虹口高中补习班新王牌秋季班初一英语(句子结构 词类) (2)

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1、 新王牌名师精品小班新王牌名师精品小班1新王牌小班辅导教学设计教案新王牌小班辅导教学设计教案班级代号班级代号初一英语 B上课地点上课地点杨浦上课时间上课时间08:30-10:00季季 度度春季 上课次数上课次数4教师代号教师代号章 Y课题名称课题名称复习教学重点教学重点教学难点教学难点教教 学学 内内 容容牛津牛津Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar 43%第二部分第二部分 词汇和语法词汇和语法 VI. Choose the most proper answer: (选择最恰当的答案选择最恰当的答案, 用用 A、B、C 或或 D 表示表示, 填入括号内填入括号内)( )

2、31. How many students are going to _ the competition?A. join B. take part in C. come D. took part in ( ) 32. Finally, we decided _ a ferry across the Huangpu River.A. take B. taking C. to take D. took( ) 33. I have a lovely puppy. _ hair is black .A. It B. Its C. It is D. Its( ) 34. Many foreigners

3、go to Sheshan _ sightseeing.A. for B. to C. because D. in( ) 35. If you _ to Xujiahui, you _ a very huge shopping centre.A. will gosee B. gowill see C. gosee D. will gowill see( ) 36. A: _ is Century Park?B: Its 5 km east of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.A. How B. Where C. How long D. Which( ) 37. Man

4、y tourists come to Shanghai _ .A. To shopping B. shops C. shop D. to shop( ) 38. Hes never been to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. _ she .A. Neither is B. So is C. Neither has D. So has( ) 39. _ this film. Its very interesting.A. Miss B. Not miss C. Dont miss D. No miss( ) 40. You _ buy the watch. Your

5、 parents have bought one for you.A. dont need B. need to C. neednt to D. dont need to新王牌名师精品小班新王牌名师精品小班2( ) 41. _ important information they have collected!A. What B. What a C. What an D. How( ) 42. Tom didnt pass the exam. He looked _ .A. happy B. sadly C. happily D. unhappy( ) 43. I dont like thes

6、e red cups. Give me the brown _. Ill take them.A. cup B. those C. one D. ones( ) 44. The changing room is over there. Take the jeans. You may _.A. try on it B. try on them C. try it on D. try them on ( ) 45. A: Excuse me, where is Xinhua Bookshop?B: Turn left _ Park Road and walk _ Park Road. Youll

7、find it on your right.A.inalong B. intolong C. intoalong D. ontoalong VII. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. (将方将方框中单词前的代号填入空格内,使其内容通顺,完成下列短文,每词限用一次框中单词前的代号填入空格内,使其内容通顺,完成下列短文,每词限用一次)Starbucks (星巴克) coffee 46 have good drinks and comfortable s

8、eats. They are 47 places to have to a drink .The first Starbucks opened 48 1971, in Seattle, Washington. At first, it was just a common(普通的)coffee shop. In the 1980s, the managers turned Starbucks into an Italian-style(意大利风格的)coffee shop. Soon, there were Starbucks coffee shops in many American citi

9、es.In the 1990s, Starbucks went 49 . They opened the first shop in Japan in 1995. After that, shops opened in countries all over Asia. By the year 2000, there had been 50 3,000 Starbucks coffee shops around the world.Starbucks is much more than a coffee shop. The company is part of many community(团体

10、)projects. 51 example, there is a group of managers called the “Green Team” . They 52 trees and clean neighbourhoods in their city.So, next time you have a drink at Starbucks, feel good about yourself. Its nice to know that some companies care about you and your environment, not just your 53 . 46. _

11、 47. _ 48. _ 49. _ 50. _ 51. _ 52. _ 53. _VIII. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(用括号中所给单词的适当形式用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子完成下列句子)54. We _ all morning for new coats yesterday. ( shopping )55. Most children like _ films. ( excite )A. more than B. shops C. wonderful D. plant E.

12、 in F. money G. international H. For I. since新王牌名师精品小班新王牌名师精品小班356. His brother is one of the _ in the floating restaurant. ( wait )57. Do you know the way to the _ cinema , Linda ? ( near )58. What are your _ jobs ? ( cousin )IX. Rewrite the sentences aw required: (按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)59. Lets go to see a film. (改为反意疑问句)Lets go to see a film , _ _ ?61. Ben and I had a wonderful time in Thailand. ( 改为一般疑问句)_ Ben and you _ a wonderful time in Thailand ?. 63. How much does the movie ticket cost ? (保持句意基本不变)_ the _ of the movie ticket ? 65. I l



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