at. Please set us free. 2. Write down what your favourite animal/pel is.And why?,设计意图:设计任务,换位思考问题,学生通过任务分享各自的智慧火花,使口语能得到提高,通过笔头任务使本课的知识点贯彻到实处,减少学生的语法错误,。,Step 4 Homework Finish off Exercise 1.2.3 to consolidate the grammer exercise,设计意图:在较为真实地运用中,学会使用语言。即引导学生在用中学。,第二课时:Vocabulary and readingTeaching

15、 Aims and Demands: 1. Language KnowledgeKey vocabulary: research 、mainly 、 live on 、 reason 、 less and less、 situation、 symbol Key structure: to do sth 2. Reading skill: To know sth about the pandassurviving.Help the students to know that we must do what we can to protect the animals。 To improve the

16、 students reading ability. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (or Tape recorder),3. Follow the tape and read again.Pay attention to the intenation and tune Find out the sentences with“to do sth“ Ask ss talking in groups about how to deal with the “to do sth“ 4.Discuss in group to say what we students can do to help the animals. Ask one student from each group to present their ideas. 设计意图:通过慢速和快速阅读正确培养阅读方法,提高阅读能力。同时通过学生自己的阅读,主动去发现问题,提出问题,并通过不同途径解决 问题。通过阅读,培养了学生保护动物意识。使学生自我感觉有成功感。,



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