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1、Unit 4 Wildlife protectionWorkbook,pay attention to be used to look forward to devote oneself to get down to turn to lead to refer to stick to,注意 习惯于 盼望 投身于; 致力于 认真对付, 处理 求助于 导致 涉及; 提到 坚持,Phrases,Listening on P62,Li Kan,what fish to eat,So he will not hurt the environment.,Bengi,how to avoid man,His

2、 habitat is getting smaller and smaller and it is difficult to avoid man.,Zhao Jing,Why the best plants and animals are kept in gardens or zoos.,To protect them so they do not disappear.,Listening text,Problem 1 Dear Aunty Gladys, I am very concerned about the environment but I also like eating sea

3、fish very much. I know some fish species are endangered by too much fishing. I also know that fisherman have to count,the number of fish they catch. If they have too many of one species they have to throw back into the sea. Please tell me which fish I can eat without hurting any endangered species?

4、Yours, Li Kun,Problem 2 Dear Aunty Gladys, I am a Bengal tiger and I am very unhappy that so many people want to kill me. I am a quiet, kind-hearted animal and I like to live alone in my forest. The only animals I kill are those I am going to eat.,I cant understand an animal like man who attacks me

5、for no reason. I know I have a beautiful skin but I am amazed that I should be killed for it. Now I find my habitat is getting smaller and smaller and I cannot miss meeting man. I am frightened. What can I do? Yours, Bengi,Dear Aunty Gladys, I am a young visitor from China. I am very interested in a

6、ll the wonderful plants and animals you have in England. But Ive noticed that you keep the best animals in zoos and the prettiest plants in parks.,Problem 3,Why are the animals not running around freely in the wild? And why are the plants not growing in forests? Yours, Zhao Jing,Talking (62) Work in

7、 pairs and give advice to one of the three writers.,Tips Look through the three problems and decide which one to answer. Write notes of your ideas. Give reasons for your ideas. Talk about them with your partners and then share your opinions with the whole class.,Possible ideas for the three problems

8、:,Ideas to help Li Kun 1. eat grass carp 2. eat those species which are not endangered,Ideas to help Bengi 1. be careful with man 2. not be too friendly or too fierce, or he will attack you 3. keep away,Ideas to help Zhao Jing 1. look for them in gardens and zoos 2. help put them back in the wild,De

9、ar Li Kun, Thank you for your letter. I am very glad that you are worried about what fish you eat. There certainly are some fish that it is OK to eat. The best are carp, big head and mackerel. There are large numbers of these fish in the river or sea and they are not included in any quota. So none w

10、ill become an endangered species if you eat them. Yours, Aunt Gladys,Sample replies by Aunty Gladys: 1,Sample replies by Aunty Gladys: 2,Dear Bengi, Thank you for your letter. I understand why you are worried. You have a difficult problem. If you are friendly to man he will use this to attack you as

11、 you come near. If you attack him he will say you are so fierce he must kill you. I encourage you to hide as much as possible and run away when he comesYours, Aunty Gladys,Dear Zhao Jing, Thank you for your letter. I agree with you that it is sad not to see plants and animals growing in the wild. Bu

12、t some of these plants or animals would have disappeared if the gardens and zoos did not look after them. Like you, I hope in time that they will be able to return to their own environment. Yours, Aunty Gladys,Sample replies by Aunty Gladys: 3,当苏珊看到猴子们在猎物保护区互相追逐 (搞得)尘土飞扬时, 忍不住大 笑起来。 它们的样子太滑稽了。 Susan

13、 _ _ _ when she saw the monkeys running after each other _ _ _ _ the _ _ . They looked so funny.,Transltion(P63),burst into laughter,in the dust of,game reserve,2. 我爷爷如此盼望着麋鹿归来, 以至于在 南海子麋鹿苑看到它们时, 他抑制 不住 内心的激动哭了起来。 My grandpa _ _ the return of the Milu deer so much that he could hardly _ _ _ and _ _

14、_ when he saw them in the Nanhaizi Milu Park return to China.,longed for,contain his excitement,burst into tears,3. 野生动植物保护基金会定期视察大熊猫 保护区, 因此, 那里的大熊猫得到 了很好的 保护。他们确保任何大熊猫捕猎者都会 受到惩罚, 毫不留情。 The WWF _ the panda reserves _ so that the pandas there are well protected. They make sure that anyone who hunts

15、a panda will be _ with no _.,inspects,regularly,punished,mercy,4. 失去了那么多藏羚羊之后, 猎物保护区的 工作人员开始采用新的方法去抓捕偷猎者。 After the _ of so many antelopes, the _ _ began to _ new methods for catching the hunters. 5.当熊猫宝宝开始自己可以啃咬竹子时, 这些科学家知道他们的实验会成功的。 The scientists knew that their experiment would _ when the panda

16、babies began to _ and eat bamboo all by themselves.,loss,game keepers,employ,succeed,bite,6. 漏油事件危害了许多海鸟的生存, 这促使 了许多以保护鸟类为目标的 社会团体的形成。 _ with oil spills harm many sea birds, this has encouraged _ to _ _ _, whose aim is to save the birds. 7. 许多人到像深圳那样的新经济开发区去 找工作, 希望能提高他们的收入。 Many people go to a new _ _ like Shenzhen to look for a new job, _ to increase their _ there.,



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