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1、Egypt,Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of Northeastern Africa.,by 刘红刘力尹赵艺琳刘江燕邰昌丽,The location of Egypt,The location of Egypt,Egypt is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Red Sea to the east, and links to Asia by The isthmus of Suez (The Suez Canal nowdays) Mediterranean Sea:

2、地中海 Suez Canal:苏伊士运河,The Nile River,This is the Satellite image of the Nile River,The Nile River goes through the Egypt from the north to the South, making the ancient Egypt civilization become the so called River civilization just like the civilization in China and Mesopotamia(美索不达米亚).The Neil floo

3、d regular from June to November ,brings the fertile black soil to both sides, on which the Egyptians establish their prime countries. (最初的国家),The River Neil is the granary (谷仓)of he Mediterranean Sea (地中海 ) while the Egypt is the gift from it .-HerodotusThe Histories希罗多德历史(Herodotus: known as the fi

4、rst historian ,and his“The Histories”, which is the first history book of the world, and he is called as Father of History (西方史学之父) ),Egypts history is split into several different periods according to the ruling dynasty of each pharaoh .,The Historical stage of Egypt,Pyramid,All are afraid of time,

5、 but time itself is afraid of the pyramid. -Arab proverb(阿拉伯谚语),The building of pyramids began in the 3rd Dynasty with the reign(统治) of King Djoser(卓瑟王).The age of the pyramids reached its zenith(顶峰) at Giza in 25752150 B.C.As of 2008, some 135 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt. The Great Pyram

6、id of Giza(吉萨金字塔) is the largest in Egypt and one of the largest inthe world.,The Great Pyramid of Giza(吉萨) is the largest pyramid in the world. The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and is the only one to survive into modern times.Till the Eiffel Tower was build

7、 in the year1889,it had been the tallest building in the world for several thousand of time.,khufu (胡夫)(25432520BC) pyramid is 146.5 meters high, now is 136 meters high.,On June 4, 2009, President barack Obama on the pyramids,Pyramid of Khafre (哈夫拉金字塔) 143.5 meters high,The Eiffel Tower (1889), 300

8、meters high,Lets look at other famous buildings around the world,The Empire State Building(美国帝国大厦)(448 meters) Malaysia twin towers马来(西亚双子塔)(452 meters),Taipei 101 building (台北101大厦) (508 meters),Shanghai world financial center(上海环球金融中心) (492 meters),Dubais sheikh khalifa tower(迪拜的哈里发塔)(including mi

9、narets, 818 meters),Ramesses II (拉美西斯二世)( 1303 BC July or August 1213 BC),Ramses ,the third Egyptian pharaoh (reigned 1279 BC 1213 BC) of the Nineteenth dynasty ,referred to as Ramesses the Great.He is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh(法老) of the Egyptian Emp

10、ire.With several military expeditions(远征),he brings his Egyptian Empire to the unprecedented level(前所未有的高度),The battle aganist Hittites (赫梯) in1300BC,known as the biggest campaign in theLegion Gold(黄金军团).And after the war, in 1283 BC, he conclude an agreement with the new Hittite king ,the so-called

11、 Silverversion of the treaty(协议) is the earliest known peace treaty in world history, which was showed in the 2010 Shanghai EXPO.,In 1881, the French Egyptian scientists Gaston horse spezia ROM found the mummy of Ramesses II (13041237BC),Four colossal(巨大的) statues of Ramesses II flank the entrance o

12、f his temple Abu Simbel.(阿布辛贝神庙),Ramesses II had more than500 wives, but his favourite is sure to be Nefertari,拉美西斯二世与尼菲尔塔丽,Tomb wall (墓室壁画) depicting Nefertari(尼菲尔塔丽),Ramesses II once said to her:,I am the Egyptian pharaoh, I can give all you want. If it is reasonable, so you want to be a, I give y

13、ou two.Even though it is not reasonable, I can do a manic monarch, satisfy you.我,已经是埃及的法老,我可以给你想要的一切。如果是合理的,那么你要一,我给你二。即使是不合理的,我一样可以做一个不明事理的君主,满足你。 And after her death,this grief-stricken pharaoh wrote this sentence in her tombstone My love is uniqueno one can rival her,for she is the most beautiful

14、 woman.Just by passing me,she has stolen my heart 我对你的爱是独一无二的。当你轻轻走过我的身旁,就带走了我的心。,The animated film The Prince of Egypt (1998), also featured a depiction of Ramesses,Ancient Egyptian burial customs,The ancient Egyptians maintained an elaborate (精心制作的)set of burial customs that they believed were nec

15、essary to ensure immortality(不朽) after death. These customs involved preserving the body by mummification, performing burial ceremonies, and interring (埋葬)with the body goods the deceased would use in the afterlife(来世).,By the New Kingdom, the ancient Egyptians had perfected the art of mummification

16、; the best technique took 70 days and involved removing the internal organs, removing the brain through the nose, and desiccating(干燥) the body in a mixture of salts called natron(泡碱),and make these bodies become the mummy.,the mummy of Hatshepsut 哈特舍普苏特女王 (15031482BC在位) She is generally regarded by Egyptologists as one of the most successful pharaohs, reigning longer than any other woman of an indigenous Egyptian dynasty. (埃及历史上最伟大的女法老,人类历史上的第一位伟大的女性),


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