新世纪英语专业综合教程(第二版)第4册 Unit5

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1、Unit3,Watch the movie clip and have a discussion about friends and friendship.,1. What do you think makes a good friend?,Pre-reading Activities - Audiovisual supplement 1,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,A good friend is one who is loyal, considerate and honest ,A friend can give help, pl

2、easure, company ,2. What can a friend give?,Pre-reading Activities - Audiovisual supplement 2,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,pouring something from a jar into a glass This is the blood of our people, the wolf people, the alligator people, and the moon women from which we gain our streng

3、th to rule all worlds. Hands glass to Little Teensy. Little Teensy shakes head no. Its ok. Its just chocolate. Teensy drinks.Teensy Melissa Whitman: I declare you, Princess-Naked-As-A-Jaybird.whispers Hot Cha Cha!turns to Little Caro Caro Eliza Bennett: I declare you, Duchess Soaring Hawk.,Little Vi

4、vi: Little Vivi: Little Vivi: Little Teensy: Little Vivi:,Video Script1,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,turns to Little NecieNecie Rose Kelleher: I declare you, Countess Singing Cloud. And I: Viviane Joan Abbott, am hereby and forever Queen Dancing Creek. pulls a knife out of a shieldNow

5、, wait just one second . I dont think we should be cutting ourselves with that knife .Silence! nicks her hands with knife and passes it down to Little TeensyWe are the flames of fires, the whirling of the winds. We are the waters of the rains and the rivers and the oceans. We are the rocks and the s

6、tones. And now, by the power invested in,Video Script1,Little Vivi: Little Necie:Little Vivi:Little Vivi:,Video Script1,Little Vivi:All little Ya-Yas:,me, I declare we are the mighty Ya-ya priestesses. Let no men put us under. Now our blood flows through each other as its done for all eternity. Loya

7、l forever. Raise our voices in the words of Mumbo Gumbo YA-YA! YA-YA!,English Quotes about Friendship:-Tell me what company thou keepst, and Ill tell thee what thou art. Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish novelist -My friends are my estate. Emily Dickinson, American Poet -My best friend is the one who bri

8、ngs out the best in me. Henry Ford, American Industrialist -The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one. Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Essayist,Cultural information 1,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,Friendship,Cultural information 2,Audiovisual supplem

9、ent,Cultural information,-True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice.Samuel Johnston, American Statesman -Friendship makes prosperity more shining and lessens adversity by dividing and sharing it. Cicero, Roman author, orator and politician -Be courteous t

10、o all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation. George Washington, First president of the U.S,Cultural infor

11、mation 3,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,The holy passion of Friendship is of so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money. Mark Twain, American humorist, novelist, short story author,Cultural information 4,Aud

12、iovisual supplement,Cultural information,Chinese Sayings about Friendship: 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 Keep good men company and you shall be of the number. 亲兄弟,明算账。 Even reckoning makes long friends. 物以类聚,人以群分。 Birds of a feather flock together. 君子之交淡如水。 A hedge between keeps friendship green. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 A bosom

13、friend afar brings a distant land near. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎! Isnt it great when friends visit from distant places?,Cultural information 5,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,Womens FriendshipFemale friendships are often seen as having elements of intimacy and support. Women typically describe their

14、friendships in terms of closeness and emotional attachment. What characterizes friendships between women is the willingness to share important feelings, thoughts, experiences, and support. Women devote a good deal of time and intensity of involvement to friends. Friendships between women, more so th

15、an between men, are broad and less likely to be divided.,Gender Patterns in Friendship,Cultural information 6,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,Mens FriendshipsUnlike women, men are typically socialized by society to be less social and have more difficulty with friendships; they are often

16、raised to compete with other men and not cooperate with them, to hide their vulnerabilities and not share their inner experiences. However, like women, men can benefit from the social bonds of friendship. The great friendships recorded in history have been between men, and friendships among men have often been romanticized and idealized. Mens friendships have typically been described in terms of bravery and physical sacrifice in providing assistance to others. Despite this historical romanticization of the,



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